Davis The Daddy

Chapter #1:

"Mommy can you're lady take my puppy for a walk?" The little girl asked.

"Sure sweetie." Mimi replied to her 4 year old daughter. They were playing with the new dollhouse Uncle Collins had gotten for the girl. Mimi made the lady grab onto the dog's leash and walked across the "front lawn" (a green bath mat).

"Can I have ice cream for breakfast?" The girl asked.

"No! We'll have some cereal babe." The girl put on the pout her Aunt Maureen had taught her, and made her brown eyes, that were identical to her Mom's, plead. "No honey, I'm sorry, now turn that frown upside down." Mimi said using her fingers to change her daughter's pout to a smile. The girl giggled and Mimi tucked a strand of her daughter's wavy blonde hair behind her ear when Mimi's beeper went off.

"Time for your medicine Mommy!" The girl exclaimed. Mimi nodded sadly. "I'll get your water!" The little girl scrambled to the kitchen. They did this everyday, Mimi's beeper would go off and her daughter would get her water for her. Mimi took the water and swallowed her AZT. There was a knock at the apartment door.

"Thanks honey, tell you what, I'll get the door, you pick up the dolls and then you can have some rice krispies with bananas okay?"

"YAY! That's my favorite!" The girl exclaimed. Mimi laughed and walked out of the bedroom and across the wood floor of the living room to the door. She unlocked it and swung it open. Right before Mimi Marquez's eyes stood Roger Davis. The man she had loved 4 years ago. The man who had loved her 4 years ago. The man who wrote her songs, and bought her flowers. The man who was the father of her daughter. The man who had promised her many things, and turned his back on her and left. The man who turned to drugs and abandoned her. A man that she knew in what felt like a whole different lifetime. Could it really be him after 4 years? It was definitely him, his piercing hazel eyes, and creamy skin. He held an backpack on his back, and his strong arms held a guitar case. His nose was identical to the one on the little girl's face and the color of his now short, spiked up hair was too. Mimi was speechless and shocked. She was surprised she'd recognized him, but more surprised that he was here, at her front door. Mimi didn't know whether to kiss him or slam the door in his face. She loved him and hated him at that moment. He had cowered away from his life and left her to deal with the life that they had created alone. Mimi loved her daughter more than anything in the world and had done an amazing job raising her, with the help of the boho family of course. She was gorgeous, and funny, and playful, and polite. Everyday she did or said something that reminded Mimi of Roger and she would remember him for just a moment but soon would return to reality. But at this moment with the love of her life standing before her memories of the time in her life that was devoted to this man filled Mimi's mind….


"Meems I'm home!" Roger called into her apartment. Well it was his too since he had just moved in last week from upstairs.

"Good." She said, bounding out of the bedroom and into his arms. He kissed her lightly, and slipped a small rectangular box into her hands. "More chocolate Rog? This needs to end I'm getting too fat!"

"Aw no, never you're gorgeous." He said wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her more passionately. "How was your day?" Roger asked.

"Awesome. But I missed you, we need to eat soon though cause I have to work."

"I love you." She said.

"I love you. So are we just gonna chill tonight?"

"Yeah, chilling sounds good, I made quesadillas." Roger smiled and put his guitar down. "How was practice?" Mimi asked as she handed Roger his plate and they sat down at the table.

"Good, but man our manager Keith, he has this intern Zach. He looks like he's like eleven and he can't do anything. He spilled Keith's coffee, 3 times! And then I asked him to get me a new pick and he spent like 10 minutes picking one out! And he told Johnny to "keep on rocking" when we were leaving!" Mimi laughed.

"Aw he probably looks up to you guys. Maybe he wants to be a rock star too."

"Ha, rockstar." Roger said rolling his eyes.

"Aw you are." He raised his eyebrows and smiled at her. For the rest of the night Mimi and Roger hung out on the couch, under a blanket watching movies and eating chocolate. Mimi leaned her head into his chest and he kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you." He whispered.

"You already told me that once today."

"Only once? That's not good enough, I love you." She leaned up and kissed him.

"I love you too."

Flashback (Another):

Mimi sat on the bench in the park. It was Easter and the gang was going to be at the loft in half an hour to gorge on candy but Roger wanted to walk home with her from work at the bar, so he told her to meet him at the park, 15 minutes ago. "Hey." He said, jogging up to her. "Sorry I'm late." He said quickly hugging her and grabbing her hand.

"It's okay, we better get going we don't wanna be late." She said tugging on his hand.

"Wait." Roger said, pulling her back to face him. "Have I ever told you that I love you?" He asked her.

"Yes you tell me everyday, now let's go!" she pulled again but he resisted.

"Have I told you that I wanna be with you forever?"

"No, and that' s very sweet but…"

"Or that you're my best friend, and the best thing that's ever happened to me, the best thing that ever will happen to me? That I've never been happier before in my life?"


"Mimi." Roger began lowering his knee to the ground. "Mimi, will you marry me?" He asked. Mimi felt her heart stop and her knees weaken.

"Yeah. Yes. Totally! Oh my god yes!" She cried jumping up and down as he slipped a small ring on her finger and pulled her into his arms. "I love you." She whispered before kissing him.

Another Flashback:

Two weeks later Mimi sat on top of the bathroom counter, holding the little white stick in her hand. "Positive, I'm pregnant." She said to herself, smiling. "I'm gonna be a Mom!" She cried out happily right as Roger opened the apartment door and walked in.

"What Meems?" he asked, putting his guitar down. "We're having dinner with your Mom?" He asked looking upset. Mimi laughed as she waltzed out of the bathroom.

