Pairing: Yoruichi/Soifon

M Rated For language and strong sexual themes; although I will up the rating for future chapters that have sexual themes in them it won't be suitable for kids.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Author's Note: I wasn't expecting to release this new fic until I was done with Confessions, but I decided to go ahead and release it considering I'm set on sticking to my deadlines. This fic is based on real events that I have experienced within my life so there will be a little bit more emotion going on within this fic. Situations have not been switched around although I've Bleach styled this real life story. When it comes to updating considering how school goes I will try to update this fic asap, although I will be updating the other fics I currently have in progress first.

Please write a review and let me know what you think also any ideas feel free to pm me. Also this chapter has not been beta read yet.


"So how bad is this situation?" Soi questioned as her silver peers carefully examined the tan woman she was seated next to. She could feel her heart about to burst as the atmosphere noticeably thickened between the two of them.

"You don't want to know," Yoruichi muttered taking another sip of vodka from her glass. The goddess felt her heart beat increase as well and her mouth grow dry at the thought of how she could get herself out of this tight situation. Yoruichi never meant for things between her and Soi to get this complicated yet it seemed every day she was forced to cover herself to keep Soi from finding out about her ex. 'Maybe I should just let this one slide and avoid this conversation,' she thought to herself.

"Yoruichi," Soi continued as her eyes met troubled golden ones. She made up her mind that she would get to the bottom this situation. She had no intention of getting caught up in yet another one of Yoruichi's games, ones that she had personally witnessed countless times before.

Yoruichi sighed inwardly wondering why her evening couldn't be a little more peaceful. Why did she have to touch on the very subject she knew would either make or break her relationship with Soi? "Why do you want to know?" she asked downing the remains of her glass hoping to find some comfort in the bitter liquid. Unfortunately for Yoruichi the vodka wasn't working and she could feel the hole she was in growing bigger by the second.

"Because I want to know," Soi answered simply, a hint of frustration could be heard in her voice. She was getting a little aggravated at how Yoruichi was handling the situation. It puzzled her that her best friend was practically treating her the way the goddess did any other love interest that she had seen in her life.

"What do you want to know?" Yoruichi sighed picking up the bottle of Absolute vodka and pouring herself another glass. She took another sip while waiting for Soi's reply, despite the fact that she wanted to end the whole conversation.

"Are you seeing your ex?" Soi inquired her eyes never leaving Yoruichi's face. She knew she was at her breaking point and had to accept whatever the result would be, painful or not.

"Yes," Yoruichi admitted already sensing she was upsetting Soi. She decided she would wait for the "other shoe to drop" then attempt to repair the pieces of what was broken between the two.

Soi swallowed hard already knowing that if the goddess was seeing her ex the rest was self explanatory yet still she wanted to pry further into what Yoruichi was really up to. She could feel her heart breaking as she forced herself to ask the very question that had been plaguing her mind for the past few days. "Are you sleeping with her?" The words came out of her mouth without hesitation and she could feel tears form in her eyes. She already knew the answer, she just wanted to hear Yoruichi admit it to her, herself.

"Soi…." Yoruichi said attempting to avoid answering the question. She already knew she might lose Soi because of this but she wanted to hold onto what was left of their relationship.

"Just answer the question Yoruichi," Soi retorted bitterly, a scowl now on her face as she stood up from the couch she was seated on with Yoruichi. She stood in front of the older woman with her arms crossed and angry tears forming in her eyes.

"Yes but let me explain," Yoruichi insisted noticing the pain that was in Soi's eyes as she too attempted to stand up from the couch.

"There's NOTHING to explain!," Soi shouted attempting to hold back the tears that were already slowly beginning to glide down her face. She shook her head. "I can't believe I was so stupid," she muttered as she quickly walked to the front door of Yoruichi's apartment.

Yoruichi gripped Soi's wrist in an attempt to plead with the girl, "Soi at least let me explain what's going on."

"Don't touch me!" Soi hissed breaking Yoruichi's grip, her left hand now on the door knob. "Everything was just a game to you just like its always been. You don't care about anyone but yourself."

"That's not true," Yoruichi replied. "I meant every word I said to you. Its just…. "

"Its just what? You can't let her go? Well don't worry because I'm letting you go," Soi snapped walking out of the apartment door and shutting it behind her.

"Shit," Yoruichi muttered punching her front door. "What am I going to do now?" She hated how the whole situation played out but she knew the ball was now in her court. 'Looks like I really have to come to a decision,' she thought to herself.


Well this was just a start to this fic. Please write a review and let me know what you think.

Nekomi Kaze ^_^