Ok, new story. This is based loosely on Demi Lovato's song Catch Me.


Hi, I'm Bella Swan. Just your average, everyday girl. I have brown hair and eyes to match with extremely pale. I am currently in my new room in my new house; the house of my father. See, I moved to Forks because my mother got re-married and wanted to travel with her husband, and even though she wanted to be with me, I came to my Dad's for the rest of my schooling, which was only a year and a half. I know it made her happy to be with Phil, her husband, so it made me happy too, even if Forks wasn't my favorite place.

Back in my other school, I was the outsider. I was shy, clumsy, and average. I wasn't popular and I kept to myself, reading my book in the corner, or not talking to most people. I hadn't had friends, or boyfriends, just Kim, the girl that had showed me around the first day. She talked to me sometimes, and she'd tried to get me a boyfriend, but since I was a pale nobody surrounded by tanned and blonde Barbie dolls, nobody really liked me.

I know most people don't like being alone, because they think they need guys or friends to complete them, but I think that's sick. I mean, if I have a book, an iPod or paper & pen, I'm fine. I didn't mind being alone. I just hoped it stayed that way here in Forks, where novelties were few and far in between.

Anyway, enough about the past, let's get back to the present. I stared at the light blue walls with the white stars and the posters with my favorite singers, the black bedspread, the light-green carpet. This room was just how I loved it: Nice, light touches with everything I loved. Like me, my favorite singers were all teens and nice and great, the one difference was that they weren't afraid to speak their minds, when I was.

I thought about tomorrow: Doomsday. The first day of school in Forks High. It would be just like in Phoenix; I would arrive, everybody would gossip, after a week they'd get sick of me and I'd be the Bella that everyone ignores. I went to bed and woke up the next morning feeling slightly optimistic. I mean, I liked being ignored, because nobody cared about me, but what if this time it was different? What if I made friends?

I took a shower and put on my black eyeliner, my skinny jeans, my Converse, my purple long-sleeve shirt and an ivory hoodie over it, then let my hair fall loose and wavy and put on some silver earrings and went downstairs to breakfast. Charlie made eggs and bacon, ate, wished me good luck and went to the Police Station. I finished eating and drove to the school in my truck, got the schedule, and walked toward English class, where the teacher gave me a book and a reading list.

The teacher didn't introduce me, but started a lecture that bored me. Every other class was like that. The teacher would give me my book, I'd sit down, he'd start a lecture and then class would end. I was rather grateful for Lunch, something that never happened.

I got my food and sat at an empty table, well, almost empty. I sat on one extreme and five people sat on the other. As I sat down, they all looked at me, and quickly looked away, but I still saw their faces.

They were the most beautiful faces I'd ever seen. There were two girls and three boys. The girls were opposites, one with long blonde hair, tall and curvy, the other with short, spiky black hair, short and thin to the extreme. They were both pale, and blondie had brown eyes, while the Pixie had pool blue eyes.

One of the boys was huge, like, really muscular, and had curly dark hair and dark eyes, with paleness to match the girls'. Another had honey blonde hair and was muscular, but not as much as the other, and he had brown eyes identical to the blonde girl's. The last boy was gorgeous. He had bronze colored hair that was quite the perfect amount of messy, and emerald green eyes.

I went back to eating , and reading my book. They looked like the kind of people who were popular and rich, and I'd learned from experience that people like me and people like them don't get along.

After lunch, I had Biology, so I went to the classroom and instead of chairs and desks, there were tables for two. I went to the teacher, Mr. Banner, and he gave me the book and assigned me an empty table in about the middle on the right side of the classroom, next to the window. I sat and took my book and opened it, skimming through it while the rest of the class walked in from lunch.

As I expected, some people came in whispering and pointed in my direction, but as usual, like a true outsider, I ignored it. I wasn't looking, so I was surprised when the chair next to mine moved and someone put their book down on the table. I looked up.

It was the bronze-haired boy from the table at lunch. He sat and looked at me, then extended his hand.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen," he said in a voice that sent butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm Bella. Bella Swan. Well, actually, my name's Isabella, but I like Bella, so call me that." Oh Gosh, I was babbling. Not good.

