I'm Yours.

Chapter 1.

Miley Stewart piled the last of her boxes into her new bedroom and looked around, smiling. She had just moved into an apartment with her three best friends, Mitchie Torres, and Nick and Joe Gray. Each had their own room in the apartment. Miley, Mitchie and Nick had all just graduated college, and all four either had internships or jobs.

Miley turned as she heard someone stumble into the bedroom, and saw Mitchie collapse onto her bed, with about three boxes lying on the floor. Mitchie sat up, panting. "Never. Try. And. Carry. Three. Boxes. In."

Miley laughed and sat on her bed beside Mitchie, looking around the room. It was empty, with plain white walls. She knew exactly how she wanted it done when they got around to decorating.

"Safe drive over?" Miley asked. Mitchie nodded as she opened a box and took out a few books. "Pretty safe. Yours?" she replied. Miley nodded and opened the a box, looking through it to see what was inside.

There was a knock on the door, and the girls turned to see brothers Nick and Joe standing in the doorway, bickering over who would go through the door first. The girls laughed, and Miley ran over to hug Nick. "How's my best friend?!" Nick exclaimed, spinning Miley around, abandoning his argument with Joe.

"She's good. And how are you, Mr. Gray?" Miley asked, smiling as Nick put her down. Nick grinned. "I'm good. How was your summer in Tennessee?" he asked. Miley shrugged and smiled, moving on to Joe as Mitchie came and hugged Nick.

"JOEY!" Miley exclaimed. Joe smiled and hugged Miley. "How's my little sis?" Joe asked. Miley smiled. They were close and acted like brother and sister. "I'm good. You?" she asked. Joe nodded and let Miley go.

The four of them walked out of Miley's bedroom and out into the living room. Nick jumped onto the couch and pulled Miley down beside him. Miley grinned and pulled Mitchie down too, who pulled Joe down on top of them all. Miley and Mitchie screamed, and they all burst out laughing.

When the laughing died down, Miley looked between her friends and smiled. Everybody was happy to be living together. It was going to be amazing. Her smile grew wider when she noticed Mitchie and Joe staring at each other. They'll realise they love each other soon, she thought, and looked to Nick.

Nick was staring at the ground with a wide smile on his face. Miley laughed. "Why the grinning?" she asked.

Nick looked up at her, and his smile grew wider, if that was possible. "I'm just really happy. I'm living with my brother and my best friends. Life's good," he said, and Miley could tell from the look in his eyes that he was sincerely happy to be living with them all.

Miley grinned back and said, "We're all really happy to be living with you, too."

Mitchie stuck her head across Miley and grinned. "What's with this little love fest?!" she exclaimed. Miley saw the mischievous twinkle in her eye and laughed.

"No love fest here, Mitch," she said. Mitchie looked disappointed, but went back to Joe and started talking to him.

Nick looked at Miley with a serious expression. "Miles, you know that you'll always be my best friend, right? No matter what happens in our lives? You'll always be the one person I know I can tell anything to," he said.

Miley smiled. "Where's this coming from?" she asked curiously.

"Just... living in the same apartment together, with Mitchie and Joe, things might change a little bit. But you'll always be my best friend, through all the girlfriends and boyfriends we'll have. You'll always come first in my book," he said softly.

Miley smiled at Nick. "Same goes for you," she said softly, and looked at him closely, seeing him grinning at her.

Their line of vision was blocked by Mitchie, laughing loudly, falling on top of Miley and Nick. Miley looked away from Nick and down at Mitchie, laughing. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Mitchie laughed again. "Joe tickling me," she panted, glancing at Joe, who was laughing in his seat at Mitchie's position on top of Miley and Nick.

Miley smiled and shoved Mitchie off them, making her land on the floor with a loud THUD. Mitchie burst out laughing again and climbed back up into her seat. Miley looked at her and then glanced at the kitchen. "Who wants some dinner?" she asked.

