chapter 1

It was 7:00 in the morning and Balto was walking into town and looked right just in time to see a red blur jump him and then saw that it was Kodiak and tried to pin Kodiak underneath him but Kodiak rolled out from underneath him so Balto jumped on him again and this time pined him underneath himself.

"Hi dad."said Kodiak playfully from underneath his dad."What are you doing son shouldn't you be leading the team." asked Balto."Well I've been let of for a few days to rest and have been replaced by Willow he is a pretty nice dog the same age as me and nearly the same colour the only difference is he got a small black patch on his chest, he should be sensible on the trail."replied Kodiak."Ok what are you going to do while you don't have to deliver the mail." asked Balto."Well I haven't actually thought about it that much." replied Kodiak.

Just then Jenna walked into town and saw Kodiak and Balto talking.

"What are you doing Kodi shouldn't you be leading the sled team."asked Jenna then Balto and Kodi looked at each other and then Kodiak said."I've been let of for a few days to rest and have been replaced by Willow."

"Ok now what was that look for boys."asked Jenna in a demanding voice."Well Kodi just got through explaining to me."said Balto."Oh ok I though that I looked silly or something like that."replied Jenna relieved."Nah you look fine." replied Balto."Well since you aren't going anywhere I might as well go back home said Balto."Ok I will go with you then."said Jenna. "I think I will go for a walk."said Kodiak.

So Balto and Jenna walked back to the boat while Kodiak was still thinking of something to do while he had no job when Muc and Luc came running towards him.

"Balto,Balto."shouted Muc with Luc following. "What is it"asked Kodiak. "Uncle Boris is in trouble he didn't see the hunter and now he is stuck if he tries to go he will get shot."said Muc in a panic."Ok where is he."asked Kodiak."Near Falcon's Peak."answered Muc."Ok tell dad he is at his boat." said Kodiak as he ran of towards Falcon's Peak.


"Boris where are you." called Kodiak quietly."Over here."replied Boris from a small patch of tall grass."Don't worry I will get you out just follow me." said Kodiak.

He walked in the shadows of the trees making him look gray unaware that the hunter was taking aim at him. Just then the hunter's gun fired and Kodiak turned to see his dad had lunged at the hunter and had stopped the bullet from hitting him.

"Kodiak,Boris get out of here." yelled Balto as he fought the hunter

So Boris followed Kodiak out of there and Balto grabed the gun out of the hunter's hand and threw it onto the ground away from the hunter and then quickly left.

"That was a close one I thought my goose was cooked." said Boris."Me too thanks for saving us dad."said Kodiak."That's ok what are dads for anyway." replied Balto

Kodiak looked at his dad and saw that a smile had crept over his face then gave a slight chuckle and gently hit his dad as they walked back to the boat were Jenna was waiting.

"I see you arrived back safely."said Jenna."Ok,yes, safely no."said Boris as he waddled past Jenna and onto the boat with Kodiak following. "What happened."asked Jenna giving Balto a stare as he tried to walk past so that he wouldn't have to bring the subject up. Balto flashed Jenna an innocent smile."A hunter took aim at Kodiak as he walked through the shadows but I got there just in time." said Balto.

A little while latter Dusty walked up the plank behind Kodiak and signaled to Balto not to mention her presence so he didn't. Dusty silently crept up behind Kodiak until she was right behind him then she pounced on Kodiak, but Kodiak rolled her over briskly but gently, and stood above her then after seeing it was Dusty he let her get up.

"Hello, did you get let of for a while too."asked Dusty as she stood back up."Yes though I am not so sure of what I will do while I don't have a job."replied Kodiak."Me either but do you have any ideas for now."asked Dusty."Well we could always go for a walk along the beach."suggested Kodiak as he scratched a circle on the boat's deck."Ok that sounds fine to me."said Dusty and the two of them walked of along the beach."They look perfect for each other."said Jenna."Yeah I guess they do."replied Balto then Jenna walked over to him and rubbed her face up against his.

Balto and Jenna talked for a while and then Kodiak and Dusty came back from there walk along the beach,and just before Kodiak and Dusty walked onto the deck Balto said."Well I better be going now." "Where." asked Jenna.

There is the first chapter please tell me what you think.