Author's note: I'm sorry for all the wrong spellings in here and the grammar. I also haven't had any one of my friends read through it so I don't know what you'll think of it. You don't like it? Tell me and I'll do something about it. I'm not sure about the name yeat either, but what I've thought of the story so far it matches perfectly. A little revealing maybe, but whatever :p I might change it..

I don't own Harry Potter, but I do own Ashley and her family ^^ Enjoy the story.

Chapter 1; The end of something good.

I looked around the train station to spot one of my drivers. He came over and greeted me by kissing my hand.

"Lovely to see you again, Miss Johnson" I smiled. "Where's your luggage?" Sebastian was a middle age man with dark blonde hair. His blue eyes stared into mine. When I was twelve years old, I had a crush on him.

"It's over there" I pointed to my right and he went off. Everyone around me was so busy and happy. It was Christmas vacation and everyone was looking forward to get home after spending so much time in a cold castle.

"Shall we go, Miss Johnson?" Sebastian asked and I followed him towards the car. When I was near the exit of the station I stopped a blond haired boy.

"Merry Christmas Malfoy!" I yelled and he turned around and smirked. Draco didn't say anything back though. I followed Sebastian out to the car. He had taken the black Mercedes. I sat in the backseat and buckled up. I was never a fan of muggle things, but cars were genius, seriously!

"Ashley, honey!" my mother came running towards me once I came into the door to the mansion. "You're home" she gave me a big hug and yelled for my dad to come downstairs. He was probably up in his office.

"Ashley" he said and smiled. My dad was far from over hysterical like my mom. She had long blonde hair and big brown eyes. She smiled like crazy and gave me another hug. I ran over to my dad and gave him a hug to. My dad looked more like me than mom did. Both dad and I had light brown hair and green eyes. Except my hair were to the middle of my back and his were much shorter.

"It's so good to be home" I said and smiled to myself. This meant I could see Marcus. I had waited for that the whole year. Marcus and I had been together for four years. He was a muggle tough, but I didn't care. "I'm going up to change and then head over to Marcus, alright?" My parents nodded and I headed up to my room. I pushed open the door and looked around my big room. There was something different then sharing it with three others, like I had done at Hogwarts. I had a huge king size bed with a big painting over it. I walked over to the black doors across from where I stood and opened them. That was my walk in closet filled with clothes. I put on a pair of black jeans and a green loose top. Over that I took a beige coat, a black scarf and matching gloves. "Ready" I told myself and headed down the stairs. "I'm going" I announced.

"Okay, sweetie! Do you need Sebastian to drive you?"

"No, mom! I can apparate now, remember?" I had just turned seventeen and taken the license to apparate. I was born so late in the year that I had started the next year instead, which made me the oldest of the year. I headed outside and the cold air hit me hard. I apparated once I was outside the property and ended up outside Marcus's house. It wasn't locked, but no one opened when I knocked. I turned and noticed Marcus's car was there. He must be listening to music I told myself. I walked in and yelled for him.

"Marcus!" I yelled and listened. There was coming noises from upstairs so I went upstairs. From Marcus's room there was moaning and screaming. What was he doing in there? I was starting to have a bad feeling about this. I opened the door into Marcus's room and saw something I'd never wanted to see. Ever. My boyfriend was on top of a stupid blonde slut. I could feel the heartacing pain in my chest. That bastard had been cheating on me. "Marcus!" I shreiked and he twisted fast around and landed on the floor.

"Ashley!" He said and jumped up from the floor and walked over to me. Naked. I started breathing highly out of anger. "I can explain" He said and came closer. Explain, huh? How in hell could he explain what I just saw? How could he have a good explanation for that?

"Explain, huh?" I said through gritted teeth. "How can you explain that Marcus!?" I screamed and threw my hands in the air. "I loved you Marcus.. With all my heart" Tears coming down my cheeks.

"But honey, I love you" He said and it made me sick. He didn't know what love was. Obviously. "I really do" He came closer. I looked at him, he was naked. That reminded me once again what he'd done.

