AymsterSilver: Well this pretty much explains how bored I am during the summer. After I saw the movie I couldn't help wondering what would happen to Lisa now that she had 2 children to take care of and that her husband would always work late or just not show up for anything. So this is pretty much about how Lisa is bored of her life, and spices it up when...a familar visitor comes by...

2 Children, 1 House 2 Boyfriends 1 Spouse

"Hurry up Sosuke. We're going to be late again." Lisa shouted honking the car horn what seemed like a billion times. She was a typical mom. One with no patience and the nagging kind, but, badda bing badda boom, that's what is to be expected from the average mom.

She didn't know what Sosuke was doing inside the house but when he came out he would have to explain himself…that is, explain himself very quickly because she was, after all, late for her occupation at the senior home.

"Sosuke! Do you think I have no life? Where's Ponyo. She's with you right, because if you have to go fetch her down at the water again, it's going to take a thousand MORE years." Now that Ponyo was no longer magic, her clothes would become very wet, and Lisa hated it when people wearing wet clothes went into her car.

"It's alright mom," came Sosuke's voice. "She's right over here with me. Just wait one more second, please."

Lisa huffed, and banged her head on the steering wheel in frustration. She needed to occupy herself in some way to distract her, so she started to wipe the car mirror with a handkerchief. This did not settle her bitterness.

"Alright mom!" Sosuke said coming out of the house with Ponyo's hand in his. "Look at Ponyo! Isn't she pretty?"

Lisa stared at Ponyo walking out of the house who was smiling ever so brightly. She was wearing the blue dress they bought her yesterday at the mall, but her hair had several different messy ponytails that stood up in aimless directions. Lisa reckoned that Sosuke did those ponytails.

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "You wasted all this time, doing Ponyo's hair?"

"Yah." Sosuke said blushing. "She has to look good, for her first day of kindergarten."

"Sosuke," Lisa began, "Cross out 'hairdresser' on the list of your future career options."

"Sure, Whatever that means…" Sosuke smiled. Ponyo was now running around with her hands out like an airplane. Sosuke opened the car door for her and she ran in, head first and landing on the back seat upside down.

"Are we going to your school Sosuke?" Ponyo asked upside down, her blood rushing to her head and her feet dangling in the air.

"Yes, Ponyo." Sosuke exclaimed. "Put on your seatbelt, Ponyo and sit down properly, or it could be very very dangerous."

"Ok." Ponyo said rearranging herself so that she sat on her behind rather than her head.

Lisa started the car and as usual, she sped over the driving limit. One of these days, someone will pull her over, but she could get away with it on a small island for now. Multitasking with what she called her 'super mommy' powers, she steered with one hand dialled the senior home number on her cell phone, placed it on her shoulder, and then arranged Sosuke's and Ponyo's lunches.

"Hi." She said, once someone answered the phone. "I'm going to be a tad late as usual. Please don't penalize me for this. Bye!" She nudged the cell phone so that it dropped in her lap and handed Sosuke's and Ponyo's lunches to them.

"It's your favourite Ponyo. I hope you enjoy it." She said, keeping watch on the road now.

Ponyo examined her lunch container and her eyes widened. "It's Ham! It's Ham! It's Ham!" She squeaked excitedly. "I love ham! Love it!"

Lisa never understood why Ponyo loved ham, but she always guessed that was because it was the first kind of human food she ever had. She could remember Sosuke peering into the bucket beside her and wondering if she would like a part of his sandwich. If Ponyo had eaten the bread that he had offered her instead, perhaps she would be saying, "It's bread! It's bread! It's bread," right about now.

What's wrong with Fujimoto? He doesn't feed his girls, proper food? She could remember him on her front yard spraying what he called pure water, the first time she met him and how much of a lunatic he looked in that striped suit and cravat. Who would have thought he was a gods husband…or whatever he was…

Lisa began laughing out loud to herself.

"What is it mom?" Sosuke watched at her curiously. She suppressed her chuckles when she realised it was very strange to burst out laughing for absolutely no reason.

"Nothing sweetheart," she strained. "We're almost there. Are you ready for school Ponyo?" She watched Ponyo's reflection on her front mirror. Ponyo smiled at her and did thumbs up. "Good." Lisa said pulling into the senior home driveway. "Sosuke will show you where to go. You're in his class after all so that should be no problem." She opened the door and stepped out of the car. "Now I have to leave now. I'll be seeing you two later. I love you both very much." She added, closing the door and heading to the inside of the senior home.

"Bye mom." Sosuke waved.

"Bye mom!" Ponyo copied. She turned to Sosuke who was opening the door for her so that she could get out. "Where do we go Sosuke?"

"There's a hole through the senior home fence. If we go through that we can get to school."

"Ok." Ponyo smiled.

