The "Relationship Wizard" comes back

A Sonny with a Chance Fanfiction by Agufanatic98

A/N: This is my first story for Sonny with a Chance. I wanted to write this because I got to characterize Selena Gomez! (is a big fan of her) This is, of course based after Battle of the Network Stars. I hope you like it!

Sonny Munroe sat in her dressing room pondering why she liked Chad Dylan Cooper. He thinks he's so great. He's was so full of himself and she hated it. But no matter how hard she tried to deny it she was in love with him. She had tried her best to keep it to herself but when Selena Gomez came around and started teasing her about it, it only got even harder. And Chad's constant flirting during the filming of his life story wasn't helping either.

Speaking of Selena Gomez, she was at the set of "So Random" right now. But she wasn't there are Selena Gomez. She was undercover as Cindy Wilson, a reporter. You see she was the type of person that couldn't let perfect chemistry go unnoticed. That was the case with Sonny and Chad. She could just sense how much they were in love with each other, especially from Sonny. She knew that Sonny would call her "the relationship wizard" to no end so she was trying her best not to get recognized.

Soon she spotted someone that looked to be from the "So Random" cast. She rushed up to her with a smile. "Can I interview you?" She said disguising her voice.

The girl scoffed. "That's a stupid question. Of course you may interview me!"

"Umm…" Selena hesitated then pushed the girl to where no one else was. "Look what ever your name is… I--"

"What?!" The girl piped. "How can you not know who I am? I am Tawni Hart!" She explained with her hands spread out to show enthusiasm.

"Well, okay…" Selena replied, slightly rolling her eyes. "You're friends with Sonny, right?"

"Yeah… but why do you want to know about her? I thought you were interviewing me?" Tawni seemed offended.

Selena sighed. "Let's cut to the chase. I'm not really interviewing you."

"Then…" Tawni scoffed. "I'm wasting my time." She then made an attempt to leave but Selena stopped her.

"Wait! Please, I need your help!" Selena protested. "You see, I want to get Chad and Sonny together."

"Why?" Tawni questioned with slight annoyance.

"Because I just have to." Selena answered bluntly. "So will you help me?"

"Tawni Hart helps no one." Tawni sneered, walking away.

"That was a big waste…" Selena muttered.

"I could help you." A spunky young girl, seeming to come out of no where, spoke up.

"You will?" Selena smiled, slightly shocked by the girl's sudden appearance.

"Sure thing. I'm a friend of Sonny's as well. I'm Zora." The girl explained putting out her hand.

"Oh, I recognize you. You're on So Random as well." Selena responded, shaking her hand.

"Why are you so interested in getting Sonny and Chad together anyway?" Zora questioned.

"To tell you the truth, I don't exactly know why." Selena told her, smiling weakly. "I just have this instinct that makes me what to help people with their relationships.

"Ah, like a relationship wizard?" Zora nodded.

Selena was slightly caught off guard. "N-No, nothing like that. Let's say I'm a matchmaker."

"Okay. I've heard that from Sonny. It's pretty catchy, actually. Relationship wizard…relationship wizard…" she began to repeat the phase over and over again.

"That's good." Selena spoke loudly, prompting her to stop.

"So, what's your plan?"

"Well…" Selena said as she began to tell Zora what she had in mind.

I've decided not to make this a one-shot. It seems that stories with multiple chapters get more reviews, anyway. Besides I'm still thinking up ideas for this story. I hope you like what I wrote so far!

Please review and Selena Gomez rocks!!