"You're sick!" I spat at him and looked at the girl on the bed. "For the love of God! Cover up" I screamed at her. She jumped up and took a blanket around herself. "Bring one for the asshole over here to. He's sick to look at" Okey, I didn't really mean that. He was absolutely beautiful. His body full of abs and sweat. "I hate you!" The anger coming back. I had one weak moment, but that was now over. "I'm going to kill you both" I took out my wand and aimed it on Marcus.

"Sweetie, have you lost it? That's just a stick" He said and smiled a little.

"Oh really? Would a stick be able to do this? Stupefy!" I screamed and he shot to the other end of the room. His head had hit the wall so he was right now unconscious. I turned and looked at the girl across from me. She looked so scared. Good. "Stupefy" I said again and she also hit the wall. I walked over to them. Marcus was waking up again and the girl had it easy. She hit the wall with her shoulder.

"Ashley, please calm down" Marcus whispered.

"Calm down!? Why?" I shreiked. "You broke my heart Marcus, why should I calm down?" He didn't answer to that. "I will have my revenge, I will make both your hearts stop beating" I spun the wand in my hand and aimed it at him. "Literally" He looked paler than before and tried to stand up.

"Ash.." He didn't get to say anything.

"Crucio" Marcus started to twist in pain. I smiled. That was just the beginning to what he would be going through. I stopped and Marcus just laid there.

"What's going on? What are you?" He said louder than before.

"It was a really stupid thing for you to mess around with me Marcus! I'm a witch" I said honestly. "I can kill you in a matter of seconds. And I will.. Crucio"

"Ashley, stop please" The girl begged. "You're hurting him" No kidding? I laughed.

"That's the point your stupid, slut" I said and turned my wand towards her. Marcus laid still and didn't move. "What's your name, girl? I want to know your name when I kill you" She winched.

"I.. It's.." She stammed. "Amanda" She didn't look at me. "I'm.. sorry.. Ashley.. I didn't.. know" Now she started crying. "He.. never.. told me.. about.. you"

"Pity! Crucio" She twisted in pain. She was going to feel the same pain that I felt. No, worst! I'd kill them both that night.

"Ashley! Let her go" Marcus said and sat up. "She didn't know" Playing hero, huh? Trying to make me the bad guy here? Like I have no right to make her feel pain?!

"To bad, Marcus!" I shrieked. "Because you didn't tell her about me she's going to die. Avada Kedavra" A green spark came out of my wand and hit Amanda so hard she shot backwards and hit the wall. She ended up on the floor, dead.

"No! What did you do!?" He screamed. "You killed her!"

"No, Marcus.. You did" I was so angry. How could he even do this to me?.. Why?

"I'm sorry Ashley! I will make it up to you" He said and crawled over to me. "Please" I sat on my knees facing him.

"You brought this on yourself Marcus.. You're a sick and stupid bastard that brought death on both you and that slut.. Tonight you will get what you deserve" I said calmly which probably made me sound even more scary. His eyes widened and tears coming down them.

"I don't want to die Ashley, please" He sniffed. "Ashley, don't you love me?" I smiled.

"I did Marcus" My smile disappearing. "Now I hate you! You're despicable, sick, disgusting and an asshole. May you rot in hell! Avada Kedavra" I screamed and the green sparks hit him in his chest and he flew backwards and landed on top of Amanda. "Just like I found you" I said and looked around. Tonight I was supposed to make love to my lover. Instead I killed him. I fell to my knees and started crying. I screamed and cried even more. Why me? I could hear noise coming from downstairs. His mom was home. Oh, she was in for a bad surprise. I dried my tears and apparated out of the room. I apparated home and went inside. My mom welcomed me.

"Why are you home so early, honey?" she asked concerned. I would be a suspect if I told her Marcus was cheating on me. "Is something wrong?"

"No, Mom. Marcus was meeting up with someone so we decided to meet tomorrow instead" I said and smiled. "Will you excuse me?" She nodded and headed for the living room. I ran up to my room and jumped on my bed to cry.


I laid on my bed that night thinking about what'd happened. Had I just killed two persons? What was I suppose to feel? Guilty? Angry? Sad? Scared? I laid there thinking, not feeling anything.