And so they lived happily ever after.
As if.
No, they fought, they made up, they fought again, usually over Toby and Zander, but sometimes over other things as well.
Toby rebelled as a teenager, as did his nephew Zander a few short years later; he idolized his uncle, and the fact that they were so close in age made them close companions in mischief as well. Once, they even ran away together, investigating the mysterious world of the Aboveground much to Sarah and Jareth's consternation. Well, Sarah was upset, especially for Toby. He'd adjusted so well; would returning to the world into which he'd been born stir long-hidden memories? And Zander, he was half-human; what would being in his mother's world do to him?
Ah, but those are stories for another day. For now, be content, as Sarah and Jareth are, cradled in one another's arms, Zander sleeping peacefully in his basket in Elena's room, and Toby snoozing in his own castle in the Summerlands.
The End
A/N: I realized I never truly said good-bye to this story, which I had a blast writing, just as I'm having a blast writing my other Labyrinth story, "A Mirror Darkly." I have an even darked Laby story in mind, but I'm not sure about writing it. I'll think about it. But thank you, in the meantime, for all your kind words. A sequel may be in the making some day.