Inner self: Hell yeah, my second story posted! I am going to have a blast with this story!

Me: Yep I hope you all enjoy it, I do not own Naruto but I do own my sweet cookies!

*War Love1*

"This is pointless; I don't understand why we are even here."

Sakura sat down in a school desk in an old abandon building that was surprising still standing from the long war between the Sound Village and the Leaf. The war has lasted around three months already and it has caused so much pain to her and the villagers of the village she knew and loved as much as herself.

Sakura looked across the room to a spiky headed blonde named Naruto Uzamaki. Like her, he is in the ANBU, but since he has the Kyuubi, the Hokage is carefully watching over him with other ANBU members.

Sakura smiled. Naruto and she have been friends for years on end. She knows he has a small crush in her, but she didn't seem to care for it. She fell in love with one ANBU….

Sakura turned to look at Sasuke Uchiha, the last of the Uchiha clan and the cutest in the classroom. She always had feelings for him but when she told him he broke her heart. He said he only had one love and that was power.

Sometimes they would get the same S ranked missions, which would mean she would learn more about the cool like Sasuke. She then later on decided to give up on him. There was no point to force him to love her. And also the fact that every female ninja in the Leaf was head over heels in love with him. All the female ninjas had beautiful long hair.

Sakura ran her fingers through her short hair. She was different from the rest of the girl ninjas. Most female ninjas don't even train that much. Instead, they would work in a flower shop like her friend Ino. Or they would be a stay at home mom like Tenten.

Sakura frowned at the name. She was more than positive that Tenten would at least still be a ninja. But that changed when she learned that Tenten was marrying Rock Lee, who also had a small crush on Sakura.

"Everyone please still down, we need to talk."

Everyone sat down at the small desks that were obviously too tiny for them.

"Sorry about where the meeting is," said an ANBU, "But with the war going on, there really is no safe place to meet up at and share secret information."

War. The three letter word danced in Sakura's head. Her and many ninjas are tired of this war. Ever since the war began, it's been raining nonstop, making it even harder to attack intruders.

"Here she is, Miss Tsunade."

Everyone stood up and slightly bowed. When Sakura was 12, Tsunade was her trainer in medical justu. She also learned to be as brutally strong as her as well. But Sakura abused that power until when she was 15; she fought her first Akatsuki member, Sasori of the Sand. She, along with Sasori's grandmother, defeated the man. But the grandmother lost her life as well when she brought Gaara alive.

Everyone sat down to listen to the vital news she has to offer.

"There has been too many ANBU getting killed in these last few months." She began, looking at each and every face in the room.

"And that is why a small selected group of ANBU will stay in the Leaf until further notice."

Tsunade pulled out a folded up piece of paper.

"These three will blend in with the school boys and girls that normally go to school here."

"I would hate to be the one hanging out with kids!" Naruto laughed, making Tsunade twitch her eyebrow.

"Actually Naruto, you are."

Naruto's smile dropped. The classroom full of ANBU began to laugh at him expect the well mannered ones like Sakura and Sasuke.

"Along with…" She read down the paper. "Sasuke Uchiha…"

Naruto smiled evilly at his friend. Naruto and Sasuke have known each other since they were kids. They had a lot in common like no family, and power…Lots of power.

"And Sakura Haruno."

Sakura looked up at Tsunade. Why would she make one of the best ANBU stay with people like an emotionless Sasuke and an overwhelmed Naruto?

"Those three will be attending classes here until the war has settled down."

Tsunade studied Sakura's confused face.

"The three will be given an important job, to watch over the youth of the Leaf Village."

Sakura slightly smiled. She wasn't the best with kids, but if Tsunade ordered it she must do her best. She was more worried about Naruto. Knowing him, he will blend too well with the kids. And knowing the young school girls, they will develop a huge crush on Sasuke.

"The school hours are 7:00 a.m. to 2:15. The school days are from Monday to Friday." Tsunade pointed out. "We are counting on you three. Dismiss!"

The ANBU left besides Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke. The three of them never had worked together before. But each one knew of the other one's power. Naruto had the Kyuubi's charka, Sasuke had the Sharingan, and Sakura had….

The two boys looked at her. What power did she have?

"Sakura chan?" Naruto asked loudly across the room. "What techniques do you have?"

Sasuke didn't bother to look up. He has always thought Sakura as a weak girl that should have never joined the ANBU. Until he saw her in battle. His point of view would never be the same again about her.

"That will be kept a secret." Sakura winked, making Naruto blush.

Sakura rolled her eyes. It seems that Naruto still had a crush on her.

"So who is the teacher of the shrimps?" Asked Naruto, rubbing his head.

"Kakashi Hatake." Sasuke answered, his arms folded on the desk. "He was in the ANBU until he began teaching the children. He is well known as 'The Copy Ninja' due to his Sharingan."

"But wouldn't that make you related to him?" Naruto scratched his head confused.

"He is the only one with the Sharingan that isn't linked to the Uchiha clan."

Sakura looked up at Sasuke from the desk. She has heard of him when she was under Tsunade's wing. He was the best ABNU in the Leaf.

Sakura looked up at the clock. One hour until class began. She smiled softly to herself, she remembered being here as a kid. Back then, she was a fan girl of Sasuke, Naruto was annoying, and Sasuke was the coolest of the cool. But now Sakura is 18, she has matured. Her body was as curvy as a model's, her eyes glow a warm green, and her face was more detailed then it was when she was a genin. She had that rare look that didn't need makeup, which means all she had to do was brush her hair and dash out onto a mission.

Naruto flung a pencil across the room, hitting Sasuke right on his headband on his forehead.

"Baka!" Sasuke yelled, tossing the pencil back to him. "We are suppose to keep guard, don't mess around!"

"Hmph." Naruto crossed his arms. "It's not my fault it's so boring here!"

Sasuke and Sakura rolled their eyes. Even though Naruto is an ANBU, he can be an idiot when he wanted to be.

At last, the bell rang. Gradually, the kids walked in, taking their seats. The girls giggled as they sat down by Sasuke. Two kids sat down by Naruto, pointing out that he has weird dash marks on his face. Naruto began to yell at them, making the kids around him laugh.

"E-excuse me miss, may I sit with you?"

Sakura looked up at a little girl with black eyes like Sasuke's. The young girl's black hair was tied in ponytails, showing off her gentle blush. If she didn't know any better, Sakura would guess that the girl was Hinata's daughter. But Hinata isn't married.

"Sure." Sakura smiled at the girl.

She smiled back and sat down by Sakura. Moments later, the teacher walked in with a stack of papers. He has spiky silver hair, his mask covered the lower part of his face and his headband covered his left eye.

"Good morning class." He happily said, his eye seemed as if it was smiling. "Today, three ANBU members have joined us. They will provide protection for us for the rest of the war."

A couple of girls blushed when they turned to Sasuke. A boy passed out papers that Kakashi brought in.

"Today we will learn the basic rules of the ninja handbook."

The classed groaned.

"Read pages 40 through 56 and do the problems that are on your paper. If anyone has any questions, please talk to me."

The class pulled out their books and began to read. This was going to be interesting from here on out.

Inner self: Kakashi sensei! *Nose bleed*

Me: I hope you enjoyed my first chapter ^-^

Inner self: Yeah, now maybe you can get ready for school

Me: You are so funny XD

Inner self: -_-