Chapter two is up! I know this one is a lot shorter then the first, and for that I'm sorry! The next chapter will be so much longer, I promise! In fact, I decided to do one more with them both as sparklings before going on another 6 years.

Anyway, here is Prowl with his creators! He was being sucha cute little bugger, there were so many times I wanted to grab him and squeeze the living daylights outta him! But that wouldn't help at all, 'cuz I'd need him for the rest of the story. xD So, here you go! Chapter 2! Hope you all enjoy! ;p

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. An old dude named Hasbro does. The OC's are mine though, so back off! Thank you. xD

Chapter 2: Prowl

Kimi smiled at the quiet little sparkling tucked in her arms. The tiny mech stared back, bright blue optics curious. He never moved except to turn his head, so as to take in the view of her sparkmate, who was standing by the berth next to her. Now that the mini black and white had finally awoken, she slowly let her love for him flow through the connection they shared. "Hello, my little Prowl..."

The sparkling blinked slowly down at his chest in confusion, then his tiny handsome face strained in careful concentration. The two creators both felt the almost timid nudge over the link they all shared. Smiling, together, they pushed more of their affections through the bond. Prowl jerked in his mother's grasp, optic covers blinking rapidly at his tiny chest plate. Skylinx laughed, his tone light and gentle as he watched the tirade of expressions crossing over his son's face. Prowl froze on one and it looked as if he were trying to say, 'What the frag is going on in there?!'

Feeling sorry for her little sparkling, Kimi decided to distract him by gently running her slender fingers down the side of his rounded face. Instantly, Prowl forgot all his confusion. He couldn't help what he liked, so he turned his face into his mother's hand and nuzzled it. The first of tiny clicks and wurrs spilled from his vocalizer, and his optics shuttered as he buried himself in her hand. Kimi beamed at Prowl's reaction and turned to her mate. "He's an affectionate little one, isn't he?"

Skylinx smiled gently, before slowly fitting himself on the berth next to Kimi. His movements were fluid and precise as he leaned in closer to his sparkmate. "Doesn't it remind you of someone?" He inquired, giving her a pointed look. His optics gleamed in unhidden joy and she laughed.

Kimi turned back to their sparkling and gave his face one final caress. Prowl followed the hand with his optics as she pulled it away, and frowned. Determined, he tried to lift his arms to grab it and bring it back, but he just couldn't find the strength to do it. That left only one thing to do. The loudest screech they had ever heard burst from Prowl's vocalizer, startling them! Both stared at him in shock as Prowl continued on with his little temper tantrum. They felt his frustration flicker over the bond and immediately, Kimi brought her hand back to his abandoned face. Prowl instantly quieted, content with his results. Kimi was left baffled.

She felt, more then heard, the light chuckles from her sparkmate. His darker frame rattled against hers with barely repressed laughter and she stared at him, even more bewildered now. Seeing this, Skylinx couldn't hold it in any longer, and his usually controlled laughter now exploded through the room! He wrapped his arms around his mate, and sparkling, pulling them closer while he continued to guffaw. Eventually, the guffaws turned into chuckles, which then turned into giggles, and finally there was nothing but the uneven cycle of his intakes. When he finally composed himself, he found both his sparkmate and his sparkling staring at him questioningly. He paused for a second, then laughed some more, unable to help it at this point.

"Linx…?" She rarely ever heard him laugh so much.

"Heh-heh! I guess he's a little more 'affectionate' then we thought?" His amusement flowed over their bond, slowly affecting her and making her smile too. She giggled and leaned against him, pulling Prowl closer to her chest as well. Prowl appeared to have forgotten about her hand for the moment, all his attention still focused on his father. Noticing this, Skylinx reached out over their link and flooded Prowl with his strong and stable presence. Prowl's optics brightened in recognition and he garbled softly, his first smile crossing over his lips.

"I think he's finally getting the hang of our bond. He seems to recognize you." Kimi observed.

Skylinx murmured, "You try it now, love." He withdrew enough to let his sparkmate flow through the bond, and Prowl automatically twisted towards her. His systems purred and he shifted more into her breastplate, trying to get as close as he could with the little strength he had. Skylinx smiled and spoke tenderly into her audio, "He loves you."

Kimi turned to him, her optics bright with adoration, and kissed him lightly. "He loves his father, too."

When they returned back to Prowl, he was already back in recharge. His face was relaxed; mouth hanging open, and optics shuttered. His tiny body was completely lax in her embrace, his one arm hanging just over hers. Skylinx slowly put it back in place, running his fingertips over the small white fist. He was faintly surprised when the fingers unclenched and wrapped around his, holding them there. His spark swelled in it's casing at the unconscious display of warmth. He was so overwhelmed with happiness it seemed to blind him. Then again, it could have just been the coolant liquid rushing to his optics…

Kimi felt the rush of emotion and returned it with everything she had, and the soothing pulses seemed to calm him down. She knew having a sparkling was going to change him. It was going to change them both. When they agreed to have a sparkling together in the first place, they had already had that in mind, and they were prepared for anything that came their way. Still exchanging warm vibrations over their bond, they both quickly fell into recharge, comfortable with just being together.


Stay tuned for the next chapter! Prowl and Jazz meet and we get a little interaction between the creators! Please review! They really help! :D