Boing. Boing. Allen dribbled the ball up the court, concentration wrinkling his brow. A muscled defender blocked his path, hoping to steal it. Not so fast, Allen thought, smirking, and in one smooth motion he dribbled the ball between his legs and pivoted, passing it to Lavi. Lavi sprinted up the court, dodging members of the other team left and right as he geared up for a pass back to Allen. Allen caught the ball and smoothly took a shot from behind the three-point line, sending the ball in a perfect arc towards the basket.


"Fuck, yeah!" Lavi exclaimed, raising his hand to Allen's in a high-five. "Another victory for us!"

Lenalee swayed her way up from the side, where she'd been holding up a pissed Lulubell. "Great job, Allen!" she said, smiling and wiping her brow. "How much did they bet on that game?"

"Too much." Allen smiled devilishly back. "All right, boys and girls. Time to pay up."

"What the hell?" Tyki panted as he rested his hands on his knees. "We were told you guys were a bunch of losers. How'd you school us like that?"

"You really should check your sources." Lavi cockily grinned, hands behind his head. "We've always been the shit around here. Especially with Allen's mad hops."

"Not that it really matters," Lenalee added, "Since we kicked your asses without a problem anyway." She smiled sweetly. "So where's the money?"

"Fuck this." Skinn growled at the winning team, cracking his knuckles ominously. "I'll just beat the daylights outta ya fuckin' douches 'til ya never wanna play again."

"Now, now, Skinn," Lulubell interjected, "They won fairly. We can give them their money… this time, that is." She glared at Allen. "But don't take us so lightly. We will find a way to get you back."

"Yeah, yeah," Allen laughed. "I'm sure you will." He yanked the money out of Lulubell's reluctant grasp. "Let's get out of here, guys."

"You'll be in some serious pain soon, boy!" Tyki called as they walked out past the chain-link fence. "Wait until you go up against Kanda!" Allen glanced back long enough to catch Tyki's smirking face. "It would do you good to not be so confident."

Allen stopped, considering for a second. Kanda? Who is he talking about? Is he trying to intimidate me? "Don't worry so much about me, Mikk." Allen called over his shoulder. "We won't be taken down that easily." He gave Tyki his best smile. Together, Lavi, Lenalee, and Allen disappeared around the corner, their basketball tucked under Lavi's elbow.

"Well, Tyki, it looks like they were just as good as the Earl said they would be." Lulubell said. "Maybe even better. We'll really have to use our full strength next time."

"I look forward to it." Tyki smiled, the corners of his mouth turning up sadistically. "Next time, we will show them the true power of Team Noah. And I will make that boy bow down to me in defeat."

Skinn popped their spare basketball between his large hands. "Can't wait."


Allen and his teammates decided to celebrate their win by going out to a fast food joint with their money. Allen was scarfing down a dozen cheeseburgers, while Lavi chomped on some fries and Lenalee slurped a soda. "Well, we won another one." She said. "What would Lavi and I do if it wasn't for you, Allen?"

"Please." Allen gave her a bright smile between bites. "Both of you are amazing at basketball. Besides, it's our teamwork that really makes us the best!"

"Aw, you're so adorable, Al. But you know you're the best. 'Sides, me and Lenalee weren't serious about this whole hoops thing before you came along, ya know?" Lavi ruffled Allen's messy hair. "We couldn't even make a full team to compete. People almost always play three-on-three in games." Before Cross and Allen had moved into their neighborhood, Lavi and Lenalee hadn't been too concerned with the game; they'd just shoot around in Lenalee's driveway to pass the summer days faster. But then Allen had come up to them one day with his British accent, his signature smile, and his own ball. They'd all immediately gotten along, and from then on they had practiced nonstop and had played against other three-person teams for money. They were getting to be known in the neighborhood as a team one shouldn't mess with.

"Well, either way, I think we're getting pretty good, don't you? Maybe we should enter that tournament coming up." Allen mused. Posters had gone up around town advertising an official citywide basketball tournament. The prize was $1,500 to the winning team in each category--way more than they'd ever make betting on their games.

"I don't know, Allen, aren't there way better teams out there than us?" Lenalee said, draining the last of her soda. "We might just be better off playing smaller games for less money. I don't think we'd win anything in that tournament. And besides, didn't you hear Tyki after we won? He said something about someone really good… what was their name? Conrad? Karl?"

"Ah, don't be such a pessimist, babe. Did you forget you have me on your team?" Lavi laced his fingers behind his head. "One smile from me and half of 'em will be down for the count!"

"Only if they're hallucinating." She replied, rolling her eyes. "Besides, I think most of our opposition will be male."

"Doesn't matter, sugar. Didn't you see the way that Mikk guy was trying to grab my ass?"

