I don't own any of the Ice Age characters but I do own Sara, Emmy and Andrea (Ammy)

Chapter 7

"Why did you need me up anyway?." asked Diego yawning. "No reason, just wanted to wake you to see if you wanted to go get breakfast." Sara said licking her paw. "Well I'm up now and I am a little hungry sooo let's go. Diego said ready to walk out of the cave. "Alright let's go." she said following him. "So I heard someone was sleeping on top of you?" asked Diego while he was looking around. "Yeah, I woke up and two possums were on me." repied Sara slightly embaressed. "Who exactly?" Crash and Eddie?" asked Diego. "Nope Emmy and Ammy." replied the tigress. "Why were they sleeping on you?" asked Diego curiously. "I have no idea I just woke up and they were on me." Sara explained. "Thats werid." replied Diego. "Maybe they were cold?" asked Diego. "Maybe... I'm gonna ask them later. replied Sara. "Ooh look breakfest." Sara said as she saw an antalope. "Nice, let's get it." Diego said eyeing it as well.

After they caught and ate there breakfast...

"That was good." Diego said licking his lips. "Yup, and your welcome for the breakfest I caught." replied Sara. "You caught?" asked Diego. "Yes I caught." replied Sara. "Well I helped!" Diego shot back. "Ok fine then WE caught, happy?" Sara said rolling her eyes. "Yes I am." Diego said replied as he tried pouncing on her but failed and ended up on the ground. "Pinned ya." Sara said standing over him with a smile. "You got lucky." Diego said getting up. He tried pouncing on her again but again ended up on the ground. "Pinned ya again." Sara said laughing. "And it wasn't luck, it was skill." she said letting him get up. "Right skill." Diego said sticking his tounge out at her. She just stuck her tounge right back. "Mature of you." Diego said with smirk. "Thank you." said Sara. "It's time to go back to the herd so let's go Mr. Mature." she said with a smirk. "Ok let's go." replied Diego. They finally made it back to the herd. Everyone was gone but Buck. "Aye finally your back." Buck said eating an apple he found. "I stayed behind to tell ya the rest went to the lake for a while and now I'm off." With that the weasel ran off to who knows where. The two sabers just looked at each other. "Um ok that was werid." Sara said looking at Diego. "I know well we got the day to ourselves I guess?" questioned Diego. "Yeah I guess we do, well at least you can go back to sleeping since I woke you so early." Sara said walking to a spot and laying down. "I'm gonna take a short cat nap." "Have fun kitten." Diego said with a chuckle. "I might do the same." "Ok." She replied and fell asleep.


Sara was sitting down in the cave and saw Diego walk in. She started to stare at him. Little hearts started to appear over her head. "What the?" she questioned looking at them. Diego walked over to her and looked at the hearts. "Whats with the hearts?" asked Diego. "I don't know." replied Sara blushing. But Diego didn't notice, he caught one of the hearts and started to eat it. "Its not bad." Diego said. Sara just looked at him then at the hearts and tried it herself. "Hey it isn't that bad." she said then woke up.

"Huh?" Sara questioned as she looked around. "That was a werid dream." she told herself. "What was?" asked Diego who was a couple a feet away from her. "My dream." she responded. "What was it about?" he asked. "Well..." she started and explained the whole dream to him leaving out the part when she was staring at him. "Hmm werid." he said with a small laugh. "Yeah it was, I never had one like that." "Anyway want to join the others?" Sara asked. "Sure." Diego replied. They set off towards the herd. When they got to the herd they saw Peaches staring at a fruit tree with a peach hanging low. "Want the fruit Peaches?" Sara asked looking at her. Peaches looked at her then the peach. "Yup she wants it." Sara said looking at the tree. She then stood on her hind legs and put her front paws on the tree and tried to reach it but couldn't. "Hmm." she thought. "Diego come and help me." Sara asked. "What?" he asked. "Stand on my back and get that fruit for Peaches, I can't reach it by myself." she replied. "Um why can't you stand on my back and get?" "Beacuse I don't like heights. "But I'm too heavy." "Aww come on please?" "Ok ok." He then put his paws on her back and then hoisted himself on to her and reached up to the tree and got a hold of the fruit and got down off Sara gently and gave it to Peaches. "Good job Diego." commented Sara. "Now Peaches is happy." "Tank yew unkul Deeago and untee Shara."

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