Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Bones. I just like to play with the characters ;)..

Angela, Hodgins, and Zach were waiting for the body to arrive with Booth and Brennan. They walked in bickering about marriage. Well, this time it wasn't really bickering. It looked as if Bren was actually listening to Booth.

"It symbolizes your love for that person," he was saying, "that you would do anything for them." Bren nodded thoughtfully.

Suddenly she stopped walking and smiled up at him. "Booth, I think you have changed my views on marriage." Then she started walking to the platform. He stared after her, stunned. He recovered quickly and jogged to catch up. They swiped their cards and walked up the stairs.

"I did?" he asked. The squints were listening with interest.

"Yes. I believe, now, that if the right man comes along and asked me I would consider it seriously."

"Where is the body?" Zach asked.

"They are loading it up as we speak," said Booth. He and Bren leaned on the railing. Angela, Hodgins and Zach continued their previous conversation.

Temperance was lost in a daydream. . .

"You ready, sweetheart?" Max asked.

"More than ready, dad." I said, smiling at him

He took me by the arm and led me through the big church doors and walked me slowly down the aisle. Our family and friends were all in the audience but I couldn't see them. I only saw the most gorgeous man who was standing in front of the priest.

Booth smiled, showing me all his love and thanks for this day. I smiled back at him showing him that that was exactly how I felt. When I got to the altar, the priest began speaking but I didn't listen. I could only see this wonderful man before her and feel happiness and excitement that he would be hers and she would be his.

Soon she heard Booth say, "I do." And she listened to the priest for her turn. When it came she said "I do."

"You may now kiss the bride." Booth lowered his face to hers and they kissed sweetly.

"Doctor Brennan. Doctor Brennan, the body has arrived. Doctor Brennan?" Zach said.

Angela says, "That must be some daydream."

"Bones!" Booth called but with no luck. He moved to touch her but Angela stopped him. "Hold on. I have an idea." She smirked then said, "Mrs. Booth?" Booth looked at her, shocked.

Bren jerked her head to look at Angela as she said, "Yes?" then blushed.

Booth sputtered and blushed also. "Uh. . . Um. . . "He cleared his throat and said, "The body is here."

As she walked by him to the body they whispered in unison, "We need to talk later."

She smiled and whispered, "My place at 7. Bring Thai?" He nodded.

Like it? Hate it? Yes or no? Want me to continue? Tell me if you want to. ;)..