Pairing: Yoruichi/Soifon

M Rated For language and strong sexual themes; although I will up the rating for future chapters that have sexual themes in them it won't be suitable for kids.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Please write a review and let me know what you think also any ideas feel free to pm me. Also this chapter has not been beta read yet.


"I can't believe that you would choose her over me! What are you trying to do cover up something that you're actually doing?" Rei questioned a scowl on her face at the thought of Yoruichi ignoring her just to hang out with Soifon for a day.

Yoruichi rolled her eyes as she shifted her sports car into third gear in order to speed past the continuous flow of traffic that they were in. She was attempting to ignore the angry woman seated in her passenger seat in order to avoid getting into an accident. 'I can't believe after all this time she's still jealous of Soi,' she thought to herself.

"Well? I'm waiting for a reply oh dear goddess," Rei remarked a hint of sarcasm could be heard in her voice as she focused her cobalt eyes on the woman who was driving her home.

"Why are you even acting like this?" Yoruichi answered in an angry tone knowing that she was merely feeding the fire that was between them both. "Nothing's going on with me and Soi we're just friends. Honestly why do you always have to get jealous just because I'm spending time with someone other than you?"

"I wouldn't act jealous if you would stop making starry eyes at that "little girl". I don't see what you see in her, she's not at all attractive. And if you aren't up to anything, then why do you avoid answering my phone calls when you're with her?" Rei demanded.

"Did it ever occur to you that I needed my own space for once?" Yoruichi remarked as she slammed on the breaks hastily to avoid hitting the right bumper of a silver BMW that was driving in front of her. She let out a long sigh after realizing the root of the friction between herself and Rei, Rei was jealous of her friendship with Soifon. Yoruichi knew her lover had caught on a while ago that she cared about Soifon a whole lot more than what she was actually making it out to be. 'Am I that obvious?' Yoruichi thought to herself not realizing that she had stopped at a green light.

The blaring of car horns filled the air as some cars dodged out of the lane Yoruichi was in flipping her the bird as they sped past.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill us?" Rei asked eyeing her girlfriend skeptically not believing that she had spaced out right in her presence.

"Sorry I didn't realize the light was green," Yoruichi smiled waving off the fact that her mind was on Soi at the moment.

"Right, so you didn't just space out while you were driving," Rei said rolling her eyes. "What, or better yet, who is on your mind that much, that you would stop your car to think of them?"

"Rei drop this conversation already! Did you call me out of my lunch to fuss at me about what I'm doing that makes you mad or did you really have another crisis?" Yoruichi inquired, her eyes focused on the road. She knew Rei would have a shocked expression on her face because of how straight to the point she was being but the goddess had no intentions of letting anyone mess up her day off from school as well as work.

Rei gulped nervously knowing that she was treading on thin ice with her girlfriend. Yoruichi was never straight to the point about a situation unless she was getting aggravated. Rei took a deep breath calming herself down then opted to use a nicer tone of voice with the other woman. "Well my financial aid didn't come through the way it should have. I barely have enough money to cover this semester and of course you know I renewed my lease so now I have two bills hovering over my head right now," Rei explained.

Yoruichi rolled her eyes at Rei's reason for dragging her out of her lunch. 'Does it always have to be about money with this chick?' Yoruichi thought as she let out a sigh. She dreaded the words she knew she would be saying next, even though her family was well off the goddess hated having to bail her girlfriend out every time she had a financial crisis. "How much do you need this time?" Yoruichi asked as she turned the corner to the street that her condo was located on.

"At least three thousand to make sure everything is covered," Rei informed while giving her lover a sincere look of gratefulness.

Yoruichi pulled into her regular parking space in the indoor parking lot and turned off the car. She looked her lover square in the eye as if to make sure that she wasn't just pulling her leg for more money. Rei smiled innocently at her hoping that the older woman would say yes. Yoruichi let out a defeated sigh already knowing that she was going to give into her girlfriend's demands. "Alright I'll take care if it I guess," Yoruichi grumbled in defeat.

"Yay!" Rei shouted in joy as she enveloped Yoruichi in a tight hug not even allowing the other woman to unfasten her seat belt. "Thank you so much babe."

"You're welcome," Yoruichi sighed already knowing that her girlfriend would be back again later on with another issue.

Rei gently cupped Yoruichi's chin affectionately. "What do you say we spend our own personal time together?" Rei suggested while her other hand climbed up Yoruichi's thigh.

Yoruichi could feel her heart beat quicken and her body heat increase immediately, however she bit her bottom lip attempting to ignore the desire to take Rei at that moment. She quickly cranked up her car once more avoiding eye contact with her girlfriend. "No thanks, I have something else to do," Yoruichi lied gently pushing the younger woman away from her.

"What?" Rei questioned her eyes narrowed at her lover. "Yoruichi you can't be serious what else could there possibly be for you to do?" She could sense that the goddess was lying because she was avoiding eye contact with her.

"Relax, I promise I'll be back before it gets late," Yoruichi grinned winking at the other woman as she put her car in reverse.

Rei raised an eye brow incredulously at the goddess rejection. "Are you sure your feeling okay?" she questioned eying Yoruichi suspiciously before reluctantly getting out of the sports car.

"I'm positive," Yoruichi answered. 'As soon as I get away from you that is,' she added internally. Without exchanging any more words with Rei, Yoruichi quickly drove out of the parking garage and onto the street. She focused her attention on clearing her mind and a smile showed on her face as she quickly pressed number seven on her cell phone. Within seconds the dial tone rang.

"Hello?" Soi answered wondering why Yoruichi was calling her back so soon.

