Chapter 11

"I told you that you would be sorry."said Steel in a happy tone as he stood over the motionless body of Kodiak lying in the snow.

Steel turned around to head back towards Aniak and Arora to see who had won or if they were still fighting. Steel walked in to see Aniak standind over Arora and walked up to her."Congratulations."said Steel after seeing that Arora was dead."Did you get Aleu?"asked Aniak panting."No,but I killed Kodiak."replied Steel."I guess that's good, but I want Aleu."said Aniak."Platinum,Seward come here."ordered Aniak and Platinum and Seward solwly walked over."Give me one good reason why I don't despose of you now."yelled Aniak.

Seward and Platinum cowereded out of Aniak reach incase she hit them."We er carry out your orders without question."replied Seward."You mightn't question me but you never manage to carry them out to the end."said Aniak a little calmer now.

Aniak walked out of the arena area and past Kodiak with Steel following while Platinum and Seward stayed behind to keep out of Aniak's way.

"I see you did kill him, good one less to worry about."said Aniak in a happier mood."Yeah that kid annoyed me one too many times after all he was the one who stoped me from catching Aleu."said Steel as he walked past Kodiak's motionless body lying in the snow.

"Were is Kodiak?"asked Jenna as she turned around to see Aleu slowly walking up towards them."He stoped Steel from getting me."replied Aleu. "You mean he is fighting Steel,alone!"said Jenna frantically."Yes, Steel would have caught me if it weren't for Kodiak."replied Aleu."Comeon he's probably in trouble."shouted Balto."Aleu you go and get some help."added Balto.

So Balto and Jenna ran towards the area were the fight had taken place while Aleu went to get some help from her pack. Balto and Jenna walked onto a small rise and looked around for their son.

"HOH,Kodi!" gasped Jenna as she saw Kodiak laying in the snow and ran over to him with Balto following.

Balto got there first but Jenna would have if she had not triped in the snow. Balto crouched down beside Kodiak and felt him.

"Is he ok."asked Jenna nervously."He's very cold."replied Balto and Jenna closed her eyes and turned her head aside quickly.

Balto felt his chest and then put his paw infront of Kodiak's mouth and felt him breathing very softly.

"He is alive but just and if we don't get him out of the wind out of this snow he won't be for long."said Balto.

Jenna and Balto moved Kodiak gently out of the wind and into the shelter of a large rock that was in the forest and waited until Kodiak woke up. A little while latter Kodiak moved his back leg and started to rouse.

"Kodi can you here me?"asked Balto."Ow my head."replied Kodiak rubbing the lump on his head with his front paw."Are you ok."asked Jenna. "Yes mom."said Kodiak and he tried to get up but everything was spinning and he fell down from dizzyness."Just rest for a while."said Balto."Are you ok Kodi." asked Aleu as she came runnig out through the forest and jumped over a small bush nearly not being able to land properly with Niju,Nava,and another wolf following her.

"Yeah I'm ok just a little dizzy."replied Kodiak."That's good then."said Aleu. "Aleu, I am sorry to say this, but Arora never made it."said Kodiak with feeling for Aleu.

Aleu put her head down and looked like she would start to cry any moment but lifted up her head and said

"We have to hurry back to my pack." "Why."asked Balto."The ice bridge has formed again and me must cross as soon as possible."said Nava."Ok we better hurry then."said Kodiak as he stood up but was a little shaky."Are you sure you can walk that far?"asked Jenna."Yes I should be able to."said Kodiak.

And with that Aleu led the way back to her pack. THey arrived there about a hour before night fall and Kodiak rested while Aleu and Nava got the pack ready to cross the ice bridge.

"Ok is everyone ready?"Aleu asked Nava to make sure she had not left anyone out."Yes we are all ready."replied Nava."Alright everyone follow me."said Aleu as she led the way to the ice bridge.

Everyone followed Aleu to the icebridge and Balto,Jenna and Kodiak were behind the pack and when they got there Aleu stoped and noticed that the waves were more violent than they had ever been in a long time.

"Ok cross one bye one and hurry I don't know how long it will last with these waves Nava,Niju you lead."said Aleu and Nava and Niju led the pack across the icebridge briskly walking in single file."Well, I guess this is good bye, forever." said Aleu trying to keep strong and not cry, but it was to much for her and tears started to rolled down her face and strike the frozen ground. "Good bye Aleu." said Kodiak in an upset tone as he rubbed his face against hers. "I hope you will always remember us."said Jenna tears streaming down her face as she walked over to Aleu and rubbed her face against Aleu's also."Of course I will."said Aleu as another tear hit the ground."Good bye, daughter lead the pack with wisdom, and may you live a healthy and happy life."said Balto.

Aleu walked onto the icebridge just as it snaped off of the mainland were Balto,Kodiak and Jenna were standing.

"I will always remember all of you as the best family a wolf could have."said Aleu as she slowly floated of on the piece of ice and jumped onto another piece and ran towards the pack until she had cought up with them, and then howled as long as she could. Balto answered her with another howl and Kodiak and Jenna joined in until Aleu was out of sight.

The End.

This has been a Sonic. Kodiak and Balto fan production.

All rights, not owned by me :-)