Lisa pushed her way through the senior doors and hurried in the fluorescent lit front lobby, taking off her jacket and getting an apron on, when she placed her jacket behind the front counter. "Sorry I'm late," She said to one of her colleagues. "You know how Sosuke is; he thinks there is no such thing as time.

"Don't you worry about it Lisa. We know exactly how it is. Besides, the senior home is slow moving. It would seem that time doesn't exist in a place like this either." The colleague mused.

Lisa chuckled. "I suppose I better go to Noriko, Yoshie and Toki." She said waving goodbye. She headed for the patio at the back facing the ocean. Sure enough, Noriko, Toki and Yoshie were there with a couple of others.

"Good morning." She said coming out to see them. She could hardly get used to the fact that they were no longer in wheelchairs. It was almost funny to see them on sunbathing chairs sipping pina colodas and reading newspapers. All of them were wearing sunglasses. Because the majority of seniors were now prone to walking, it seemed that the senior home became more of a vacation spa.

"What are you guys up to today?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, nothing much." Toki sighed relaxing her head deeper in the chair. "We were making plans for tomorrow. It seems like some of us want to go sailing or scuba diving."

Lisa looked confused. "Are you sure you can-

"Of course we're sure." Noriko said, sitting up in her chair, and raising her sunglasses up to her forehead. "We may be a goldenoldies, but we feel like we're in out youth again. We can do just about anything…why we could even skydive if we wanted to."

"Skydive?!" Lisa asked bewildered.

"It was just a thought darling." Yoshie smiled crossing her fingers. "Of course only the daredevils would do that."

Lisa could see that the old ladies were somewhat egotistical now that they could walk and do everything that a young adult could do. However they still kept their charm and they didn't act as if their attendants were servants.

"Enough of this planning, let's talk about you, Lisa." Noriko said excitedly. "How are the children getting along?"

"The children?" Lisa wasn't used to the seniors asking hundreds of questions. She was used to the fact that they would stare at the ocean blankly. "Er…they're fine. Ponyo is really easy to take care of."

"Easy?" Yoshie sat up. "That's wonderful. I always thought that a fish would be a burden to take care of."

"No, no." Lisa assured them. "She always helps around the house, and all I have to do for her in return is buy her ham. Buying ham isn't much of a problem. It's a strange obsession of hers."

"A former fish that likes ham." Yoshie giggled, "How cute."

"If you ask me, that's peculiar." Yoki glowered. "Gold fish aren't carnivores. This could be a sign that a tsunami is heading this way."

"Oh, hush." Noriko interjected. "If I were an herbivore I'd make a conversion to eat ham as well. So tell me, Lisa, are they going to get married yet?"

"WHA-WHAT!?!?!" Lisa yelled unexpectedly. "D-Don't you realise they are only 5 years old? They are too young to get married."

"I'm sure it could be arranged." Noriko insisted.

"Well I would never allow it. I would only allow it when they are old enough. Stop it. Stop it the lot of you. You're making me sound old, saying my kids will get married and all. No offense, I don't want to become a grandmother at this young age."

"Of course you don't." Yoshie agreed. "No mother wants their 15 or 14 year old daughter getting pregnant. That's a nightmare."

"Thank you, Yoshie for agreeing with me." Lisa huffed and nodded, putting her hands on her hips.

"Speaking of which, Lisa, how's your love life?"


"Your love life." Noriko repeated herself. "I love thinking about you young romantic couples, and all the stories that go along with it. Is Koichi good to you?"

Lisa didn't answer, and instead slanted her eyebrows and looked straight at the ground.

"Huh? Earth to Lisa?" Yoshie tried.

Lisa still said nothing, but the intensity of ferocity on her face grew greater.



That was the loudest Lisa had ever yelled anything. Everyone just stared at her. Even some of the workers on the inside stopped what they were doing and stared at her through the windows. She had realised that she was clenching her fists in the air, and she slowly lowered them and hid them behind her back.

"Aheh heh heh." she chuckled nervously and shuffled her feet on the ground. "Anyone for some ice cream?"

Yoshie, Toki, and Noriko stared in utter shock. It seemed that the impact from Lisa's voice blew their sunglasses off.

"Wow." Yoshie said, breaking he silence. "It looks like you need to find yourself someone else."

"Me?" Lisa said putting her hand on her chest. "But I couldn't possibly. Only wives on TV and celebrities can afford to go through a divorce. I couldn't possibly separate. That would be hard on the children."

"Nonsense." Toki said "Everyone is divorcing nowadays; it's like the new fad."

"That's horrible to say!" Lisa said.

"But a lot of people do it!"

"No no no no no. I'm not divorcing. Never! Never ever ever! Me and Koichi are going ALLLL the way."

"Ok. Suit yourself." Toki said finding her glasses on the ground and putting it on her forehead.