"No Rog, that's a good idea though." Roger groaned. "Aw, no. I said I'm gonna be a Mom. I'm pregnant." Roger was shocked.

"Whoa! That's, wow that's great!" He finally said smiling broadly.

"You're gonna be a Dad!"

"Yeah, wow." Roger said, hugging Mimi.

"I'm so excited! We get to buy clothes, and we'll have to clear out the spare room and get a crib, and oh my god I'm so happy!" Mimi jumped into his arms.

"Yeah this is great, we're gonna be parents." Roger said smiling. Mimi kissed him lightly as they headed over to the couch to sit. "So uh you'll have to go to a doctor."

"Of course. But we're gonna have to hurry this wedding up."

"Oh yeah, well I mean you're beautiful no matter what Mimi but you probably don't wanna…"

"Be pregnant on my wedding day, you're right. So we'll get married after the baby, it's okay with you?"

"Of course it is Meems."

Yet Another Flashback:

Mimi leaned over the toilet, forcefully emptying her breakfast into the toilet. Roger was kneeling beside her. "Man this really sucks, doesn't it?" He asked as he held back her hair and rubbed her back.

"But it will be worth…" Mimi was interrupted by another jolt in her stomach as she leaned back over the toilet. "It. It will be worth it." She said when she came back up. "Thanks Rog." She said flushing the toilet and standing up.

"Mhmm." He said after kissing her on the cheek.

"Ugh my back's killing me." She groaned holding her lower back.

"Why don't you brush your teeth, and I'll plug in your heating pad?" He asked.

"Thank you. I love you. You're an amazing fiancé." She told him. He smiled and headed out to set her heating pad up on the couch. Mimi brushed her teeth and laid down on the heat, Roger sat at the other end of the sofa and rubbed her feet as she fell fast asleep.

Mimi remembered the 1st doctor's appointment, putting the photo from the sonogram on the fridge, and she remembered when she started to get big and Roger shopped for maternity clothes with her. She remembered how when Roger got home from the bar he would kiss her lips and then lean down and kiss her stomach and how he carried her, despite her weight from the couch to the bed whenever she fell asleep on it. He never got mad at her about her hormone caused fits, and always cooked meals and let her take bubble baths. He was amazing throughout it all. She remembered the day that they found out it was a girl, and when she first started kicking, how Roger had felt her stomach in awe and was totally speechless for the rest of the day. He painted the spare room pale pink and put together a crib with Mark, and moved around the furniture when Mimi decided she didn't like the way it looked. She couldn't have asked for a better guy to have with her through everything. Until she remembered the last flashback and the last time she had seen Roger Davis………

Roger had been acting strange for the past week or so. He came home from work later and went fast asleep after kissing her goodnight. He snuck around and was very quiet. One morning Mimi woke up to find him not next to her, she stood up and looked around for her slippers, she put on the left one and saw the right one a few inches under the bed. When she grabbed it she noticed something under the bed on the other side. She put on her slipper and walked around and bent down and grabbed it. Mimi didn't believe her eyes. It was a tiny baggie of white powder, and it sure as hell wasn't hers. She ran out into the living room to see Roger, surrounded by a suitcase, a backpack, his guitar case and a duffle leaning over the kitchen counter frantically writing on a piece of paper. "Rog?" Mimi asked. He jumped at the sound of her voice. He was scared, and upset. He looked so frightened, and speechless. "What is this? And what are you doing?" She asked, holding the bag of heroin up.

"That's mine. And oh god. Mimi I'm sorry. I love you, but I can't do this. I , I, I'm leaving." He said as tears brimmed in his eyes, he grabbed the drugs out of her hand.

"What?" She asked.

"I, I'm back on the drugs. I, I got fired. I can't handle this. I can't deal with a baby. I love you but I'm sorry, I've gotta go." He whispered, he walked up and tried to kiss her on the cheek but she moved away as she began to cry.

"You're really leaving me?" He nodded as a tear fell from his face. "I don't believe you!" She cried lifting her arm and slapping him. "I hate you."

"Please Mimi, I love you I've always loved you I just can't do this!" He wailed as Mark walked into her apartment.

"What's going on?" He asked. Roger lifted his head.

"I'm um I'm going."


"He's leaving us Mark." Mimi said crying.

"Mimi I'm sorry."

"Then stay!" She growled crossing her arms.

"You're leaving!?" Mark asked angrily. Roger nodded.

"I'm sorry. Thank you guys for everything. I mean it I love you guys. I'm sorry." He said again. Mark just glared at him with his mouth open. Roger turned, pulling his suitcase and putting his backpack on his back and carrying his duffel and guitar out the door and shutting it. Mark didn't know what to do. He walked over to a sobbing Mimi and wrapped his arms around her.

"Roger!" She wailed. She wanted to pass out, she felt dizzy, but she stayed strong for the daughter growing inside of her. The daughter she would have in 2 months. "I need you Rog. I need him Mark!" She wailed. He hugged her tightly,

"You'll be okay Meems. You can do this. I know you can. We're all here for you."

"Except Roger. I can't do it without him Mark." He used his finger to wipe one of her tears away.

"Yes you can, I know you can. You're my friend Mimi, you're like my sister. You're not doing this alone." He told her.

"Get rid of his stuff. Any of his crap he left behind, get rid of it." She whispered.

"Okay, hey why don't you head up to the loft and call Collins or Maureen and Joanne, okay?" She nodded and walked out of the apartment, peering out the window from the landing at the cab she watched Roger get into and drive away.


"Mimi." Roger said after a few silent moments in the doorway.