The three others all shouted "ME!" at the same time. Miley laughed lightly and got up, walking into the kitchen. The other three hopped up and sat at the breakfast bar.

"So, what do you want?" Miley asked, fishing around in the fridge and cupboards.

"What do we have?" Nick asked.

"I brought pasta and some sauce with me, and Miles brought some rice and vegetables," Mitchie said, looking around the kitchen.

"Ew! Miley! You brought VEGETABLES?!" Joe exclaimed.

Everybody laughed as Miley got Mitchie's pasta and sauce from the cupboard and started preparing it. "Yes, Joe, I did. We have to stay healthy, you know," she said sternly.

"Yes, MOM," Nick teased. Miley glared at him for a moment before going back to cooking.

"So when are we going to get furniture and paint and stuff?" Joe asked.

"How about tomorrow? I mean, it's Saturday. I don't have work or anything. Do you guys?" Nick asked, looking around between the other three. They all shook their heads.

"Sounds good. Everybody up by nine so we can get going," Mitchie said. The boys groaned, and Mitchie slapped each of them on the arm. "You will get up early, and you will like it," she threatened.

"Yes, ma'am!" the boys said in unison, obviously frightened by Mitchie's tone. Mitchie smiled in satisfaction and leaned back in her stool.

"Mitchie is right, boys. We need to get there early if we don't want to stand around in queues," Miley said.

"Fine. We'll take my car and Nick's car, seeing as their the biggest. And we'll all leave for IKEA at 9am. Deal?" Joe asked, glancing around at his friends. They all nodded as Miley looked around.

"I just realised. We have no bowls," Miley said, looking around again.

They all burst into laughter. "We'll just eat out of the pot then," Mitchie said. Miley grabbed four forks from the counter-top and handed one to each of them, and they all started eating, chatting as they did.

Nick looked around. "I love it here. Something about this place makes me feel really happy," he said.

Miley grinned. "Maybe it's because you're living with your best friends," she suggested. She then looked down and went back to eating.

Nick watched Miley for a few moments and nodded. "Yeah... Maybe it is," he said softly. After a few moments of staring at Miley, he too went back to eating.


The next morning, Miley groaned as she woke up to the sound of the alarm on her phone. She felt around for the phone and when she found it, she turned it off and pulled the pillow over her head. She heard her bedroom door open, and turned to see Mitchie coming in.

"Mitch, let me sleep," she groaned, snuggling into the covers.

"Nuh-uh, Miss. Miley. You are going to wake up and you are going to go to IKEA with us, got it? And if you don't come in, I'll take your phone away," Mitchie threatened.

Miley sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What are you? My mom?" she groaned.

Mitchie grinned. "While you're living with me and the boys, then yes, I am your mom." Mitchie grabbed the pillow and whacked Miley with it. "Now get your ass out of bed and get dressed. We leave in an hour." With those words, Mitchie skipped happily from the room.

Miley slipped out of bed and opened a box, marked 'towels'. She grabbed a large towel out of the box, as well as the shampoo and shower gel wrapped in another towel. She grabbed some underwear and clean clothes from another box and walked into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower and stepped inside, tossing her clothes onto the floor. She let the warm water fall down her back. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the warm water running over her body.

Soon enough, she was finished. She hopped out and dried herself before quickly getting dressed and rushing out of the bathroom. Joe was asleep on the floor outside the bathroom. She nudged his side with her foot, and his eyes snapped open.

"WHAT?!" he screamed, sitting up quickly. Miley giggled.

"Bathroom's free," she called while skipping back to her room. She closed the door and searched for her blowdryer and curlers. She quickly blowdried her hair and curled her hair so it trailed down her back in loose curls.

She looked in the mirror and quickly applied some make-up before slipping on a pair of flats and grabbing her handbag. She glanced in the mirror one more time and walked out of the room.

Nick was in the kitchen, searching around for something to eat. Mitchie was lying on the couch with her feet up, reading through a magazine. Just as Miley sat down at the breakfast bar, Joe walked out of the bathroom.