"Wha- Wha…Wait a minute! You can't just say divorce someone and go back to doing what you were doing as if it's a normal thing to say." Lisa said, stomping the ground with her foot.

"It sounds like you want more advice." Yoshie said.

"I-I do not. I was just hoping that you could…tell me something that could help me feel less like doing…the thing you just…said to…do."

"Alright, Lisa, just admit it," Toki said. "You really want advice…"

"Bye bye teacher!" Ponyo said waving goodbye when she retrieved her shoes from the cubbyhole of the kindergarten classroom. She grabbed Sosuke's arm before he could put his second shoe on and they ran outside.

"It's time to go home." Ponyo stated the obvious.

"I know, I know." Sosuke added. "Just let me put on my shoe!" He lifted his foot up high so that he could attempt to put it on, but before he could get it on, Ponyo spotted Lisa.

"There's your mom!" Ponyo pointed out, grabbing Sosuke and dragged him fast so that he had to hop all the way to his mom with one foot.

"WOOH! Ponyo, you're going to fast!" He finally managed to get the shoe on, but his foot wasn't entirely in.

Lisa bent down to their height. "Hey you two, how was school?" She greeted half heartedly.

"It was great!" Sosuke said. "We learned all about the sea and after our teacher taught Ponyo to raise her hand to answer questions, she raised her hand for every single question the teacher asked and she got them all right! Then she said that Ponyo was very smart."

"Is that true, Ponyo?" Lisa asked facing the girl with the strange ponytails still on her head.

"Mmhmm." she said smiling.

"Tomorrow, I better be the one to do your hair. Whatever happens, don't let Sosuke get near it."

The drive home was tiring. The good thing about having 5 year olds was that they didn't notice the expression on Lisa's face that clearly suggested that she had a really long lecture about getting along with her nonexistent husband.

Swivelling through some cars on the high elevated mountains, Lisa yawned and listened to the many stories that Sosuke and Ponyo had to tell however she wasn't paying attention to some of them. Most of the time she would answer, 'mhm,' and they wouldn't get the idea that she wasn't listening.

Now she was speeding three times over the limit. All she wanted was to get home. Get home real fast. Pressing her foot harder on the accelerator she saw trees whooshing past and blending together into one pure colour of green. Soon they were near home.

"Almost there…" she thought, "Almost-

A flash of orange appeared before her, and her eyes caught a glimpse of a man standing in the middle of the road coming right at her…well actually the car was zooming towards the man like a bolt of lightning. Immediately she pushed her foot on the brake and the car dangerously screeched to a halt.

Eyes wide, and a heart beating widely, she stared into the calm man's face, less than a metre away, who gave a daunting smile and looked as if he didn't even know she was about to kill him with her car. Angrily she got out of the car, slammed the car door wildly and stomped towards the lunatic.

"YOU IDIOT! You know I could have just killed you?" She yelled, invading her perpetrator's space. "You don't just stand in the middle of the road as if it's the friggin' red carpet!"

"Well, you seem quite obliged to welcome me. Serves you right to speed like that when the limit is 40 on this road." Fujimoto answered, almost as if he was laughing at her.

"For your information, buster, nobody goes on this road because the only house on it is ours. Therefore it doesn't matter if I speed or not." She growled pointing to the peak of the hill where their house stood. "You on the other hand should watch your tongue because if you're not careful I will saw it off and you'll be sorry."

Lisa was interrupted then, because Ponyo poked her head out of the car when she opened the door, undid her seatbelt and ran out. "DADDY!!!!!" She ran up to him, Sosuke following after her. "What are you doing here? Is mommy here? Is she? Does she want to speak to me? Where is she? Tell me where she is!"

"Um. Sorry Ponyo, but she's not here," Fujimoto assured the pleading child. "I was coming back from an errand and I just happened to pass here, I was wondering how my daughter is coping with the world now that she's human." He said more to Lisa than to Ponyo. "I was actually planning to compensate with you, Lisa. Now that you have two children on your hands and considering that one of them is my child."

"Well, maybe I don't need anything from you and can handle everything perfectly on my own."

"Oh…really? Even after that very interesting speech of yours you gave this morning in the senior home about your life at home struggling…"

"H-How do you know about that?" Lisa stepped back giving a look of dismay.

"Darling, your voice echoed off the waves. Pretty much the entire ocean knows about your constant battle between-

"Ok. That's just great." Lisa groaned. "Care for some tea inside the house, Fujimoto? Rather than standing out here where everyone can pretty much hear us conversing?"

"Uh, that would be satisfying."

The kettle broiled for several minutes. It was whistling when Lisa finally managed to get the kids to play outside near the water where they would have no means of listening in on their conversation. Ponyo was a sly child, and would meddle her way through to get in somehow, but Lisa and Fujimoto tried their hardest to convince her that their small chat would be about politics, ointments and something extremely tedious to a child.

