Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter series.


Narcissa glared at Lucius and bit her tongue as she resisted making a scene in the middle of the Slytherin common room. But though she was no glutton for scandal like Bellatrix, Narcissa enjoyed a bit of attention. So she gave her anger room to breathe for the moment.

"But you promised," she said, delivering each word pointedly.

A nearby second-year coughed in an attempt to appear disinterested.

When Narcissa's eyes did not falter in their silent attack of Lucius, he took Narcissa's hand and brought her closer. Narcissa knew that Lucius's sudden tenderness was merely an attempt to avoid further attention from that Narcissa's outburst had already caused. Nevertheless, Narcissa allowed Lucius's fingers to curl between her own because she knew that the newly required closeness could work to her advantage. Lucius possessed the uncanny ability to detect in Narcissa what Bellatrix would label a tantrum before any such hysterics occurred. Though this talent annoyed Narcissa in her sisters' possession, she tolerated it in Lucius's because he used his detection to grant Narcissa whatever she desired so such a tantrum need not occur.

"I did," Lucius answered.

His mouth hovered just above Narcissa's nose, and she could feel his breath on her eyelashes. It was terribly distracting. Narcissa stared at Lucius's hand in hers to avoid looking at his lips.

She leaned in a little closer to whisper below his ear.

"Then keep your promise." Narcissa spoke gently, but there was steeliness in her words that she hoped was threatening enough to dissuade Lucius from displeasing her.

By now the couple had attracted the attention of the common room not for any loudness, but for their uncomfortable closeness.

Narcissa sensed this as must have Lucius, for he broke away from her discretely. With a huff of rising impatience, Narcissa followed Lucius out of the common room.

The corridor was freezing, but heat flared in Narcissa's cheeks as she took advantage of their solitude to turn on Lucius.

"I don't care if you do have something to do tonight," she said. "You promised to take me to the Astronomy Tower."

"Yes, but this was a previous engagement. I'm sorry. I had forgotten about it when you-"

Lucius backpedaled so silkily that it sickened Narcissa into interrupting him.

"Then break off your previous engagement."

Narcissa folded her arms over her chest as Lucius gaped at her.

"Surely I'm more important than anything else you have planned."

Lucius sighed heavily.

"You are, but I can't."

Lucius stared at Narcissa, and she could see that stamping her foot and tossing her hair would gain her nothing in this situation. So she reevaluated her tactics.

"Take me with you then," Narcissa decided. "I only want to spend time with you; I don't really care in what capacity so long as it isn't horrible or boring."

Lucius laughed.

"Narcissa, I promise you it will be both."

He kissed her hand.

"I'm afraid you can't join me."

Narcissa had been willing to compromise for Lucius. But she was not prepared for blatant denial.


Lucius withdrew his lips from her hand.

"Another time, tomorrow night. Something better, anything you wish."

Narcissa stepped forward and Lucius tried to escape.

"What exactly is this previous engagement, Lucius?"

Lucius gave a series of inadequate and ambiguous noises.

"Hmm? Can't you tell me?"
"No, I don't think I can," Lucius said, then added suddenly, "Because it's a surprise. For you."

"I don't believe you."

Lucius sighed, and if Narcissa hadn't been so angry at him she would have thought the noise genuinely contrite. Instead, she sealed her lips and decided to treat him with coldness.

"Well, you'll have to believe me because I can't tell you and I can't take you. But you will thank me soon enough. I promise."

Narcissa, because she did not very much wish to face the curious eyes of the common room, flounced away in the direction of the Great Hall and hoped that she would catch Andromeda for dinner.

When the two sisters had finished eating, they returned to the common room for a vain attempt at finishing their homework.

"It's one thing for him to tell me he's busy," Narcissa said, an unused quill dangling between her fingertips. "But it's another thing all together that he won't tell me why he is busy."

Andromeda made a noise of agreement but didn't look up from her Transfiguration textbook.

"I mean, don't you think it's a bit suspicious," Narcissa prodded.

"Well, if it was anyone but Lucius, perhaps," Andromeda said. She closed her book with a decided thud, rested her elbow on its cover, and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. "But I can't think that Lucius is capable of doing anything all that interesting."

Narcissa frowned at Andromeda. "Is that supposed to console or agitate me?"

"Console, I only ever want to console you, Cissy," Andromeda said lightly.

She stood and began to collect her books, parchment, and quill.

"But in your state, I'm sure you'll take it as agitation."

Narcissa reread the entire two sentences of her History of Magic essay in the hopes that she could ignore the detachment Andromeda exuded.

"Good luck with your essay. I'm going to the library," Andromeda said.

Then, as though she felt guilty for her sarcasm, she kissed the top of Narcissa's head.

"Don't give Lucius another thought. He would be dumber than even Bella and I could tease him for if he went after any other girl when he had the chance of you," Andromeda said. "Oh, and your second sentence is incorrect; the Statute of Secrecy was only signed in 1689. It wasn't actually official until 1692."

Andromeda left the common room without another word, and Narcissa fell into lower spirits.

