Hope you enjoy and Please Review. I do not own twilight or any of its characters.

Chapter One - The Pain and Suffering

Bella POV

Where did he go? Will he ever come back? Does Alice see this? Or did they forget me? I never know when my end is going to come but I feel it coming soon… Will I be saved or am I going to die here? What will happen to my little girl?

It has been two years since Edward has left me. He left me the day after our first and only magical night we had together. In those two years I have discovered that I was pregnant with his child and he would never know. I also have been married and abused. My husband, John,((who I forced myself to believe that I loved)) has abused me everyday. I don't know what I had done to deserve it.

He should be home soon. And I got to get dinner and dishes done or I will get it double time tonight.

"Where's dinner?" John yells as he walks through the front door. Shit just five more minutes that is all I need five minutes.

"It will be done in five minutes dear." I answered back as calmly as I could. When I turned around to greet my husband I ended up greet the floor.

"I told you to have my food ready the moment that I get through the door and not a minute later." He yelled with anger.

"I am sorry." I cried back. Then he struck me again before I could get back onto my feet.

He dragged me to the living room and banged my head against the floor a couple times before he let go. Right when I thought that he was done I was fooled and was kicked in the ribs several times. I heard a couple cracks so I knew that he had broken a couple bones. Blood started to pour out of my mouth. While I got my beating I made my mind go to my happy place which was with Edward in our, well now his, meadow. Then I made the biggest mistake and whispered his name. How much I was glad that Kairi was not here to witness this.

"What did you just say you little bitch?!" John yelled even louder then before. " So you want some other man. You don't want me no more? Then I guess no man should have you. You dirty little peace of shit." Then he walked away.

I heard noise in the kitchen but my vision as a blur. When John had come into view he had something in his hand. As he got closer my vision can clearer and I saw that he was holding a knife in his hand. Here it goes the end of my life.

He grabbed my arm and started to cut from my shoulder blade to my wrist. "Now your going to die. Nice and Slow" Just then a vision of Edward and Kairi came into my mind and I knew that I could not let this happen. Just then his familiar words came to my mind. Be Safe and live happily. He had wanted me to live with a happy life. Get out of there. His velvety voice came to my mind again. That is when I knew that I had to fight back. Anger raised through me as I thought of all I put myself through in the last two year.

I turned around and punched John in the face and ran out the door to my old Chevy truck. As I started to drive I realized that I had no idea where to go to get to the hospital since John had brought me on another one of his business trips in Alaska. So I just drove until I could find my way.

Before I knew it I was in the parking lot of the hospital. I looked at my arms and saw the blood all over the seats and my clothes. As I walked to the emergency doors I thought I saw what seemed to be Carlisle's Mercedes. But that was imposable he was gone with Edward probably all the way across the planet.

As I walked into the emergency room I started to feel nauseated. When I got to the counter I lost conscious. I thought I heard them say get doctor Cullen. I tried to say he was gone but I lost ability to speak and fainted.

I was lost in the dark there was only two things that where here with me. Edward with Kairi and a door way that had light shining from underneath it, it must be the door way to heaven. How much I wanted to run to Edward. Once I started to walk to him my memory flashed through my head. "You don't want me?" "No, I don't" That stopped me right in my tracks. I wanted so much for him to be mine. To love me the way he had two years ago. But he didn't. What will happen with Kairi? She can't go to John. Anyone but John.