Terra. She knew life wasn't all fun and games. She knew life had hard times and difficult choices. She had admiration for those who went through hard times. That's the one thing Raven still respected about her.

The Titans were playing volleyball, one of the common past times for them. I would always sit and meditate while they play. Volleyball wasn't really my thing.

The round was over and Terra jogged away from the court. "Terra your not playing anymore." Beast boy said with a hint of sadness.

She skidded and flipped around. "I'm just gonna sit out this one I'll be in the next game I swear." she said reassuringly. Beast boy smiled and continued to play.

Terra smiled at me. "Hey Raven. Whatcha' doing?" I was facing the volleyball court. I looked up at the blond girl.

She pushed her hair out of her eye and waited for my answer. "Meditating." I simply said. "Oh cool. Can I sit?" I shrugged "Sure."

She sat on my right side. She hugged her knees and followed my gaze. I couldn't help it he was playing and I unintentionally watched. He did look good when he spiked the ball.

Terra smirked. "Soooo that's who the empath loves." I quickly turned my head to Terra. "What?!" I softly yelled so no one would here. "It's okay your secret is safe with me I swear." she said sincerely.

"I don't love him!" I tried to deny but the blush wouldn't stop rushing to my face. "Whatever." She said smiling. "It's okay to deny it but I can tell so if you wanna talk I'm here."

I became less tense. "Besides he already has someone." I used my monotone voice to not sound so sad. "Oh yeah I guess he does." She said using enough sad tone for the both of us.

"Oh well," she said light heartedly. "They aren't dating yet are they?" I didn't answer so she answered for me. "No! Go for it!"

"I can't Starfire is my friend." I stated strongly. "Real friends will always be real friends" Terra said watching Beast boy.

"So go for it." Terra said softer. "You guys would be cute together. Your both always brooding anyway." I sighed. "You would never betray your friends would you?" She asked me seriously.

"No they're all I have. Why?"

Terra cringed. "Just wondering I guess. That great that you trust your friends with everything you are and have." She hopped up.

One word popped in my mind. Trigon. "Thanks for being so open and talking to me. I won't tell anyone." She started to walk off. "Oh Raven your secrets safe with me but If you ever need help I'm here and I never wanna betray you guys either."

o o o O O O 0 0 0 O O O o o o

Raven jolted out of her daze. That was one of the last conversations she had with Terra. Raven watched Robin who was sitting on the couch, alone.

No one around. No one was in fact in the Tower. She thought about what Terra said and paused.

She could go over there and tell Robin how she felt and maybe he felt the same way. Maybe Starfire would truly be happy for her.

"Maybe Terra was right." Raven thought. Raven got up and sat down. "Then again Terra always was a liar."


really short one shot about Terra and Raven's conversation. Review and you can give criticism so I can edit and correct stuff and make better fics in the future.