I don't own FMA.

This is my first fic.

Please be nice and Review :3


Chapter 1: 5 years ago

Winry's POV

This morning seemed different than usual. I woke up a little later than usual, but happy for some reason. I went to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth. I went back to my room to work on my broken alarm clock. Once I finished repairing the annoying thing Granny forced me to fix after breaking it yesterday, I looked out my window. I saw something, or rather, someone I've always been waiting for.

Edward Elric finally came walking up the dirt road towards the house after his long search for the Philosopher's Stone. I was so happy. So happy that I didn't notice Al wasn't with him…

"Hey, Win," he said once he got in the house.

"Hi," I replied and he sat down on the couch.

"So, did you find the Stone?" I asked.

"Yeah…we did," he said after a few moments.

I finally snapped to my senses.

"Where's Al?" I asked. He didn't reply.

"Ed?" I was getting worried.

"I'm sorry. I need some time to think. I'll be back later tonight." He just got up and walked out the front door.

Ed's POV

Why did you do it Al? Why did you give yourself up for me?

I walked to Mom's grave. I talked to her for a while. I apologized to her. I told her everything…

After about an hour of sitting in front of Mom's grave, I went to search for a rock. I found a good one after searching for a few minutes. I transmuted it into a gravestone.

Winry's POV

I couldn't wait for Ed to come back any longer. I was already sure that he went there. I was getting worried.

I went out to look for him. When I saw him, he was transmuting a rock into something. I couldn't see it very well from my distance, but I'm sure about what it was.

It was a gravestone.

He started carefully started carving out three letters on the top part.


He stopped for a while. He sat down under a tree and…I couldn't believe what I saw.

He was crying.

I couldn't watch from afar any longer. I ran towards him.


He heard me and hurriedly wiped his tears away.


"Ed, please, tell me what happened…"

"Winry…I'm sorry…just watch…please…" He stood up and walked towards the gravestone he just made.

He began to engrave his brother's name.

Ed's POV

Winry…I'm sorry…

I wish I could tell her what happened to Al…but that seems impossible.

I carefully engraved Al's name.


For each letter I felt a tear run down my face. I finally lost my entire family, haven't I?

Below Al's name, I put the words Beloved Son, Beloved Brother, Beloved Friend

I dug a very small grave right next to Mom's. I took a gleaming red stone out of my pocket.

I heard Winry gasp behind me. Here he is Win…here's Al…

I put the Stone in the hole I dug next to Mom. I covered it up with the soil.

I laid Al's gravestone above the covered hole.

I'm sorry Al…I'm sorry…

I lost consciousness.

[End of Chapter 1]


Sorry Ed's POV's are kinda short (no offense, Ed..)

This chapter is basically a sort of preview of what comes next...

blah blah blah :3