Mitchie put down her magazine and sat properly. "So what are we looking for? We've got our couch and our beds," she stated.

"We need wardrobes and drawers and night stands," Miley said, searching in her bag for something.

"We need a proper dining table. I'm not eating at the breakfast bar or on the couch for the rest of the time I'm living here," Nick commented, then continued looking for food.

"We need some plates and stuff for the kitchen," Joe said.

"We need shelves and cabinets for the living room, and stuff for the beds and cushions for the couch," Mitchie said.

"And we just need ornaments and stuff. And a mirror for the bathroom. Other than that, I think we're good," Miley said.

"Since we're taking two cars, two people go in each car. On the way home, one car can stop off and get some food. Everybody write what they want bought on a piece of paper and give it to the people going to the shop when we get to IKEA," Nick said. They all quickly grabbed an pieces of paper they had and wrote down what they wanted from the store.

They all stood up. "We ready?" Joe asked.

They all walked out the front door and locked it behind them. They rushed down the hallway to the elevator. When they got into the building foyer, they stopped. "OK, Nick, your car is down in the parking lot, right?" Joe asked. Nick nodded and took his keys out of his pocket. "Mine's across the street. We'll meet at the front door of IKEA. Come on, Mitch," Joe said.

Mitchie and Joe walked across the foyer and out the front door of the building. Nick turned to Miley and smiled. "And then there were two," he said.

Miley smiled and walked down the stairs to the parking lot. Nick rushed after her, and eventually got in front of her. He rushed over to his car and opened the passenger seat door for her. She smile gratefully and got in. He rushed round to the driver's seat and got in.

He put the key in the ignition and reversed out of the space he was in. He glanced over at Miley and saw her staring out the window. "You alright, Miley?" he asked.

Miley turned to look at him and nodded with a smile on her face. "I'm just thinking about how amazing this is going to be at the apartment. I'm so happy right now," she replied.

Nick grinned and glanced at her again before looking back at the road. "We all are, Mi." He paused, then spoke again. "It's good to be living with my best friends and my brother. It helps me remember that no matter what, someone will always have my back."

Miley nodded. "I know what you mean. I feel the same way," she said softly.

After a while, Nick pulled up outside IKEA. He took the key out of the ignition and hopped out. "Coming?" he called to Miley.

Miley hopped out of the car and walked over to Nick. Nick locked it and led her towards the front door, where they saw Joe and Mitchie standing, obviously flirting. Miley grinned and skipped over.

"Sorry to interrupt your little flirt fest, but we have some shopping to do," she said.

Mitchie glared at her and flicked her in the head. Miley just laughed as Nick reached them and smiled. "We all ready?" Joe asked. Everybody nodded, and they walked in.

"Oh, Mi, I forgot to mention. We nominated you and Nick to do the groceries," Mitchie said, and smirked in her best friend's face. "Gee, thanks!" Miley said sarcastically, and took Joe and Mitchie's shopping lists off them and put them in her bag.

A/N: I'm baaaack! Miss me? Nah, probably not. So my parents said I could go back to Youtube at around the end of July, and I wasn't going to come back to FanFiction, but then I changed my mind last week, and I've been working on this since then. I know it's pretty crappy, but it's the first chapter. I'm going to try and make this a pretty long story. Also, don't expect them to come out as fast as they used to, because I'm still working on You And Me on Youtube, and I just started a new story there called Falling Slowly. So check out my Youtube page and let me know what you thin. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! My Twitter is GirlInLovexx. The link is in my profile. On there I'm going to start posting sneak peeks of the stories, like I do with my Youtube stories. So follow me on there. Thank you for all the support you gave me when I left. I don't think anybody HATED me for leaving. Did they? Hope not. Anyways, REVIEW?! The more the reviews I get, then the quicker the chapter will come on. I might feel ... inspired ;)

Love, Charlotte xx