Disclaimer: I don't own Hogan's Heroes or any of the characters. I do however own the DVDs, and enjoy watching them daily. This story is an alternate ending to one of my favorite episodes, Hogan, Go Home. The characters of Bruno, Josef, Dieter and Greta Lehmann are my creations. The first part of chapter one is an expanded version of what took place in the original episode. Also, I wanted to show a different side of Crittendon that was never seen in the show; a more serious Crittendon. Also, this story was partially written when I started A General's Revenge and Addiction and was put aside until now.

Hogan's Journey

Chapter 1

RAF Colonel Rodney Crittendon swung his ax again and watched the tall tree fall, but in the opposite direction instead of in front of the truck carrying Colonel Robert Hogan, guarded by three armed Gestapo guards. The tree was suppose to fall in front of the truck blocking it's path, so Crittendon and Hogan's former unit could rescue him before the truck reached the station where Hogan would board the Berlin Express which would be blown up as Hogan's men had rigged the track with explosives as well as the nearby Kessling Refinery. Instead, Hogan's men stood and watched in stunned disbelief as the truck drove right past them and continued on it's way, its passengers totally unaware of what nearly happened with one exception.

Hogan had seen everything from where he sat in the back of the open truck, and rolled his eyes towards the heavens in disbelief at what he'd seen. He had caught a brief glimpse of his men as they turned and raced after the truck on foot. He knew he'd have to do something if their rescue attempt was to stand a chance. But what could he do against three armed guards. All he had was the swagger stick Crittendon had given him before he had boarded the truck and left Stalag 13. A slight smile appeared as an idea began to form. All he had to do was wait for an opportunity. Until then, Hogan recalled how he ended up in this situation.

They were in the tunnels and had just planned how to blow up the Berlin Express and the Kessling Refinery on the same night. Then, Hogan said goodnight to his men and climbed up the ladder leading into the barracks leaving his men in the radio room where they had just reviewed their plan. As the men were about to head upstairs themselves, the radio came alive with a message in Morse code. The men were stunned to learn that Colonel Hogan had been ordered home by the Allied High Command for reassignment.

And they were further stunned when, after showing Hogan the message, by his reaction to the news. He was thrilled, which was something they hadn't expected, and looking forward to leaving Stalag 13 behind.

But after Hogan had time to think about it, he decided he would stay, orders or no orders. But everyone, including Hogan, were unprepared for Kinch's news he had received over the radio. Hogan's replacement was on his way to Stalag 13. And to make matters worse, at least for Hogan, was the great glee Kommandant Klink took in telling him he would no longer be the Senior POW officer once a new officer, also a Colonel, arrived in camp. Klink repeatedly made a tomahawk motion in Hogan's face while saying "Chop, chop, chop, Hogan," which he repeated with a devilish smile. And what topped even that was when Klink informed Hogan that the new officer was Colonel Rodney Crittendon. Now it was time for Hogan to lose it, knowing what a bumbling incompetent Crittendon was. But the final straw for Hogan was to come later when Klink informed him he was being transferred to Stalag 15 effective immediately and that he would be traveling on the Berlin Express.

Hogan was brought out of his thoughts by a loud bang as the rear left tire suddenly blew without warning, causing the truck to pull to a stop in a clearing. Hogan was secretly delighted at the unexpected turn of events because it was the opening he was looking for which would give his men a chance to catch the truck if he planned it just right. He glanced at the swagger stick again remembering the razor sharp blade hidden inside.

The Gestapo officer, a Captain, who had been riding in the front passenger seat, appeared at the back of the truck with gun drawn and aimed at Hogan. The guards all climbed out of the truck as well and began the process of changing the tire. The officer motioned with his weapon for Hogan to get out of the truck.

"Out!" he ordered. Mindful of the weapon aimed at his head, Hogan complied. He had momentarily thought of rushing the Captain but thought better of it. Not only did the officer keep a safe distance from Hogan, but the American knew he would probably be shot before he could do anything.

Hogan leaned against the truck and watched as the guards went about changing the tire. He had made up his mind he would puncture the other tire causing it to go flat thus giving his men a chance to catch up. As the guards were finishing changing the tire and began loading the jack and the flat tire in the back, the Captain motioned with his weapon for Hogan to get back in the truck because they would be leaving a few short minutes.

"We are almost ready to leave," he told Hogan. "Get in the truck."

"It's about time," Hogan muttered as he caught sight of the guards putting their black coats back on. Letting out a deep breath, Hogan slowly started towards the right tire and began to pull the swagger stick apart when a loud voice made him freeze.

"You! Halt!" (1)

Turning, Hogan saw the Captain approach. He snatched the swagger stick and tossed it on the ground. He smiled coolly at the American.

"You won't need that where you're going, swine!" he sneered. "Now get in the truck! Schnell!" He jammed his weapon hard into Hogan's ribs causing the Colonel to wince.

Hogan looked helplessly at the swagger stick lying on the ground. He could dive for it, but decided against it because a bullet would kill him before he even reached it. He felt the gun poke him in the ribs again.

"I said get in the truck, swine! It doesn't matter to me whether I deliver a live or dead prisoner to Stalag 15. Now move!"

With a final glance over his shoulder at the direction he knew his team would be coming from, he let out a deep, weary breath, turned, and climbed into the back of the truck with the three guards. Re-holstering his weapon, the Captain climbed back into the front passenger seat, and motioned for the driver to continue to the train station.

The Colonel bit his lower lip realizing that perhaps his luck had run out this time. He clasped his hands in front of him, arms resting on his thighs. He felt the motion of the truck taking off again. As the spot they had changed the tire was fading from view, Hogan spotted his men stepping out into the clearing they had just left. He and his men briefly locked eyes with a look that indicated they both knew they probably wouldn't see each other again.

LeBeau wiped the tears away that rolled down his cheeks as the truck disappeared from sight.

"We've lost the Colonel," he said, voice cracking. "We'll never catch that truck now."

Kinch and Newkirk were speechless; each man absorbed with their own individual thoughts which mirrored LeBeau's words.

Carter, wiping his eyes, suddenly noticed something lying on the ground. Bending over, he picked it up. "Hey, look what I found," he said showing it to the others. It was the swagger stick.

"It's that bloody swagger stick that ruddy fool Crittendon gave the Gov'nor," Newkirk hissed, snatching the stick from Carter. "Well, I'm gonna give it back to 'im and tell 'im exactly where to shove it!"

"Newkirk's right," LeBeau agreed. "Crittendon's to blame! It's because of him Colonel Hogan is going to be on the Berlin Express!"

Kinch and Carter exchanged looks. "They're right, Kinch," Carter added. "Crittendon messed up trying to save the Colonel. He might as well have killed him himself."

Kinch massaged his forehead. Usually the calming voice of reason, the radioman tried to give Crittendon the benefit of the doubt, but found this time he could not. He agreed with the others.

Colonel Crittendon's incompetence would cost Colonel Hogan before the night was over.

(1) This part is where my story begins. Prior to that I added things to what happened in the actual rescue scene from the episode only for purposes of expanding it.