Pieces by Candygirl97

Disclaimer: I wish I owned supernatural, cuz then Dean never would've gone to hell, and Sam wouldn't drink demon blood. :(

Summary: Five stories about Sam going off the deep-end after Lucifer Rises. Includes: Jo and Ellen. There is no Sam/Ruby, because I think it was one-sided and she loved him and he wanted her demon blood. It also contains Sam's five stages of grieving. The last one is kind of twisted though, fair warning.

Story One: Dean

Sammy was just standing there, gripping the sleeve of my jacket with an iron grip. The same way I had his.

The blinding white light let me know that everything was going down, now. But Sam was just staring.

The last time I saw him like this dad had died. But this was worse.

So much worse.

I pulled and pulled, until he looked up at me.

His eyes held my deepest fears. They told me everything; every lie, every time he drank from that bitch, every sin.

They told me that Sam would never be ok again.

I had never ever hated someone as much as I hated Yellow-Eyes... and the angels... and Ruby... and Lucifer... and God... and myself. If I hadn't broken that first seal, Sammy wouldn't have done this. Any of it.

It's my fault really, but I have to fix Sam first.

"Dean?" His voice was rough and different, not like Sam's.

I grabbed his arm roughly and yanked him as hard as I could out of the room.

We finally made it outside after what seemed like hours, and my baby was sitting out front.

"Sam, we have to go to Bobby's." I said, silently pleading for him to snap out of his trance.

"Why?" His question sounded so child-like, that I was reminded of when he was four and started asking about mom. "Why Dean?"

"Sammy, we-"

"I-I did something bad." His voice shook as he looked me directly in the eyes. "I did something bad. I did something bad."

"Sam?" I stared in shock as he suddenly grabbed my shoulders in desperation. "Oh Sam."

"I'm not good. I'm bad." If Ruby weren't dead already, I'd murder her a thousand times over. How dare she screw up my brother like this?!

"No Sam. You're not b-" He cut me off, tears in his eyes.

"Dean, I'm bad."

And then he collapsed into my arms.
