Hey! This is my first fic, so let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy this as much as Fang did.... :D By the way, this story starts off in one of the early chapters of MAX, so if you haven't read that you might be a little confused. The flock has been doing air shows where they show off their sick-nasty bird-kid skills and spread awareness for global warming. But at their most recent one, a sniper guy took some shots at Max. (cause it wouldn't be Maximum Ride if stuff like that didn't happen every couple of pages...)

disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride or any of the characters. They're all James Patterson

"Maybe if we just do the air shows but have them way step up security," I said slowly.

"No," said Fang.

Okay. I may be fabulous in a lot of ways, but I know I have a couple of tiny flaws. One of them is a really bad knee-jerk reaction whenever anyone tells me no about anything.

You'd think Fang would have picked up on that by now.

I raised my chin and looked him in the eye. The flock, being smarter that the average gang of winged bears, went still.

Slowly, I stood up and walked closer to Fang. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gazzy quickly pull Iggy into the boys' room next door, Total slithering after them.

Until last year, I'd been taller than both Fang and Iggy. They'd not only caught up but had shot several inches past me, which I hated. Now Fang looked down at me, his eyes so dark I couldn't see where his pupils were.

"What?" I asked, deceptively mildly. I saw a flash of pink tutu as Angel and Nudge crawled with quick, silent efficiency into the boys' room.

"The air shows are too dangerous," Fang said equally mildly. I heard the connecting door between the two rooms ease shut with the caution of prey trying hard not to attract its predator. But I barely registered this background noise as I struggled against the wave of warmth that washed through me and settled in my lower stomach from being this close to him. Finally, I managed to compose myself.

"I can't-" I started, but a new path suddenly opened to me. I felt a wicked grin stretch across my face, and Fang's eyes widened a little bit in alarm. We were standing so close together that I could've shifted onto my toes and run smack into him. This was going to be fun. "I bet I can change your mind."

He raised an eyebrow at me in the universal I'd-like-to-see-you-try expression.

I spun so fast that I almost lost my balance. I felt his midnight eyes on me as I quickly locked both of the doors; the one leading to the boys' room and the one leading to the hall. When I turned back towards Fang he was tensed, the muscles in his jaw tight, as if he was expecting me to attack him. Well, I guess I would be attacking him. In a way.

I stifled a bubbling giggle and pounced at him, soaring the last foot of space and making the both of us fly backward onto the bed he'd been standing in front of. Before he could react and push me off I pinned his arms down with my knees and suctioned my lips onto his.

He froze, and I ran my tongue along his lower lip to ask permission to enter his mouth, but it was hardly necessary. Fang was in so much shock that he was just lying there with his mouth conveniently left open.

I internally laughed maniacally at my newfound evil role of sexy temptress. Fang would be eating out of my hand by the time this was over.

I gently massaged his tongue with mine, and then ran mine across his teeth. When I drew back I bit softly and sucked on his lower lip. I was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. I kissed my way from his lips up his jaw, until I could whisper in his ear.

"Please, Fang, just one more air show? For me?" He shivered audibly beneath me, and I had to concentrate to not let the motion distract me from my whole purpose. God, he was hot.

I took a deep breath to steady myself and leaned down to nibble at his earlobe. Fang gasped in another breath, but he still couldn't seem to unfreeze himself. I smiled against his neck, but it vanished as soon as he spoke. "No. Too dangerous." His voice was almost rock solid. Almost.

Hmm. I would need to do more if I wanted him to agree with me. Luckily, I still had a few tricks up my sleeve. Thank god for the internet. So I let the smile return to my face and I kissed down his neck, sucking on his pulse point for a second and receiving another gasp, and pulled down the neck of his black t-shirt so I could kiss the top of his chest.

Darn. The shirt was a problem, cause there's no freaking way I'd be able to get that off without him snapping back to life or (if I ripped it) leaving conspicuous evidence of what we were doing. Bummer, he has the best chest and abs ever. And I mean ever.

Since I couldn't take his shirt off, I just kissed down on top of it, leaving occasional little wet marks. When I reached about midway, I realized I'd have to move from where I was sitting on top of him to be able to get to anything good, so I shimmied down till I was resting on his thighs. When I had rubbed against his nether regions I had seen him bite his lip and his eyes rolled back into his head. Perfect.

I let my mouth rest for a minute and quickly and nonchalantly slipped my hand into his pants. He obviously hadn't expected me to be so abrupt, because he gasped loudly and his back arched toward me. "Max-"

"Please, Fang? Just one more show?" I whispered seductively to him. Well, as seductively as I knew how. My fingers traced tantalizing circles around the flesh underneath his boxers, touching everywhere but there. I kept looking at him and watched as his eyes rolled back once again. "Please?"

"N-No." Fang never stuttered. Never. And I hadn't heard his voice that unsteady since we had reunited the two halves of the flock after we split up. Woo-hoo! I'm totally getting to him! (Does victory dance in head) But then again, he did still say no. Hmph. Well bully for him, he wouldn't be saying no for long.