Narcissa's vanity had initially prevented the thought that Lucius might be abandoning her to see another girl, but now that Andromeda had mentioned the idea, Narcissa could not shake her uneasiness. When the night grew darker and her thoughts more worrisome, Narcissa wished Andromeda would return from the library. However, the hours passed and with no sign of Andromeda, Narcissa cursed her sister's sudden bout of studiousness. Narcissa had just declared her homework situation dismal for the final time and was about to march to the Astronomy Tower by herself, when Lucius emerged from the boys' dormitories.

Perhaps Lucius was in such a state of determination, or perhaps Narcissa was in such a chair of seclusion; in any case, Lucius did not seem to notice Narcissa as he exited the common room with uncommon haste. The lack of attention infuriated Narcissa.

Most everyone had gone to bed and there was still no sign of Andromeda, so Narcissa abandoned her textbooks and crept outside of the common room to follow Lucius. When they reached a corridor free of prefects and ghosts, Narcissa determined that she would surprise Lucius, all would be forgiven, and then they could take polite advantage of the empty corridor. But when such an empty corridor occurred, Lucius surprised Narcissa by taking a turn that led to the outside. Her confusion mounting, Narcissa followed Lucius and ducked into a shadow just in time as Lucius checked his peripherals.

Lucius, Narcissa noticed as he slipped into the night air, wore a heavy cloak. Narcissa, however, was unprepared for the icy gusts that twisted her robes away from her legs. Narcissa shivered, but as Lucius headed farther away from the castle, she braced herself for the cold and continued her pursuit. Her jagged breath rose before her in small puffs of frozen air as she struggled to keep Lucius's pace. His uncharacteristic urgency startled Narcissa, but what worried her more was that Lucius led her with such purpose to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Lucius paused, and Narcissa sensed his uncertainty. Narcissa glanced over her shoulder at the castle which loomed like a disapproving witness to some clouded deed. The darkness of the Forbidden Forest seemed to reach out and spiral around Lucius and Narcissa, beckoning them further into its hold. Lucius took a small step forward and the ground crackled beneath his shoes. Narcissa hid herself behind a tree.

"Lumos," Lucius whispered.

But no sooner did Lucius raise his lighted wand when another voice broke through the shadows.

"Put it out, idiot," Bellatrix hissed.

Lucius's reply covered Narcissa's sharp inhale of surprise.

"We can't have the whole castle knowing about our little meeting now can we?" a low voice said. It must have been Rodolphus, but Narcissa couldn't see anything past Lucius.

Then Bellatrix emerged from the dark woods to approach Lucius. Narcissa flattened herself against the tree. She was not about to have her sister find her stalking Lucius Malfoy all across the grounds at such times of the night.

"Where's Evan," Bella asked.

"Cold feet?" Lucius suggested smugly.

Bellatrix gave an audible scoff. Narcissa craned her neck ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of the sister whom she hadn't seen in over a month.

"No cousin of mine gets cold feet. You must have neglected to tell him…" Bellatrix trailed off as her eyes fell upon Narcissa. "Lucius," Bellatrix said quietly. "Didn't you understand my insistence of absolute secrecy for our gathering? Or were you unaware that you were being followed?"

Lucius turned around violently. Narcissa flinched farther into the tree's shadow as Lucius took a step forward. He was stopped, however, as Bellatrix's hand fell on his shoulder.


Narcissa remained unmoving. She knew Bella had seen her. But Narcissa's face flushed with embarrassment and she dreaded facing Lucius.

"Cissy," Bella repeated. She inclined her chin slightly. "Is that you, sister mine?"

Narcissa refused to give Bellatrix the satisfaction of an answer, but stepped forward as proudly as her shivering shoulders would allow her. Rather than have Lucius accuse her of following him, Narcissa attacked him first.

"You might have told me that you were having a party with my sister," Narcissa said.

Lucius was rigid. "And Rodolphus."

"And Rodolphus," Narcissa repeated.

"It's not a party, Narcissa," Lucius said.

Narcissa fixed Lucius with what she hoped was a very belittling stare. When she tired of him, Narcissa turned to Bellatrix.

"Hello, Bella."

She stepped forward but, as Bella did not offer an embrace, Narcissa did not receive one.

"She'll need to leave," Rodolphus said.

Bellatrix dismissed her fiancé's comment with a wave of her hand.

"No need to be rude, Rodolphus. I'm sure Cissy will return to the castle if I ask her to."

Something in Bellatrix's tone settled uneasily in Narcissa's ears.

"You aren't here to visit us?"

Narcissa felt no need to clarify who exactly us entailed.

Bella's face fell slightly. She shook her head.

"If I was visiting, I would come by day."

Narcissa hugged her arms to herself, silently aching with cold but unwilling to leave her sister's and Lucius's company without a fight.

"Why are you here then?"

Bellatrix opened her mouth, shut it, then turned on Lucius.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to bring her, Lucius."

The words stung in spite of the numbing cold.

Bellatrix must have noticed Narcissa's grimace for she returned her gaze to Narcissa.

"This isn't anything like you're thinking," Bella said softly.

"You're being awfully exclusive, Bella."

"You've never minded."

