Author's note:: I had this idea the other day while watching Star trek. I was not happy with the way they introduced Skyfire, Jetfire, or whatever they called him. so I decided to write this. It is Star Trek reboot and Transformers movie verse x-over with a few twists from a fic of mine, "Repairs" and a RPG I'm playing with Yuuzai and Muzai. Unbeta'd no warnings yet except one Orion female.



The system had hung in the darkness of space for along time, until its sun died, swallowing all but the final planet in its orbit. The planet, too, felt the repercussions of the sun's death, breaking apart as if struck by hammer. It's pieces floating through space in place of the expired planet. One large chunk caught the attention of the vessel scanning the asteroid field. Its mission was to search for any signs of why the system had winked out all those eons ago.


Part 1

"Captain, there is an unknown energy field on one of the larger asteroids in the area." The half Vulcan science officer spoke, as he straightened from his station to look over at the blonde younger man sitting on the command chair, reclining would be a better term for the way the captain graced the chair with his presence. Bright blue eyes met his own.

"Really? Think it might have something to do with the way this system died?" The Captain asked, sounding more excited then he had in the last few days. He hated missions where they didn't do anything but study stars and planets.

"Possibly, Captain." He inclined his head slightly. At least the man was finally acting like a captain instead of a bored kid.

"Sounds good, pinpoint those readings, Lt. Uhura, any communications of any kind?" He turned to the woman at the communications console.

"Nothing but Subspace static, Captain." She said not even looking up at him. Captain Kirk smiled, it was better than when she hesitated before calling him captain, only a year ago, his crew was finally a perfectly working unit, well as perfect as humans and their allies could get. At the moment Starfleet wanted them to study this star system or the remains of it which showed odd signs similar to a few others in the area, signs of the sun just imploding and taking most of the planets with it. So far they had found nothing conclusive.

"Keep trying, Lt.," the captain ordered, "if there's something or someone down there they might know what happened here."

"It is unlikely, Captain, as this event occurred over a million years ago." Spock pointed out but the younger man just shrugged.

"You never know. We've met some long lived races out here in the middle of nowhere." Kirk quipped as Spock turned back to his station.

"The location is pinpointed sir." Another officer spoke up suddenly.

"Good, Sulu move us in close as we can get without getting hit by these rocks." He told the helmsman.

"Yes sir." the helmsman answered bending his concentration to his controls.

The asteroid did not look any different from the others in the area; large and bluish-brown it was about half the size of the Enterprise. It was the source of the signal though and the scanners were delving into the iron dense rock to find the answers her crew sought.

"Ve hev something sir." Chekov said suddenly.

"What is it?" Jim asked looking to the tactical station.

"Something roughly the size of a Shuttle craft sir." Chekov reported.

"Any life signs?" he was sitting on the edge of the command chair curious about this new situation.

"One, wery faint." He was told. The young ensign looked back at the captain expectantly.

"Can we fish it out or the object?"

"That might not be viable, sir, we do not know what this object or the life sign is." Spock told him.

"There's a life sign there Spock, they might be in danger. We can't just leave them like that." He looked at the half Vulcan man still standing at his station looking back with the same neutral expression he always wore on the bridge.

As the captain and first officer faced off Chekov was in the process of dealing with transporter chief Kirby to see what they could do.

"Sir, the object is too firmly attached to the life sign. We hev to bring them both out if ve vant to retrieve it." The ensign reported.

"Do it, then put it in the shuttle bay." He ordered.

"Yes, sir." he went back to work.

"Uhura, have Mr. Scott meet me in the shuttle bay and Dr. McCoy too. Spock, you're with me. Sulu, you have the conn."

"Yes, sir"

"Yes, Captain."

The object turned out to be an odd shuttlecraft roughly similar to an old earth fighter plane in shape but it's silvery metal was covered with odd symbols, like some kind of strange writing. The skin was scratched and gouged from its time in the rocks and the left wing was almost torn free from the frame. There didn't seem to be any way in though, and Scotty and the two engineers he had brought down with him were looking at it like it was some kind of holy relic.

"Anything, Mr. Scott?" Jim asked. Trying to distract his chief engineer from drooling over this odd machine

"Nay, C'ptain, we haven't gotten near it yet." His chief engineer said not looking away from the alien machine. It was beautiful and sleek.

