A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for the reviews on my other Kingdome Hearts fanfic, their much appreciated! This is just a one-shot comedy that I thought up in the middle of the night…hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Wanna know what I disclaim? Go to my other story and read it if it bothers you that I use KH characters in stories, whom I don't claim ownership to at all. For the love of emo-muffins, who really reads these?
Warning: :Language but that's about it.
Zexion was pissed off to such an extreme he couldn't scheme a thing. Always the quiet Organization 13 member, he had hid in the shadows and plotted all of his most dastardly ventures…but the noise of that infernal new member was beyond the extreme!
Axel, the Flurry of Dancing Flames, was a cocky little smart mouth illegitimate son of a pregnant dog in heat. He still remembered that first day, when they met The World That Never Was' new denizen.
"The name is Axel. A-" he started only to be interrupted by Zexion.
"You mean like the long, cylindrical object used with wheels?" he quietly asked form his favourite shadow, a corner in the main room of the inner castle.
"No, ass. A-X-E-L. Got it memorized?" raising his chakrams he threateningly pointed them at Zexion. "What's your name, Ass?"
"Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer." Zexion stated matter-of-factly.
"Well, Zexy. I'll just have to teach you not to mess with me." and from that day on, every time he passed near or saw Zexion, he shouted in his annoyingly grating voice, "Hey ZEXY!!" or "It's A-X-E-L, Got it memorized yet, Zexy?"
Zexion had had enough. So he did what he did best. He schemed the perfect revenge.
It took weeks to get everything just right. And when al of his preparations were finished he quickly enacted his plan,
"Axel." he called, as the red head passed him in the shadows of the castle hallway.
"Yes, Zexy?" Axel smirked when he saw Zexion's flinch.
"I realize we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, and I'd like to remedy that with a late and belated gift of welcome." puling out a large package, he quickly passed it to Axel, disappearing back into the shadows.
Axel looked down, confused. Unwrapping the large and ungainly object, he quickly uncovered a blue sitar.
"What the hell is this thing supposed to be?" lifting up the instrument, he smashed it against the wall, attempting to make it into matchsticks when he heard a yell so full of wrath, he stopped cold.
"You fucking asshole what the mother-fucking hell do you think your fucking doing with my beloved, cherished SITAR?!?!?" Demyx quickly ran up to the shocked redhead.
"YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER!" water shot from the enraged blonde's hands, drenching Axel and the wall behind him. Axel just stood there stock still as the shorter blonde walked off, his sitar in hand, storming and destroying any and all things in his path.
Axel turned around, looking for his malefactor, Zexion. What he saw however, was a message written on the wall, written in a special chemical glowed yellow from the water of Demyx's attack.
"Don't mess with me, Axel. I can and will make your life hell. Oh and, 'Fich Dich'. don't know what it means? Look it up you fucking dunderhead."
Late that night, after furious searching in the castle's library, Axel finally gave up and turned to Google. Reading the definition, Axel started to laugh hysterically. The little snot had to go through all of that just to tell him "Fuck you"?
His stay with this Organization 13 would be interesting…very interesting indeed.