
Summary: It's time for Danny and Lucy to meet Lindsay's family.

A/N: So Laura and I were discussing how Mr. Monroe would react to Lindsay being a Messer now. And well that evolved in my head to this whole fic where they go to Montana as a family. Hope you like it.

Dedication: Ms. Laurzz.

Disclaimer: I do not own them. bummer.

"Are you ready?"




"Are you ready?"


The rented car sat in front of the Monroe Ranch in Bozeman, Montana. It was the middle of August and Danny Messer was finally meeting his in-laws. It had taken weeks of planning for them both to get the same week of vacation time since the lab had been extremely busy since the shoot-out last spring.

"It's going to be okay." Lindsay chuckled and climbed out of the car.

"That's what you think. You're their daughter, they automatically love you. I'm the man who knocked up their daughter and married her with not so much as a phone call. It's pretty much inevitable that they'll hate me." Danny moved to get Lucy out of her car seat.

"Really? It's not the least bit plausible that you're a drama king?" Lindsay raised an eyebrow.

"Shut-up, Montana." Danny rolled his eyes and scooped his little girl out of her carrier.

The front door of the white wash farm house opened and out stepped a elderly lady. If Danny had to guess, she was around sixty, but didn't look it. Lindsay was the spitting image of her mother. Mrs. Monroe stood on the old wooden porch with the same light brown hair, dark brown eyes and a easy smile. He suddenly felt better about being in Montana with his Montana.

"Lindsay!" Mrs. Monroe called out and set out across the lawn.

"Mom." Lindsay dropped her bags and shot off across the yard to her mother's awaiting embrace. Danny smiled as he watched the mother and daughter embrace and looked at his daughter, he couldn't wait to see Lucy and Lindsay's relationship progress.

"Is that my granddaughter?" Mrs. Monroe looked at the little girl in Danny's arms.

"It is." Lindsay smiled and took Lucy from Danny, "Lucy Montana Messer."

"Hi, Little Girl." Mrs. Monroe smiled at the baby, "I'm your Grandma."

Lindsay smiled, "She knows. We show her your picture all the time."

"You must be Danny Messer." Mrs. Monroe turned from her daughter and granddaughter.

"That's me." Danny stood awkwardly, "I'm sorry we're just now meetin'."

"C'mere, Child. For goodness sake, I'm not going to bite." Mrs. Monroe pulled him in for a hug. Danny hugged her back and looked at Lindsay, bewildered. Lindsay just smiled back and bounced Lucy on her hip.

"Lindsay Anne?" A man stepped out onto the porch. He stood in work boots, jeans and a plaid shirt.

"Hi, Daddy." Lindsay smiled and readjusted her daughter so she could give her father a one armed hug.

"Aaron, this is our son-in-law, Danny." Grace Monroe introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, Sir." Danny extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Danny. Don't call me sir." Aaron Monroe shook Danny's hand.

"Lindsay!" Danny turned to glare at his wife.

"Payback, Cowboy." Lindsay grinned.

"What?" Aaron asked, looking confused.

"It's a long story." Danny scratched the back of his neck.

"No it isn't." Lindsay laughed, "That husband of mine is just embarassed."

Danny glared at her.

"Danny tricked me into calling our boss 'Sir' on my first day at work. This was just payback." Lindsay laughed.

"So, is this my granddaughter?" Aaron Monroe turned his attention back to his daughter and the bundle in her arms.

"No, Daddy, it's a baby doll." Lindsay rolled her eyes.

"Where did you get that mouth?" Mr. Monroe raised an eyebrow.

"You." Lindsay shotback.

"That much is true." He conceded with a laugh.

"Yes, this is your granddaughter." Lindsay smiled, "Daddy meet Lucy Montana Messer."

"Well, hello Lucy." He took the baby girl from her mother, "It's nice to meet you. You got your mama's smile."

Lindsay looked at Danny and grinned.

"Well, there's no use standin' in the yard. Aaron, give your daughter her daughter back and help your son-in-law with the bags." Mrs. Monroe instructed.

"I don't wanna." Mr. Monroe chuckled and traced his finger over Lucy's tiny hand.

"She has that affect on people." Danny smiled.

"Especially her daddy." Lindsay teased and leaned against Danny.

"I have a weak spot for my daughter, sue me, I have a weak spot for her mother too." Danny wrapped his arm around his wife.

Grace Monroe shook her head at their antics. If she was honest with herself, she'd have to say that she had never seen her daughter so happy. So much of Lindsay's life had been wrapped up in bad moments and lots of pain, when she had moved to New York Grace had thought she was just trying to out run her past. Now, standing before her was her daughter. Lindsay was so alive. It was like she had been born to be a mother and a wife. With that knowledge, her heart opened right up to the man who had made it happen.

The men began to carry things into the house, while Grace, Lindsay and Lucy all moved to the living room to catch up on things. They sat for awhile, just catching up on all that had happened since Lindsay had visited them shortly before Lucy was born.

Danny sat down the last bag in Lindsay's old room, when he felt her. Her arms snaked around his waist and her chin rested against his back.

"Hello, Mr. Messer."

"Hello, Mrs. Messer." Danny turned and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, "Where's the baby?"

"With Daddy, he's showin' her the horses." Lindsay smiled.

"That's what New York needs, another cowgirl." Danny chuckled.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that." Lindsay smiled.

"No there isn't." Danny agreed.

"I love you." Lindsay kissed his chin.

"I love you too."

A/N: alright, I'm not anticipating this being very long. Just a few short chapter on their time in Montana and Lindsay's parents getting to know Danny and just Messer family time.