A/N: Sorry I have not updated lately I have been busy with school and some personal problems. I know this chapter is really short. The next chapter will be the final chapter to this story. So please read, enjoy, and most of all reveiw.

Chapter 14: Volturi and Tanya

Bella's POV

We waited in the clearing that Alice said they would be showing up. Kairi insisted on coming. So I allowed her to. I couldn't fight the feeling of being with my daughter every change I got. And this may be the end.

Kairi was a full vampire now but still seemed to look younger than a teenager. As I was running around with Kairi, Alice called out that they were here. I told Kairi to go stand by Edward. Though my member maybe fuzzy I can remember some of my human life. And I had Kairi to thank for that.

I stood in the middle of the clearing while the cullens stood a mile away from me. I could see figures coming from the trees. Three stood in front of what seemed like thirty guards. They stopped about a few yards away from me.

"Bella, it is good to see you." The one in the middle spoke.

"I wish I could say the same." I looked at him with disgust. I could feel hints of anger in my toes and finger tips. The one that had just spoke walked closer to me. He did not seem afraid at all like nothing could scare him.

"Do you mind?" He held out his hand. I didn't trust him and there was no way that this person was going to get his way.

"I do, actually. I was always told not to talk to strangers. But I was a wear of you coming to kill me if I do not join your little march. Is that correct?" I looked straight into his eyes. And he looked shocked that I had just refused him.

"That is true." He answered.

"Well I am sorry but me nor my daughter will be joining you and I can assured you that unless you want to lose the what thirty guards there you will leave and never return." I ordered. I am guess that no one orders him around because the shocked look on his face was priceless.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that?" It was clear now that he was pissed.

"I am just me. And I don't listen to anyone." I answered back.

"Jane, the family." He turned to a girl that looked no older than fifteen. Then the family behind me was in terrible pain as they fell to the floor. They were hurting my family. I turned to the girl that conflicting the pain.

"Stop!" I said with gritted teeth but she just smiled and caused more pain. My anger was getting ready to hit overboard. Then when she put more pain one them I lost control. My wings fanned out and I was engulfed in fire. I burned the whole guard except the three leaders.

"What are you?" They said at the same time full of fear now. Carlisle walked to my side then.

"Aro, meet Bella, she is the only member left the Royal Family." Carlisle stated with satisfaction.

"It can't be." Aro said.

"Oh yeah, and this little one is her daughter. Through birth and all." Carlisle was glad to finally tell the facts about me. Even though I didn't know until now I couldn't bring myself to calm down enough to let it sink in. I didn't like the guess that was here.

"Unless you want to die I suggest you leave and never come back." I said through gritted teeth. They took one look at me and ran. Once I knew they were gone I could relax. I looked down at Kairi who was smiling at me which warmed my heart. We ran back to the house.

When we got back to the house I felt Kairi tense.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing" Kairi answer but I swear I could have heard her say something else. But I didn't say anything else.

When we walked into the house there was an unfamiliar scent in the room. Just then a girl showed up in the living room.

"Oh Eddie, there you are. I have been looking for you." The girl said then she looked at me. "I see your back." Then I realized when she was. Tanya. The girl who thought could take Edward.

"Yes, I am back so you can stop trying to mother my child." I stated.

"I could mother her better than you ever can." That one sentence over did my anger. i throw her out of the house to make sure that I didn't break anything inside and ran to her before she hit the floor, I kicked her and then pinned her against the tree.

"Don't you ever talk about me or my family like that again." I hissed.

"Like what, that you are a stupid pathetic vampire that can't satisfy anyone?" I had to give her props for having some guts but she was no match for me. I throw her into another tree.

"If I am the pathetic one then why is it I don't have to try to get guys to love me." I knew I hit a soft spot cause then she started to fight back. But was not getting anywhere. "Leave and never come back." Then I throw her into the driveway where she ran scared.