"Well, that just about settles things," Fujimoto said clapping his hands together when they finally managed to get the two children out the door. "Now, where should we start?"

"I don't understand why you even bothered coming here." Lisa snarled.

"I told you already. I heard your sudden outburst, pretty much beseeching a better husband and I could not help but comprehend that my daughter is being raised in a broken family."

"We're not broken!" Lisa insisted. Fujimoto raised an eyebrow. "Well…not yet. And it never crossed my husband's mind…only…mine…Wait! Why am I telling you this?"

"Because maybe you realise that I'm not the lunatic you once thought I was."

"That's rude." Lisa snapped, and literally snapped in front of his face. "Just because you're some magic dude or mad scientist who lives under the sea, doesn't mean you should go reading people's mind. What are you anyway?"

Fujimoto chuckled. "I'd figure you'd ask that eventually. I'm a sea wizard…or witch or whatever you outlandish people like to call me."

"Well that explains your weird taste in clothes."

"Actually, that doesn't explain anything. I'm a little out of date in all your people's fashions. Three hundred years ago it was all mainly cravats and buttons, but now, I don't even know what you people wear."

"Are you saying your three hundred years old?" Lisa asked amazed.

"Yah pretty much," Fujimoto shrugged. "Wait, you're not surprised are you? After all, you already know that I've had children with a goddess."

"Well…true. But you look pretty good for a three hundred year old…You're not shrivelled up…Wait, you're starting to confuse me."

"What's confusing about eternal life?" Fujimoto inquired, sternly.

There was a high pitched noise and it was coming from the stove. The kettle's top was now bouncing as if the contents inside were about to explode.

"THAT'S THE TEA!" Lisa squeaked running to the stove, fanning the steam away and turning the dial. She looked through the cupboard to find two cute little teacups and shoved one into Fujimoto's hands. "Well, what are you waiting for? Sit down!"

Fujimoto gave a confused look then simply lowered himself on a chair near the table. "Regarding the tone of your voice, it seemed like I wasn't welcome to stay anymore."

"No! no! no!" Lisa said, contradicting his words. "You have to stay now, now that I found out your three hundred friggin years old."

Fujimoto sighed. "I'm not here to tell you my life story. I'm here concerning you and Ponyo."

"Well, too bad. You've given me a slight bit interest and now you're waving your chances of letting me appreciate you away." She said, bringing the kettle over and pouring tea into his cup. "And besides, I've just poured tea into your cup, which pretty much forces you to stay unless you want me to tell your wife that you showed every bit of disrespect to me and left this house with your cup of tea still full."

"Since when was Granmammare my wife?" Fujimoto impulsively asked.

"Since…wha-what?" Lisa could swear her lips began to twitch. "Wow!" She began jokingly. "You're full of surprises aren't you?"

"Well think of it this way. Did Zeus, in the roman legends ever marry a commoner or the mortals he would cheat on his wife with? Did any god marry anyone below their status? Of course not! That's why Granmammare and I continue life as it is…unmarried."

Lisa held a suppressed giggle. "So…I guess, with her being a god and all, that means she's the man of the house!" Lisa burst out laughing. "Oh man. That means she could crush you if she wanted. Haha. That's so funny. If only I had that power over my husband."

"Shut up." Fujimoto jeered. "You're one to talk, not being able to raise kids on your own etc."

"Hey, it's not much work. I don't see where you got the idea that I couldn't raise them on my own. They are pretty much capable of raising themselves. Just the other day Sosuke taught himself how to add and subtract without my help and that's grade one rudiments."

"Kids grow up fast." Fujimoto agreed, "Soon they won't even listen to you anymore. I'm just glad that Ponyo's sisters are not following her footsteps. The world was imbalanced enough."

"You…need…to…reeeeeeeelllllaaaaaax. You know when you asked Sosuke not think badly of you? Well you said that as if you had a diamond up your-

"What's your point?"

"Come back here tomorrow, because I am going to buy you clothes. REAL clothes. And I'm going to make you explore the human world and see that we are not that bad. It will be like a mini vacation!"

"You call that a vacation?"

"IT'S A BLOODY BRILLIANT VACATION! Don't disagree with me. You don't know who you're talking to."

"I know who I'm talking to."

"Well, shut up because you are missing out on so much. You're missing out on ice cream, you're missing out on DDR, and you're are missing out on Facebook!"

"I uh-

Lisa stared at the cup in front of him. There had to be a way to make him stay longer or else she would go insane with absolutely no company her own age. "Shut up Fuj. I see I need to refill your tea cup…"

Trust me...I have no idea where this is heading. But it's fun. Please review if you want.