
Last chapter was fun to write! This one was just as fun!




Light flooded the room.

"Mmrrr...Stupid timed lights..." grumbled Katt, burying her face in her pillow. She peeked at the clock at her bedside.

It read; 4:10 AM.

Grumbling something about Peppy's insane schedule, the feline climbed out of bed, drowsily rubbing her face.

Taking into account that her morning face was not exactly gorgeous, the feline carefully peered down the hall (Particularly for Falco) before crossing to the conveniently placed bathroom on the opposite side.

She came out looking like she just stepped out of the salon, pink fur sleek and smooth, her long (Yes, long) ivory hair groomed and shiny in contrast to her previous monster bed head.

Next on her schedule was usually-and logically- breakfast, but there was something of vital importance she must do first, or why would she put it before her beloved toast?

"Falco?" Katt questioned, poking her head through the door of the hospital wing.

Falco was sleeping, of course; his chest rose and fell with each slow breath.

A mischievous smile stretched across the feline's face.

Falco was not getting any more beauty sleep than she did.

Katt quietly approached the avian's bedside, crouching a bit as she bunched up her leg muscles, ready to pounce.

She stayed like that for a moment, drinking in the sight; this was probably as harmless as Falco could look, which wasn't saying much, considering his broad muscles. (Hey, I'm a girl. This is what we do.) She was almost sorry she was about to wake him up.




Falco was yanked from his slumber as the air was knocked out of his lungs as if a boulder had been dropped on his chest. Gasping to keep them from collapsing, he glared resentfully at the pink cat who had apparently decided to give him the most annoying wake-up call ever. Her satisfied smile did nothing for his mood.


"Why? And don't say 'You felt like it'!"

"I felt like it."

"Grr..." It was only the first day, and Katt was already grinding on the avian's nerves.

"Just...Just get off me." He grumbled, pushing on Katt's shoulders to make his message clearer.

"But I like laying on you." She whined playfully, poking Falco's chest.

"Ow! We already talked about this, remember?"

"About what?" Questioned Katt.

Poke poke poke!

"Why are you torturing me?" Whimpered the avian.

"Any reason you have to ride on my back?" Asked Falco, wincing in pain from the weight the persistent feline placed upon his wounds on his way to the kitchen.

"Hey! You could use the exercise!" Replied Katt, slapping her tail on his thigh. "And could ya go a bit faster? Gettin' bored here."

Falco smirked, seeing a perfect opportunity for revenge.

"Ok Katt... I'll go faster..."

Swallowing the soreness in his muscles, he picked up speed, sprinting down the hallway as fast as he could.

"Woah woah woah! Slow down! Wait!" Exclaimed Katt, and the avian felt her sharp claws extend and dig into his chest for a better grip.

He bowled Slippy over on his way down the hall.

"Watch where you're goin', Slip!" He called over his shoulder.

"I'd say the same thing to you!" Shot back Slippy's angry voice.

He soon skidded to a stop in front of the kitchen.

"Thank you." Katt hissed, sliding off the avian's back.

Falco snickered as she pushed past him in obvious anger.

He had to admit, she was cute when she was angry.


Kinda...Short, but fun! R&R, and stop the zombie menace! DON'T BE DISSAPOINTED! PLEASE! This is the only short chapter from now on, ok?

~Respect The Falcon!

Love The Falcon!

Worship The Falcon!