Follow Up
Draco's Daughter

Disclaimer: Nothing but the children are mine.

A/N: There are some things that must be done, but doing them in the presence of Mama!Saix can be nearly deadly.


Vexen rubbed his tired eyes as he slinked into the kitchen to find something to take back to the labs to eat. He had barely slept that night, wondering about what was going on in the Superior's quarters. But Xemnas had promised to inform him of what happened and Xemnas was a man of his word.

It was nearly seven o'clock in the morning. Most of the Organization didn't rise until eight or nine, depending upon when their first mission of the day was. Vexen was used to going into the kitchen and being the only one there. Sometimes Xaldin was up early, getting breakfast after an early morning training session, but the Organization enjoyed their sleep.

The scent of someone frying bacon came from the kitchen as Vexen approached, blinking away tiredness. One of the last people Vexen expected to be awake was up and preparing breakfast was doing just that. Xemnas stood in his dark bathrobe, pajama pants, and slippers as he worked on bacon and eggs, humming softly to himself. Vexen yawned as he approached the coffee pot, prepping it to make a pot for the day.

"I didn't expect you to be up, Superior," Vexen stated softly as he worked, measuring out and putting the pre-ground coffee into the filter. Xemnas chuckled lightly.

"If Saïx were to miss a meal at this point, I think he'd still have my head," Xemnas stated, continuing.

"How is he, by the way?" Vexen asked casually, pouring himself a mug when the coffee was finally ready, taking a sip of the hot liquid.

"Remarkably well rested for having twin boys around eight-thirty last night," Xemnas replied, smirking lightly as he heard Vexen spit out the mouthful of coffee he was drinking. He finished up the food he was preparing, settling a few plates on a tray. "Missions are posted in the Grey Area. I've given you the day off, though, and I expect you to come and check on Saïx and the twins sometime around 10 o'clock. I think he will be more settled by that point, but one can never be sure."

With that, Xemnas left the shocked Vexen in the kitchen, smirk firmly in place.


At 10 on the dot, Vexen stood outside Xemnas's quarters, his bag of various medical supplies clutched tightly in one hand. Slowly, he took a deep, calming breath.

'You can do this, Number IV. The Superior requested this examination, Number VII will listen. Everything will be fine,' He told himself, raising his free hand to lightly knock on the door, trying not to panic. After a few moments of silence, the door opened a little, revealing amber eyes about three and a half feet from the floor, blinking up at him.

"Hi uncle Vexen," Celene said softly, opening the door wide for Vexen and heading into the main room. Vexen followed her slowly, shutting the door behind him. Looking around the room, he noticed Saïx was still asleep, a blanket covering his form that also, undoubtedly, hid the newborns from sight. Xemnas sat at his writing desk, looking over mission schedules and recent reports.

"Daddy, Vexen's here," Celene said, gently going over and tugging on his sleeve. Xemnas chuckled lightly, gently petting her silver hair, setting the papers in his hands to the side. The small lamp was the only light on in the room.

"Prompt as ever, Number IV," Xemnas stated, getting up from the desk. Celene moved away from the pair, going over to her corner of the room to play quietly. Vexen shifted lightly, feeling once more like he was intruding. Xemnas silently crossed over to the large familial bed, sitting down on the edge closest to Saïx. The berserker shifted ever so slightly, but did not awake. Vexen silently followed, sitting his bag down next to the bed, opening it and pulling out some of his required tools. Saïx barely moved as Xemnas ran his fingers through his hair, watching to see if he would awaken. Very slowly, Xemnas pulled the blanket off of Saïx, laying it on the other side of the two tiny beings next to him, making sure they wouldn't wriggle away from their mother. A soft smile appeared on Xemnas's face, watching the twins as they cuddled up to one another as well as Saïx, sharing warmth.

Vexen couldn't help but feel like an intruder. Saïx was obviously protective of the newborns; they were kept close and had been covered from unwelcome eyes. The twins gently whimpered at the loss of warmth.

"Work quickly," was Xemnas's only, whispered instruction, gently running a hand along Saïx's side, reassuring the warrior in an attempt to keep him asleep so Vexen could work. Should Saïx awaken, Vexen could face the wrath of the fierce berserker for daring to touch his newborns. Gently, Vexen picked up the larger of the twins, who whimpered lightly at being moved by someone with an unfamiliar scent. It wasn't a worried whimper that would awaken Saïx, not yet, but if Vexen took too long, that little worry whimper would develop into a frightened whine. He had heard it enough when Celene was little to know how the children would react to being handled and moved away from Saïx.

Vexen quickly began his inspection of the child, checking for any signs of genetic illness or infection. For his part, the baby only whimpered lightly, not liking the poking and prodding of this unknown person. Vexen finished the exam quickly, picking up and settling the baby back next to Saïx. Being in the presence of his mother, the child instantly quieted and settled down. Vexen breathed a small sigh of relief. The child appeared healthy and whole. Besides, he was the larger of the two, which was a good indication of his health. It was the smaller twin Vexen was worried about.

Gently, Vexen picked up the smaller child, pulling the predicted whine from him. The only difference was that this one had a louder whine, but just slightly. Vexen bit his lower lip, hoping that Saïx would remain asleep. Xemnas watched his berserker love to be able to warn Vexen if Saïx was awakening.

With care and precision, Vexen began to examine the small child; wanting to make completely sure he was healthy and would survive in the World that Never Was. But the more Vexen tried to examine the little being, the more he squirmed and fought. Vexen couldn't help but grow slightly frustrated, wanting to finish this without waking Saïx up. He placed all of his attention on the little child, letting Xemnas worry about Saïx. But it was clear the tiny child didn't want to let Vexen do as he pleased, unlike his larger, mellow brother.

"Vexen… give him here," came the tired, gravelly voice of Saïx. Vexen looked up into the yellow eyes of Saïx. With a nervous chuckle, Vexen gave Saïx back his child. After a few reassuring nuzzles and small noises, the baby quieted down, resting peacefully in Saïx's arms; Saïx leaned back against Xemnas, still sore and tired from the birth. The child's yellow eyes blinked up at his mother, pulling a light chuckle from Saïx as he cuddled him.

"Smart little thing," Saïx stated with a chuckle, looking up at Vexen. "What's your verdict, Number IV?"

"You have… beautiful children. They appear fine. But I am lightly worried about your smallest," Vexen stated, trying to find the words that wouldn't set Saïx off into a rage. Saïx nodded, lightly caressing his child's cheek. The baby cooed lightly, grabbing Saïx's finger and attempting to bite him, despite the fact he had no teeth yet.

"He is a warrior, like his parents, he will endure despite your worries," Saïx said, smiling down at the child's attempts to bite him. Vexen nodded lightly, looking up at Xemnas. The look on the Superior's face told him all he needed to know. Quietly, Vexen gathered up his tools and left the room. Once he exited the room, he leaned against the doorway, breathing heavily.

He was comforted by the fact that he had no heart – therefore he couldn't be having a heart attack.



A/N: I love Vexen, I really do. But I admit I do have to mess with him every once in a while. 8D