Voices in my Ears

Andreas Alva

I dont own Kingdom Hearts. If I did, there wouldve been much more gay sex. Trust me. [Damn straight.]

A/N Just so you know, Im not overly familiar with Sephiroth and how hes supposed to act, so expect him to be OOC. Hes also going to be a very important character in the story, so I cant really change his OOCness nowunless I decide to replace him with an original character, which I might do; I havent decided yet.

A/N2 MY beta seems to have died on me which is why this wasnt out on Wednesday. Sadly shes still MIA so half of this chapter is unbetaed and Im thinking that Im in need of a new Beta. Anyone want the job?

Hollow Bastion: Covenstead

A blaring sound echoed around me, causing me to leap sharply out of my bed. I landed by my side table, looking around blearily for the cause of the offending noise, pissed and ready to break the annoying thing in half for so rudely awakening me. I strode quickly to the clock, shutting off the alarm still blasting through the room, confused as to why I had been woken up so damn early. Slowly the post-sleep fog cleared from my mind and my blank face brightened into the closest semblance of happiness I could get: a smirk. I remembered why I was up before nightfall, Riku. Tonight was the night. It was finally happening. After all this time, and all this frustration, my desires would finally come to fruition.

Two years earlier

Hollow Bastion: Library

The ancient library at Hollow Bastion glowed as the midmorning light passed through its large stained glass windows, creating a warm haze that permeated the space. Dwarfed by the huge windows was a large worktable straining under the weight of hundreds of time-worn tomes piled on top of each other. Barely visible in the middle of all the books was a small teenaged boy, who was furiously skimming through book after book, growling in frustration as every new volume seemed to disappoint him. His once bright blue eyes were now dark, and lacked any real spark of hope; his once sun-kissed skin was unnaturally pale and gaunt; and his beautiful smile was replaced with a worried frown. The boy quickly finished another book, and then slammed it shut as he let out a noise of annoyance and slumped down to the table. His whole body went limp as the spirit that was once so bright and pure darkened and faded under its heavy burden.

The boy straightened quickly his eyes blazing with determination and let out a shout.

No! I refuse to give up. I will never give up on him!

He seemed to fill up with energy at the thought of his beloved suffering in darkness and he quickly began paging through the books around him once more. His search continued on with the boy slowly losing his hope finishing book after book and finding nothing at all; it was nearing midnight as the boy began to lose steam again. As the large grandfather clock began to toll twelve booming times the boy collapsed on the table and counted the tolls in his head.




The boy looked up in confusion searching the dark library around him as the bell tolled again, noticing for the first time just how dreary and scary the library was at night; so very much unlike the warm golden sanctuary that it seemed to be during the day.

(( is your deepest Desire?))

The bell tolled once more as the boy, Sora, answered in a scared tone, Who are you! What are you? I know no ones here but me so how can I hear you!

The bell tolled one more time before a voice seemed to come from no where and everywhere at once.

((Your deepest Desire can be you can do what is needed. ))

As the bell tolled another time Sora jumped out of his chair and looked around with an air of discomfort, My deepest Desire? What is this shit! Dont fuck with me damnit!

((Together we can bring back all that was lost. What was broken will be whole.))

Sora stopped searching the room as the voices words rang in his mind, as the clock tolled anew he looked up and quietly asked, Broken? What are you talking about?

((Come to Us and find out.))

Sora began to shake as his mind began to try and make sense of what the voice was telling him but his swirling thoughts were interrupted as the clock tolled once again and the gong seemed to resound through his body.

((We can give you what you want. We can give you what you need.))

Sora couldnt take all the emotions and thoughts filling his mind, it was all just too much for him and he let it all out in a loud scream that was quickly joined by another gong as he fell to the floor.


The Bell tolled for a ninth time.

(( Do you want it? Do you want him?))

Sora looked up with deadened eyes as he answered in a hiss, Yessss and the bell tolled.

(( There is a Price to be paid.))

The eleventh gong was accompanied by Soras frantic shout, Anything for him!

(( Then say it. Say His name and open yourself to Us. Open yourself to the Power within Us))

Sora screamed as if in pain, RIKU! and as the last bell tolled the clouds opened up and moonlight shone down upon the far wall of the library revealing an ancient looking doorway that glowed in the silver light.

((Come to Us.))

Sora shakily stood up and with blank white eyes walked towards the doorway, reaching his fingers through it and seeing the ripples flow outward from his hand. Slowly a smirk came to his face and he dove through the wall leaving Hollow Bastion far behind him.

(( It begins again))

-end Chapter one-