"It's a lovely machine though, Jimmy." Gaila, an Orion woman and one of Scotty's main engineers said from closer to the machine. She was lounging against one of the Enterprise's shuttles with Keenser.

"Just don't touch it until we know more about it Gaila, it might be covered in disease." Dr. McCoy grumbled entering the shuttle bay,

"Good to see you too, Lenny." The green woman greeted the doctor.

"Always ready to make everyone feel better huh Bones?" Jim asked with his trademark grin.

"Whatever, Jim, let's just find out what this thing is."

"It is some kind of shuttle." commented Spock "though not in any design we have ever encountered."

"And the life sign is faint, how the hell are we supposed to get it out of there?" the chief medical officer demanded.

"Perhaps, find the door, Doctor." Was the Vulcan's reply. Bones shot him a slight glare, which was given a typical response of one raised eyebrow.


Inside the machine, the warmth of the shuttle bay was reviving long dormant circuits. As sensation returned, pain shot through his systems. A quick scan showed that he was in a vessel with a number of small organic species. Their language was simple, and as they gathered near him and spoke, his communications system quickly translated their words. After a few moments enough systems were engaged for him to speak with the organics, knowing his natural form had a possibility of startling them he turned to his Avatar program. Once the Avatar was slumped in the pilot's seat he disengaged the locks on his door to let the organic creatures inside.


The cockpit door opening startled the group who looked at it.

"Well gentleman, I think that's an invitation." Kirk quipped heading for the open door.

"Jim we have no idea what's in there." Bones warned him. Trust the Captain to jump in with his eyes closed as usual.

"Besides the faint life sign." Jim pointed out entering the vessel. The other two followed exchanging a quick glance. As usual they would follow him practically anywhere.

The three men entered the alien ship carefully. It was full of strange machines, which seemed to be sluggishly coming online. In the pilot's chair slumped a pale figure, maybe six feet in height with long white silver hair pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. He wore a flight suit of a silvery black material with an odd symbol stitched into the shoulder and those same symbols on the outside on the top right chest of the jacket. His facial features were sharp with slightly upswept white eyebrows and high cheekbones. Similar to a Vulcan's but his ears were round as a human's.

"Vitals are weak. Jim we have to get him to sickbay." Bones said, running his tricorder over the alien.

"Right, go ahead," the young captain was looking over the console at the pilot's seat, it made no sense to him at all.

"Medbay be ready for one patient of unknown alien type." Bones ordered into his communicator.

"Yes, Doctor," came Nurse Chapel's voice as she answered him.

They managed to get him out of the ship and down to sickbay with little trouble Captain Kirk and Spock remained with the engineers as they continued to look over the ship. All three were obviously happy to look at new technology


Dr. McCoy stared at the readings on his monitor as if they would change; there was something very odd about this alien. Something he could not put his finger on.

"Doctor?" Nurse chapel looked at the man questioningly as he glared at the monitors.

"These machines must be on the fritz, they are not picking anything up from him. No vitals no respiration, nothing." He almost hit the machine but thought better of it.

"Could it be our equipment is not right for reading his vitals we have no idea about his physiology." The woman asked. She was used to his demeanor.

"Maybe." The CMO of the enterprise muttered still looking at the equipment. As he did so the patient moved groaning slightly. He looked at the man as bright blue, almost glowing, eyes opened. He blinked at Bones for a moment.

"Ratchet?" the alien queried. His voice calm and smooth, he had been sure he had heard his old friend's brother only a second before. Realizing it was, instead, the organic doctor who the computer named Leonard McCoy, he felt slightly embarrassed.

"No, I'm doctor McCoy, CMO, of the starship Enterprise." Bones said, looking at the confused man, he wasn't sure what the man had meant.

"Of course, my apologies, for a moment you reminded me of someone." the alien said simply. This man was a lot like his old friend.

"I see," He was about to add something else as the doors to the sickbay opened, revealing Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock.

"I see our guest is awake." Jim said with a smile. "Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the Federation Starship Enterprise, this is my first officer, Mr. Spock and you've met my Chief Medical officer, Dr. McCoy." Jim introduced himself and the other two men with a brief nod.