"Oh, how you can mince my words," Narcissa exclaimed. "If you're going to keep secrets from me, I would just as well not like to know such secrets exist."

Bellatrix twirled a strand of hair around her finger which gave Narcissa the frustrating impression that Bellatrix found the conversation trivial.

"Fine," Bella finally said. "Go to bed. Perhaps I'll visit you this weekend."

Narcissa was shivering too violently to formulate an unappreciative enough reply.

Lucius undid the clasp of his cloak and made to wrap it around Narcissa, but she backed away from him.

"Narcissa, don't be childish."

Narcissa grabbed the cloak from his hands and fastened it herself.

"Just because you three deem me too young to engage in your precious political banter doesn't make me a child, Lucius."

Narcissa turned, determined to leave without wishing Lucius goodnight or her sister goodbye. But the expanse of lawn that separated Narcissa's current position and the castle stretched far wider without the promise of Lucius guiding her way.

"It's rather dark," Narcissa said, still facing the castle.

Bellatrix gave a cry of exasperation but walked forward nevertheless and pulled Narcissa by the wrist toward the castle.

"Ow," Narcissa said, though in truth her forearm was too numb to feel. "Bella, I don't understand-"

"Yes, Narcissa, there are many things you don't understand because you are only a fifth year and you shouldn't meddle in-"

"Wondering why my suitor is meeting my sister at strange hours of the night is hardly meddling," Narcissa retorted, freeing her wrist from Bellatrix's grip.

"You're mad if you even half believe what you're implying."

Narcissa increased her pace so that she did not have to walk alongside her sister but could walk before her. She knew that she had behaved rashly all evening, but that knowledge did not soothe the hurt of being deemed only a fifth year by her sister. Still, it was equally foolish to pick a battle with Bellatrix when she knew that Bella probably didn't understand how harsh her words were in the first place. Forgiveness did not come easily to Narcissa, but it would be daylight before Bellatrix forgave Narcissa.

"This is all politics, yes, Bella?"

Bellatrix nodded. "Only a small revolution, nothing for you to lose sleep over."

Bella's sense of teasing and truth was becoming too convoluted for Narcissa to distinguish between the two anymore.

"You'll explain everything eventually," Narcissa ordered.

Again Bellatrix nodded.

She hugged Narcissa and said, "Eventually."

"You're as cold as death."

"I don't feel it." Bellatrix released Narcissa. "Give Meda my love."

Narcissa nodded and trotted into the castle before the cold could sink any deeper within her. She returned to the common room after a terrifyingly close call with the Bloody Barron and sank into the armchair nearest the fire. The entire situation, its lingering mystery, was highly disconcerting, but Narcissa combatted her unease with the knowledge of Bella's proximity. It was ok, whatever it was, if Bella was involved. And surely Bellatrix would explain everything soon, eventually. Bella had always been horrible at keeping secrets.

The common room door opened, and Narcissa turned hoping that perhaps Lucius had returned early. But it was Andromeda who stood, quiet out of breath, in the entrance. For a strange couple of seconds, Andromeda closed her eyes and inhaled with something more sublime than happiness stretching across her face. Narcissa cleared her throat. Andromeda's eyes shot open and she met Narcissa's gaze with reddening cheeks.

"Cissy, I didn't see-," she panted, "Why are you still up?"

"I followed Lucius," Narcissa said simply.

Andromeda nodded. Narcissa sensed Andromeda wasn't really aware of her surroundings for she walked like a dreamer.

"Were you at the library all this time?"

"What?" Andromeda asked. "The library. Yes, I was at the library."

Narcissa knew that Andromeda was lying, so she used the only thing she thought would get Andromeda's undivided attention.

"Bella sends her love."

Andromeda paused in her dreamlike trance.


"Yes, she sends her love," Narcissa repeated.

"In a letter, you mean."

"No, she's at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. That's where Lucius went; to meet her and Rodolphus. I don't really know…" Narcissa saw little point in continuing her thought as Andromeda gave no inclination of hearing.

"Bella's here."

"Yes, that's what I've just said. Andromeda, are you alright?" Narcissa asked for something like panic was draining the color from Andromeda's face.

"I'm fine, I'm…" Andromeda grabbed the cloak from the back of Narcissa's armchair. "...going to go see her."

Andromeda had almost left the common room by the time Narcissa realized her sister was actually serious.

"Wait, Meda, you can't. It's something important and-"

But Andromeda didn't even stop to consider Narcissa's warning. She merely said, "Sisters are more important than something important" and left.

Narcissa returned to the fireside. She knew better than to waste energy on telling Andromeda she couldn't see Bellatrix. She yawned and, because no one was watching and because she had behaved atrociously all evening, she didn't cover her mouth. Narcissa's eyelids grew heavy, and Andromeda and Bellatrix grew distant; Narcissa saw the flames and hoped Lucius wasn't too cold.

She must have fallen into sleep for only thirty minutes when she heard Andromeda's return. Narcissa could not muster strength enough to open her eyes, but still she heard a barely stifled sob that must have belonged to Andromeda.

Author's Note: It has been forever; forgive me! My muse is a finicky thing of late. I really do appreciate your feedback. Happy 2012!