Many of my multi-parter fics were written to continue the plot at certain points of the Asuka releases. This fic was written just before the events of Rainbow Bridge when the rest of the younger Seals were waiting at Yasukuni Shrine for an attack that never came. Hence, Rainbow Bridge as in the manga never happened.

Nevertheless, this fic was an exercise to speculate about the events of the past and how they may affect the present arc of the story. Hence, every chapter, apart from the prologue and epilogue, will come in two parts. The first part called "Shadows of Time" is a little window to certain random events happening before the actual story arc of X/1999 but would have a bearing on the current plot, while the second part will continue from the current plotline.

All characters are property of CLAMP. Standard disclaimers apply.



An "X" Fanfic

Presented by Harem of Doomed Bishies

The slight flapping of the bamboo screen as it was slowly raised caused a gentle breeze to waft across the room. The flame from the candles flickered, and shadows danced eerily across the walls of the sparse room. Souhi and Hien bowed in obeisance before taking leave of Hinoto.

Hinoto knelt on the dais and waited patiently. She stared at the entrance to her audience chamber with eyes that could not see. Very soon, a dark aura registered to her senses, slowly but purposefully approaching her sanctum. Though she was deaf, she could sense the the door slide open and then close from the shifts in the psychic patterns in her room. She bowed slightly and smiled. Communicating psychically to her visitor without being able to speak, she said, "You have finally come."

The assassin removed his shades in order to scrutinise his surroundings a little better. "You summoned me." It was a statement of fact, not a question.

"Yes," she replied, "Are you surprised?"

Seishirou chuckled, "I have accepted assignments from people I've least expected before – people who claimed to have the highest morality, people who were the pillars of decent society – politicians, philanthropists, religious leaders. In the end, they're all the same. Whenever they need to remove a sensitive opponent, they look for me.

"While I did not quite expect you to turn out to be one of my best clients, I wouldn't say that I'm surprised."

"Weren't you ever curious to know who hired you?"

"In my line of work, discretion is very important. I understand that many of my clients would prefer to keep their names out of the public eye. At the end of the day, a job is a job. As long as I continued to be paid well for my services, I don't really care."

"Even when I denied you your Hunt?"

He smirked, "I expect to be allowed to resume it at any time. Wasn't that the purpose of this summoning?"

Hinoto's lips curled into a chilling grin. "Nothing gets past you. You are correct. It has been postponed long enough. You may have your fun now. In addition, I want all the Seven Seals destroyed. The upfront payment for your fee is already being arranged as we speak."

"Thank you," Seishirou said. He bowed in mock respect and then turned to leave the room, a wide smirk plastered across his face.

Behind him, Hinoto could not resist a smile. Yes, I shall change that Future.