"Thank you, Captain, my designation is Skyfire, Deep Space Exploration for the Cybertronian Science Academy." Skyfire stated evenly, keeping his optics on this Captain. His scans showed that the Commander was half human and half unknown species. A quick check told him his CPU still had not gotten much information from the Enterprise.

"You're welcome, now Skyfire how did you come to be in that rock?" Jim asked.

"I don't quite remember. My Partner and I were studying worlds for possible colonization." He lied smoothly; these humans would not understand the real reason for their mission to save their dying world. He almost wondered if it was still dying.

"Partner? There was no sign of anyone else out here." The captain remarked

"He had his own ship. Once he concluded I was lost he would have returned to our world, our mission was important. More important than one life possibly lost in a cloud of dust." He did not sound upset, there was no reason to be, they had both known the risks. He was just hopeful that his partner had gone to help their people and not decided to remain there unable to find Skyfire.

"Sounds interesting." Jim said, simply looking at the alien, he seemed odd, even more machinelike than Spock did in his Vulcan mode.

"I doubt it would interest you captain but I must get back to my...ship."

"You're not going anywhere until I say so, Skyfire." Bones growled, once again reminding Skyfire of Ratchet.

"My apologies, Doctor, " The Cybertronian said. A small part of his CPU wondered if he was having a hallucination about all of this, since some of these beings were so much like others he had known back home.

"As bad as everyone else," Bones grumbled. "You need rest and food."

"Yes Doctor, my ship can provide my nutritional needs." He tired to assure the human.

"Alright fine, go to your ship, but get some rest."

"Yes, Doctor."


Jim and Spock escorted Skyfire back to his ship. The engineers were still looking it over, paying the most attention to the damaged wing. The wing was painful and he had been doing his bast to ignore it, as the pain was only an echo in his Avatar form. If he were in robot mode the arm on that side would be useless. One of them, a lovely green woman, approached.

"So this is the pilot of this lovely vessel, Jimmy?" she asked the captain.

"Yes Gaila this is Skyfire, Skyfire, Gaila Second engineer."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled.

"Interesting you seem to release a pheromone designed to distract and hinder the male thought patterns." Skyfire observed.

"Course I do I'm an Orion female. You know he sounds a lot like you, Spock baby." Gaila winked at the commander.

"I had observed as such." The Vulcan replied.

"So Skyfire honey, we've been looking over your ship not touching, though which is hard, believe me, I prefer a more hands on approach." she grabbed his arm, dragging him towards his ship.

"I am sure, Gaila, though I regret to inform you your pheromones have no affect on me as my physiology is very different from yours."

"That sounds like a challenge." she told him, leaning against the tall frame. "You don't tell an Orion she can't affect you honey."

"It was not meant that way." he told her.

"Meant or not, you said it." The woman replied.

"Gaila, his ship." Jim interrupted. This could last all day if he didn't stop her.

"Right, Jimmy." she smiled at him, only half distracted from the challenge of making the man react. "Come on, flyboy, show us your machine and tell us how we can help."

"My machine, as you call him is a Valkerie class Seeker, fitted for deep space exploration and scientific research." he told her, one hand gently touching the skin of the damaged wing trying not to flinch at the pain.

"Sounds like fun, so just you on this lovely boy then?" She asked.

"Yes, it is fitted for a single unit." He lied; he was one of the larger Seekers.

"Must get lonely."

"No, I love space." He answered, absently stroking the dermal plating, looking over the damage. His dermal layers had been scraped up in places that could be easily fixed by his self-repair protocols. "The dermal plating is scratched, but that is only cosmetic damage though one of my people I know would fuss over the damage as a threat to his talents." he smiled a little.

"An artist?" she asked.

"He is, and the one who gave the ship it's paint job, I hope he would be willing to fix it."

"Well we can handle the wing if that's the worst damage." She said tossing her red curls over one shoulder.

"It appears to be, but I am no engineer, feel free to look over it. I will check on things within."

"No problem there, flyboy." she winked as the door opened and he stepped inside.

"Interesting fellow." Gaila said to her fellow engineer as they got to work on the wing.

"Bones, find anything interesting about him?" Jim asked.

"Our equipment can't read him." the doctor replied.

"I believe we know the answer to that doctor, while that man was in your sickbay the life sign remained here within his ship." Spock informed them.

"So he's not what he seems." Kirk said staring at the ship.

"No, he is not." Spock agreed.