"Ok, you're new here, right?" He asked.


The teacher called attention and began his lecture, like every other teacher in the school. Honestly, don't we get homework, or projects, or something? I already know half of what the teachers are teaching here.

After the class, I walked to Gym and in the locker room, the Pixie from Lunch looked up at me and said: "Hi, I'm Alice. Are you Bella?"

As I was putting on my shorts, I said: "Um, yes. Nice to meet you Alice."

"Would you like to have a sleepover? I'm having one with Rose, my sister, on Friday. You wanna come? We can go right after school," she said abruptly.

"R-really?" Miss Nobody was getting asked to go to a sleepover? Pinch me, I must be dreaming.

Ok, ow! Why'd you do that? I know I'm awake! It's a figure of speech!

"Yeah! I'm sure you'll have fun! Please?" She even did the puppy dog face!

"Yeah, I'll ask my Dad if it's ok," I said, giving in.

"Thank you! You'll meet my family!"

We walked into Gym discussing what I would take for the sleepover, and when the coach told us to do a mile, I groaned, but did it anyway.

Finally, it was time to go home and pack for Alice's sleepover, and as I was heading towards my truck, Alice walked toward me and stopped me.

"Bella, do you mind if my brother, Edward, and I go to your house to do homework? Our house is being fumigated and there isn't enough space for us where we're staying with our mom and dad," she asked.

"You mean Edward Cullen?" She nodded. "Sure. You wanna ride with me or follow me in a car?"

"We'll ride with you." And with that, she waved her hand behind her shoulder and Edward Cullen came running toward us.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," he said.

I walked towards my truck, opened the locks, told them to come inside and when they started fighting over who would go in the passenger seat, I said: "Alice, how tall are you?"

"4'10". Why?"


"I'm 6'2"."

"Well, that settles it. Alice, you're smaller, so climb in the back seat. Edward, you go up front." They followed orders and soon, I was getting near my house.

I parked and locked the car when we were outside, then unlocked the door and showed them to the kitchen.

"This is where I'll be living for the next two years. That's the kitchen… Charlie's other baby, the flat-screen TV… Upstairs' my room, the bathroom and Charlie's room. Got it?" I said. "Follow me, we're going to my room."

I went to my room, glad I'd cleaned yesterday, and opened the door. My bed was made, the CDs and books I'd brought were all in shelves, my closet was closed and there were shoes outside it, with the exception of my black Converse.

"Cute!" Alice chirped. "What music do you have?" She went to the shelf over the desk where my laptop and checked my CDs.

"You like Taylor Swift? And Demi Lovato? OMG! Me too!" She squealed.

"Is she always like this?" I whispered to Edward, who had been standing closer to me than I'd thought.

"Yeah, we think she ought to take a pill or something, but she says she doesn't need it. I don't believe that," he whispered back. He grinned. "Can I see what you're reading?"

"Yeah, but didn't you have homework?" I asked, suddenly recalling why they were here.

"Well, Alice does, but she'll do it when she gets home."

"Oh, ok. Alice? Alice! You guys want something to eat, or drink…?"

"No thanks, maybe later. Can we watch some TV?" She said.

"Uh, I guess. But are you going to help me pack for the sleepover?" I asked, not caring if Edward was there.

"Yeah, later!" And with that, she took off down the stairs and I heard the TV turn on.

"I think I have a pill that will probably knock her out for a good three hours, do you want it?" I asked Edward, who was still reading my book titles.

"I need to check it, because she's allergic to certain things…" I walked out and brought him the pills I used to get eight solid hours of dreamless sleep.

"This knocks me out for eight hours, but Alice is something else, so I think for her it'll be three."

"Why don't you go look for her? I'll stay here and read the ingredients…" He started reading the fine print.

I walked downstairs, toward the sound of the TV. Alice was sitting cross-legged on the couch, looking at the TV, but it was some show I didn't like, so I turned my attention to Alice.

"Edward likes you," she said.

"Excuse me?" What did she say?

"Edward is starting to like you. Before I went to you, you were all he was talking about. And he said you're beautiful. That means he's starting to like you," she said.