"Wakey wakey, sleepy-head. Rise and shine."


"Gee, how eloquent."

"Shut up and let me sleep," Shiro muttered. "M'tired."

"You can't be that tired," Ichigo said. "It's almost noon."

Shiro just snorted and snuggled closer to his pillow, which happened to be Ichigo. The orange-haired young man smiled at his snow-haired lover and patted the soft locks gently. He had to admit that, despite the hour, he was in no hurry to get out of bed either. There was nowhere in particular he had to be, sunlight was streaming softly through the window, and the love of his life was in his arms. In Ichigo's mind, it was as close to paradise as one could get.

"I guess we can stay in bed a while longer."

"Best idea you've ever had."

Ichigo sighed contentedly and slowly slid his hands down Shiro's side. He rubbed the hollow's distended stomach absently, grinning broadly at a thump.

"The baby's kicking again. I love that."

"You're the only one who does. The kid's squirming won't let me sleep."

Ichigo had to laugh at the half-annoyed, half-loving tone in Shiro's voice. Which earned him another thump, this time on the side of his head. Shiro smirked at the playful glare sent his way and leaned forward to kiss Ichigo sweetly. The two stayed like that for a while, holding each other close. Neither wanted the tender moment to end.

"Well, isn't this cozy," a nasty voice sneered.

Ichigo and Shiro jolted upright in shock. On the other side of the room, leaning against the dresser, stood Grimmjow. He had an evil smirk on his face, and there was a glint in his eyes that Ichigo didn't like. How had Grimmjow gotten in without anyone noticing? He wasn't that bad at sensing reiatsu. And where was the rest of his family?

"You again!" Shiro growled. "How many times do we gotta kick your ass before you leave us alone?"

"Oh, you and your little boyfriend won't be beating me in a fight again anytime soon," Grimmjow replied. "Especially without this."

Smirk growing broader, he held up Ichigo's Substitute Soul Reaper badge. Ichigo cursed inwardly at the sight of it. Without that badge, he was stuck inside his human body, unable to transform into a Soul Reaper. Then, before anyone could blink, Grimmjow leaped across the room, grabbing Ichigo's throat and pinning him against the wall with a crushing grip. A vicious backhand knocked Shiro off the bed and sprawling onto the floor.

"You piece of shit! Y-gck!" Ichigo choked as Grimmjow tightened his hold.

The blue-haired Arranncar laughed as Ichigo clawed at the hand around his neck, unable to pry it off. Without air, his physical body just didn't have the strength. Hearing the strangled noises coming from his lover made Shiro grind his teeth in rage. He struggled to push himself to his feet, only to be knocked flat by the coldest spiritual pressure he had ever felt.

"Oh no!" Shiro thought as a pair of black shoes stepped into his limited view. "Not him!"

"Stop playing around Grimmjow," said a voice that held no emotion whatsoever. "We have a job to do, remember?"

Shiro gasped as the person the voice belonged to grabbed his arm and yanked him to his feet, and out of his gigai. He shook in fear as he looked into a face as white as his own. Green eyes looked back at him; eyes that couldn't look more dead if they were on a corpse. Ulquiorra, the 4th Espada. Grimmjow alone was enough to nearly kill Ichigo. And now he was accompanied by someone who was far stronger.

"Tch. You're no fun," Grimmjow said. "What's wrong with finishing him off right now?"

"You have your orders Grimmjow," Ulquiorra said, as a wave of ice-cold reiatsu flooded the room.

"Alright alright! I get the picture."

With that, Grimmjow flung Ichigo, who had started to turn blue, across the room. He hit the wall hard before slumping to the floor. The last thing he saw before blacking out was Shiro's terrified face as Ulquiorra and Grimmjow hauled him through a portal as it closed. Black and gold eyes that gazed at him pleadingly. Then, nothing.


Ichigo woke up slowly to find he was no longer in his bedroom. He was lying on a cot in what appeared to be Urahara's back room. He sat up, then groaned as the movement made his head throb. Hearing muted voices, Ichigo got out of bed and walked down the hall.

"Ah, Ichigo-kun! I'm glad to see you're awake."

Ichigo didn't answer. Couldn't answer. Aside from the pounding headache, he felt completely numb. He just stood in the doorway, staring at the small group of people in front of him. Alongside the former Soul Reaper Urahara were his human friends Chad, Ishida, and Orihime; and his Soul Reaper friends Rukia, Renji, and Hanataro.

"You ok Ichigo?" the red-headed Renji asked.


"Ow! Geez Rukia! Why'd you do that?"

"Because you're an insensitive jerk, that's why!" Rukia said sternly. "Of course he's not ok! Would you be ok in his place? I don't think so!"

As the petite Rukia continued to solidly berate Renji, Ichigo sat down on one of the cushions. Urahara handed him a cup of tea and he managed to slowly sip it.

"How long was I out?" Ichigo asked in a low voice.

"About 5 hours," Urahara said. "Your father called me. Luckily the attackers didn't harm your family. Just knocked them unconscious."

'That's why the house was so quiet,' Ichigo thought.

"I-I talked to some of the captains about a rescue," Hanataro said. "B-but they all refused. Said saving a hollow was in no way a priority, even if he was carrying your child. I'm so sorry Ichigo-san."

Ichigo didn't respond, just sat staring at the cup of tea slowly growing cold in his hands. He had never felt so bad in his life. Even his mother's death hadn't hit him this hard. Shiro was in the hands of monsters, completely helpless. Who knew what they were doing to him? Not to mention what could happen to the baby. Ichigo felt chilled.

"Don't worry Ichigo. We'll get Shiro back safely," Chad said solemnly. "I promise."

Ichigo looked up at Chad and felt a bit better. The large Mexican-Japanese was Ichigo's closest friend, and Ichigo trusted him more than anyone else in the world. The two of them had been watching each other's back since they met in middle school. If Chad said he'd save Shiro, then he'd do it or die trying.

"Well then. We need a plan," Rukia stated. The brunette had a determined glint in her eyes. "We can't just waltz in and out of Hueco Mundo."

"Wherever they're keeping Shiro will undoubtedly be heavily guarded," Ishida said. "We can reasonably assume there will be several Espada and other Arranncar. I suggest…"

Everyone listened closely as Ishida outlined a plan. The glasses-wearing young man knew they couldn't expect any form of back-up in their rescue attempt and would have to be extremely careful. They would split-up into two groups to search Aizen's stronghold: Ichigo, Rukia, Ishida, and Orihime in one group, and Chad, Renji, and Hanataro in the other. Urahara would open a portal to Hueco Mundo, and another to get them back after they found Shiro.

Of course, everyone knew things wouldn't be nearly so simple. But it was the best plan anyone could come up with. Each moment they lingered was another moment Shiro could be tortured or killed. That was something no one could bear thinking about.

"Alright. The portal's ready," Urahara said. "I put you as close to Aizen's palace as I could. The rest is up to you. Good luck."

Ichigo nodded absently in reply and sprang into the portal, his human body crumpling to the floor behind him. The rest of the group was fast on his heels. The solid spiritual energy under his feet wasn't as stable as it could be, but Ichigo didn't notice. All he could think about was getting to his loved one as fast as he could.

"Hold on Shiro. I'm coming."