I pulled my hand out of his pants and he seemed to relax and sag underneath me. Relief or disappointment? Either way, it was far from over so he better not get too comfortable. I kissed the rest of the way down his shirt. Then, keeping my eyes on his, I tried this nifty little trick of undoing the button of his jeans with my teeth. For once, it actually worked and then I bit the zipper and undid that, too. Thank you universe! For once, you helped me out!

"Please, Fang?" I asked again as I pulled his jeans and boxers down to his knees.


The rest of the flock had fled to the boys' room about fifteen minutes ago, and boy am I glad we did. Ew. Seriously. Ew.

Though I did have to hand it to Max, she definitely knows what she's doing. Even at this very minute I could hear Fang's resolve crumbling. She might not know it, but he would probably get down on the floor and pretend to be an elephant if she asked him too. On second thought, she probably does know it.

Angel? They're not fighting are they? Cause I really don't wanna split up again.

Uh-oh. Nudge was worrying, and if I didn't do something about it, she's probably going to burst through that door in a second and see Max and Fang doing… stuff.

Um. No. They're not fighting, but they REALLY don't want to be disturbed right now. There. That sounded innocent and reassuring. I turned the TV up a little louder, you know, just in case.

Um, Angel? Are Max and Fang doing what I think they're doing? Shoot. I forgot Iggy could hear almost everything. Well, I guess I'd just have to tell him the truth. Iggy didn't usually talk to me directly, like thought-wise. But I still had to answer him. It's not like I could pretend I didn't hear him, cause he knows I did.

That depends. If you think they're having sex, then no. If you think Max is blowing Fang to convince him to do another air show, then yes. I sighed internally as I felt Iggy's reaction to this. Disgust, appall that I knew about that stuff, and finally a warm tingliness that I really don't want to talk about. He got up to go to the bathroom.

Ew. Teenagers. I turned and concentrated really hard on watching TV.


Holy frick! Fang was huge! Okay, calm down Maximum, you need to stay on target. The fact that Fang's dick was practically an anaconda doesn't really matter right now.

After I tore my eyes from the gigantic, pulsating manhood of Fang, I locked my eyes on his again. He was watching me, absolutely unable to look away. Even though I had let his arms go when I had moved down to my now more convenient position, he hadn't tried to push me off or anything. In fact, all he had done was clutch the covers of the bed so tightly that I'm almost completely sure there will be Fang handprints left there forever.

I smiled sweetly at him and watched his eyes get even darker, if that was possible. "Please, Fang? Just one more?" and as I watched him take a breath and his mouth started to form that damn no again, I darted down and swirled the top of his rock-hard dick with my tongue. He downright moaned this time.

"Yes! Fine, Max! One more! Please!" I grinned in triumph and dipped down to take a fraction of him into my mouth, no more than an inch. Then I pulled off and looked back at him.


"God, yes! Yes, I promise! Please, Max!" Fang's words were gasps and moans that almost made me cum, just at the sound of him. God, I was doing this to him. It feels soo good.

I am one sexy bitch.

"Please what, Fang? Tell me what you want," I whispered and watched his eyes roll back and his hips buck.

"I want- I want you to suck me! Suck me until I cum!" Wow, I'm impressed that he can form coherent sentences right now. Huh. Well, back to business.

"Yes, sir." I turn back to his gargantuan dick and lick my lips in anticipation. I was dripping with lust for him, but you gotta give a guy what he asks for.

I shot forward again and shoved as much of him into my mouth as I could, fighting back the gag reflex as he hit the back of my throat. He was so warm and thick in my mouth. I wrapped my hands around the rest that couldn't fit (which was a ridiculously large amount) and then pulled slowly off of him, licking and sucking as I went. The moans that were coming out of him now were so hot that I thought I would cum soon too. When I reached the tip I swirled my tongue on it, removing the rest of his pre-cum, and then started down again. I moved slowly up and down, his hips rising to meet me, and when I felt him tensing up, I dragged my teeth gently along his length and cupped his balls in my hand.

"MAX!" He gasped my name as he came in my mouth, his back arcing and his dick throbbing. I swallowed all of the sweet milkiness, sucked him dry, and then pulled myself up to kiss him on the lips. He was breathing wildly, his dark hair hanging in his darker eyes that were still a little glazed over from the aftershocks of his orgasm. I smiled wickedly at him.

"I win. We do one more air show. Hey, you promised!" I pointed out when he looked like he was about to argue, "By the way, you can shower first while I break the good news to the kids!" I hopped off of Fang, and went over to the door leading to the boys' room. I looked back to see him slip into the bathroom, pulling off his shirt as he went. Just that one glimpse reminded me of my unsatisfied needs, and I almost went in to join him.

Oh, well. Maybe next time.

I unlocked the door and walked in. "Hey guys! Guess what? Fang and I agreed to do one more air show!"

Angel was looking at me in a very you're-in-trouble-cause-I-could-hear-everything-going-on-in-there kind of way.