"He was trying to get the ball from you, Lavi."

"That wasn't all he was trying to get from me, hon, believe me."

"Allen, would you please get me a refill?" Lenalee asked, her eyes narrowing. Allen, recognizing the danger signs, hurriedly jumped up with her cup and went to the soda fountain.

On the way, he started to think about the upcoming tournament. He was deep in thought when he slipped on an inconspicuous puddle of water and careened wildly. In desperation, he grabbed onto a stranger next to the fountain in an attempt to regain his balance. "What the fuck?" The owner of the arm turned suddenly, causing Allen to lose his grip and land on the floor with a "Bloody hell!" "Who the hell do you think you are, grabbing on to me like that?"

"S-Sorry." Allen got to his feet a little unsteadily. "There was a puddle on the ground, and I wasn't paying enough attention, I guess, and--"

"Shut up, loser." The man cut him off. " I don't have time to listen to the ramblings of idiots." Allen felt his eyebrow rise. Who does this guy think he is? "Now fuck off and leave me alone."

"I'd be more than happy to leave, sir, but I have to refill this soda." Allen replied, pasting a sarcastic smile on his face. "If you'd excuse me?" He attempted to step past the man to the fountain.

"I was here first, you little brat." The stranger responded with his own sneer. "You'll just have to wait your turn." He turned to the soda fountain and proceeded to take as long as possible to fill his cup. After a few moments, Allen was fuming.

"Just move to the side, wanker! It doesn't take that much effort on your part!" Allen cried, bumping the man to the side to get to the machine. Soda spilled out of the man's glass and onto his arm. He looked outraged.

"You want to start something with me, sprout?" The man fisted his hand in Allen's shirt and fixed him with a glare.

"Yeah, I do. And watch who you're calling a sprout, you effeminate tosser!" Allen glared right back, clenching his free hand in anticipation for a brawl.

"You fucking little--" The man spat, setting down his glass and pulling his fist back.

"Hey, bro, what's going on over here?" A guy with a hooded jacket and a soccer ball walked up to them. "You getting into another fight? Come on, I thought you wanted to eat!"

The stranger glanced between the man with the soccer ball and Allen for a second, unsure who was more worthy of his time. "Yeah, I'm coming," he muttered, releasing Allen and grabbing his drink from the counter. "Go fuck yourself, kid. And get yourself some hair dye." And with that, he walked away.

"You-!" Allen started to yell, but gave up. I shouldn't waste my time, he thought exasperatedly. He filled Lenalee's cup and made his way back to his booth while muttering under his breath.

"Hey, Al, why's your ass all wet?" Lavi queried, peering at him from behind as he sat down. "Did ya pi--"

"Slipped." Allen interjected. "On a puddle." He passed Lenalee her drink and tried hard not to smack Lavi. Must not hurt a teammate, must not hurt a teammate…

"Something wrong, Allen?" Lenalee asked.

"Nothing in particular. You know, just the usual: puddles, jerks at the soda fountain…" Allen gritted his teeth and bit into his one of his remaining burgers.

"Oh, yeah!" Lavi exclaimed. "Speaking of jerks…" He fished out his cell phone from his pocket and handed it to Allen. "Cross just called me. He said something about you being a 'worthless, ugly little fairy.' He also told me to have you call him."

Allen sighed. "I suppose I should probably call before he's so drunk he doesn't pick up."

"Isn't it only two in the afternoon?" Lenalee asked.

"Oh, you poor, naïve girl." Allen shook his head and dialed the number for Cross's cell. It rang four times before he picked up.

"Yeah?" Cross grunted into the speaker.

"You called?" Allen asked. He could smell the booze already.

"Yeah. Get your fucking self back home, boy. I found an actual use for your worthless ass."

"Oh, really. On top of all the cooking, cleaning, debt-avoiding, and illegal gambling I do for you?" Allen couldn't resist rolling his eyes.

"Ah, just get here soon, you British brat. I don't think I can stand another five minutes in this guy's company." In the background, Allen heard some loud protests from a third party before there was a "click" and the line went dead.

"Well, looks like I'm off, guys." Allen gave Lavi back his cell phone and slid reluctantly out of the booth. "See you tomorrow?"

"Ten o' clock at my place." Lenalee answered, standing up to give Allen a hug. "Try not to get arrested before then."

"I'll try." Allen smiled at her and hugged her back. "But there's no guarantee."

"See ya, Al!" Lavi called as Allen walked out of the restaurant. Allen gave them one last wave before he headed out to walk the short distance to his home.

I have a feeling this is going to be bad. He shuddered as he opened the front door to his and Cross's apartment. Really, bloody bad.