"Hey Soi, I'm just calling to say I'm sorry about what happened earlier," Yoruichi started in a cheerful voice. She silently prayed that Soi wasn't busy studying otherwise the younger girl would decline going anywhere with her.

"That's okay Yoruichi I know you're having a time with your girlfriend," Soi said with a giggle in her voice thinking about Rei. She figured that Yoruichi would have ditched the brash woman earlier considering Rei caused a scene at the restaurant.

"So I was thinking…you wanna go grab dinner and a movie like we usually do?" Yoruichi suggested, her grin could be heard through the phone. It was obvious she wanted to see Soi.

Soi hesitated. "I don't know Yoruichi I have a ten page paper due in two days that I haven't even started on."

"Oh come on Soi take a break with me before you get back to your work, please," Yoruichi urged.

"I don't know Yoruichi I have a lot of work to do and…."

"Soi its just for a few hours, please! Look I promise if I don't have you home by eleven I'll write the paper for you myself," Yoruichi offered.

Soi sighed in defeat. "Okay but somehow I don't think it would be a good idea for you to write my paper. You didn't exactly get the best grade in freshman English," Soi joked.

"Hey at least I made a passing grade, it wasn't that bad."

"You barely passed; I had to practically help you with that take home final remember?" Soi added.

"Yep and I sure do appreciate you offering your assistance," Yoruichi laughed. "I'll be over in fifteen minutes I'm heading to your apartment right now."

"Alright I'll be ready when you get here," Soi said.

"Great I'll see you in fifteen," Yoruichi grinned, within seconds the phone call ended. Yoruichi could feel her heart flutter at the thought of finally having a peaceful evening once again with her best friend. 'I'm glad at least she's always here for me', she thought to herself as she drove onto the highway to head to Soifon's house.

"So is everything okay between you and Rei now?" Soi questioned as she noticed a slight worried look in Yoruichi's eyes. She took a sip of her tea and pushed back her finished plate, she was stuffed from eating three slices of pizza.

Yoruichi sighed shaking her head at the thought of her girl friend. "In all honesty she's beginning to get on my nerves."

Soi giggled at Yoruichi's answer she figured that her friend would be slightly stressed due to Rei's brash behavior with barging into the restaurant earlier today. "It can't be that bad."

"Tch… I wish it wasn't that bad but she barely listens to me any way. Sometimes I think she's just using me for my money, you know?" Yoruichi continued as she got up from her chair.

"Have you talked to her about it?" Soi started anxious to solve the problem that Yoruichi was faced with. She got up from her chair as well so they would be on time for their movie.

"What's the use, Rei is stubborn she'll think I'm picking on her or something. We don't have to rush the movie doesn't start for another five minutes," Yoruichi noted as she placed some money on their table and followed Soi out of the restaurant.

"I don't want to be late," Soi admitted as Yoruichi held the door open for her.

"Soi the movie theater is just next door. It won't kill us to be five minutes late," Yoruichi reminded Soi as they waited for a few cars to pass through the street before they walked through.

"You know I hate being late," Soi said eyeing her friend incredulously.

"We can take our time besides I doubt it will be sold out."

"Yoruichi…." Soi started noticing that her friend wasn't heading for the entrance of the movie theater instead she was heading for the parking lot for her car.

A catty grin appeared on Yoruichi's face as she stopped in her tracks. "Just kidding I know how bad you wanted to see this movie." The goddess headed for the entrance of the movie theater instead noticing that it was a bit of crowd for the opening night for the movie "Taken".

"Now aren't you glad we came in here instead of the parking lot?" Soi smiled.

"You had a lucky guess," Yoruichi muttered a smile hugging her lips as well.

Within minutes Yoruichi and Soifon had purchased their tickets as pop corn and a few drinks. Yoruichi let out a relieved sigh as she took her seat next to Soi in the movie theater. Deep inside herself she had to admit that this was what she had been waiting for all day. To have a peaceful evening with Soifon without having to deal with the drama that came with dealing with Rei. She stole a glance at Soi while the movie previews flooded the screen. Her best friend looked intently at the movie until she realized that Yoruichi was eyeing her strangely.

"Yoruichi are you okay?" Soi asked concerned that Yoruichi wasn't watching the movie but her instead.

"Yeah I'm fining just happy to be away from everything," Yoruichi said a pleased smile on her face. 'And the fact that I'm happy to finally be with you,' she thought to herself.

"Don't worry about that right now, enjoy the movie," Soi suggested drawing her attention back to the projector screen the movie was finally starting.

Yoruichi took one more glance at Soi then focused her attention on the movie despite the fact that she could feel her eyes burning. She was happy to have Soi in her company once more even though she wasn't particularly interested in the movie. Within a few minutes thirty minutes of the movie Yoruichi was sleep leaning her head on Soi's shoulder peacefully sleeping.

'Why is she doing this to me,' Soi thought to herself as she was attempting to fight back a slight flutter growing stronger within her stomach. She was desperately trying to ignore the fact that Yoruichi was leaning her head on her shoulder for support for her to go to sleep. Although at the same time Soi could suddenly feel emotions that she had locked away years ago begin to rise up within her. 'I can't believe this is happening…I don't like Yoruichi….she's just my best friend nothing more,' she thought to herself as she struggled to watch the movie.

From the corner of Soi's eye she could see that Yoruichi was comfortable sleeping on her. The peacefulness that showed on Yoruichi's face actually made her smile for a brief second before she reminded herself that she wasn't supposed to be thinking about the way her thoughts were going now. She let out a deep sigh. 'This isn't good I put these feelings on the shelf a long time ago,' she thought to herself as she focused back on the movie.

Sorry to end the fic on this note but please write a review and let me know what you think. Tomorrow Confessions of A Goddess will FINALLY be up.

Nekomi Kaze ^_^