Emma: Oh my Goth, I have had these two oneshot ideas in my head for like a week now and I am dying to get them out there! So, I give you another great creation courtesy of yours truly! This is a cute KFxJinx I have just been dying to get done! It's a funny idea I came up with when I realized that most writers compare Jinx's hair to bubblegum.


Kid Flash hates bubblegum. Whenever he was sick, his Aunt Iris used to give him bubblegum flavored medicine and he just learned to compare the taste to bad things. He didn't like bubblegum candy, flavored medicine, the color bubblegum pink, the smell of bubblegum perfume, or even the mention of the vile object. Once, as children protégés, Robin offered him a stick of bubblegum and he ran all the way to china to avoid the vile substance. So when he saw Jinx for the first time, he was shocked to think she was so beautiful.

Wally West was smitten from the first moment he saw Jinx. He can remember thinking her neon hair and eyes were exotic and beautiful against her silver skin. He wanted to touch her skin, to see if it was as smooth and flawless as it looked. He was also surprised that he found her lithe figure so exotic and almost erotic compared to the usual voluptuous and curvy girls he usually fell for. She stole his heart from the first snide remark, and Kid Flash couldn't bear to see her so unhappy and underappreciated in the H.I.V.E. five team. He wanted to save her.

He was overjoyed when she turned good and came to help the Titans defeat the Brotherhood. It was a dream come true and it was the first time he heard her hair and eyes be compared to the substance he hated so much. It took him awhile to grasp this; he had always thought of her hair as neon, not as bubblegum pink; when he heard Raven call Jinx's hair bubblegum pink, his heart broke. Was it true? Was this girl he loved so much really tied to what he hated so much?

Kid Flash thought about it a lot; in the end Jinx had to find him on the roof, thinking about this sad turn of events. The one person he usually always wanted to see sat beside him and took his hand.

"You're thinking hard Red," Jinx said. Kid Flash looked up and smiled softly." Anything wrong? I'm not used to you being so quiet, Wally." E loved her silk voice saying his real name. She leaned her forehead against his, her breath mingling with his." You're okay right?"

"Now I am," Kid Flash said softly. He kissed her without thinking. It was on instinct and when Jinx threw her arms around his neck and held him to her firmly, something clicked in his mind. Jinx's hair color wasn't bubblegum pink; it was cotton candy pink! And Kid Flash just loved cotton candy…


Emma: I have seriously gotten grief from my good friend Eric because I did this. We were fighting over if Jinx's hair was really bubblegum pink or cotton candy pink for like an hour before I said "Eric I don't give a damn if you hate cotton candy, because in my mind Kid Flash loves it!" and he said "For someone so short you sure are fucking annoying" in which case I hurt him. Anyways, R&R or you will end up worse than Eric! Just kidding! R&R though, please!