Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Titanic. Believe me, if I did, I wouldn't be sitting here right now, haha. I DO NOT own any of it. I am merely writing a fanfiction to show how much I lovelovelove the movie. All direct quotes are James Cameron's works, please don't sue me, haha.

Author's Note: Hi! This is my first venture into any other fan fiction other than pro-wrestling, so please be nice... or just cut me some slack. ;) Haha. I've loved Titanic for years now, ever since I was a little girl when it first came out and after watching it again recently, I really wanted to take a stab at the fan fiction aspect of it. I know the beginning of this just seems like another "Jack lives" story, but I promise it's more than that. Anyone who knows my writing knows I try not to go for anything that is all the same cliche. Please though, tell me anything for improvements. I love hearing ways to improve. I don't know what else to say, but I will say one more thing: the upcoming chapters will be longer than this, I'm hoping. Yep, I believe that's it. Please enjoy!

I couldn't feel my body.

Jack had been right. When we were spit into the water as the ship sunk, my already wet skin felt like I was being stabbed – over and over again. But now, I was numb. Around me, all was quiet. Jack's breathing was coming in short spasms and I was so worried for the both of us.

Truthfully, it all seemed very unfair. I was finally free of every constraint I had in my life. I had a man who obviously loved me and who only wanted the best for me. Yet, there we were plunged in the ocean, surrounded by dying, innocent people who had a slim chance of going on with their lives. Where were the boats? Someone had to come back for us. There was room. That much I knew. Somehow, someone had to help us. God couldn't let it go like this.

"J-jack, I'm s-so c-c-cold," I whispered. His hand was tightly around mine. It was the only warmth I felt. His promise still rang in my ears. If anything, I was determined to keep that promise.

"B-b-boats a-a-are c-c-coming."

Were they? It felt like hours since the boat had sank. The air was freezing. How much longer until my body gave in to the cold? The images from earlier in the night still laid heavily in my mind. Giving my virginity to Jack. The kisses we had shared. Nearly dying on several occasions. How could we not survive this? In every other way we had beaten the odds. I needed to believe we would once more. But the grog was taking over. My head was getting cloudy, yet surprising clear at the same time…

"Come, Josephine, in my flying machine, going up, she goes up, up she goes…"


"Is anyone alive out there? Can anyone hear me?"

There was a bright light shining in my face. It took a moment for it to register. There was a boat! A boat! I tried to move, but found I was nearly frozen to the wood I was on. Struggling for a moment, I faced Jack. "Jack! Jack! There's a boat!" He didn't answer; didn't move. Deathly still. "Jack?!" my voice was hysterical already. He couldn't be gone. There was hope in our future, I still believed that. "Jack! There is a boat!"

My icy eyes flew to the now dead man with the whistle. He was my only hope of the boat's hearing me. Each time I spoke, my voice felt raw. I knew there wasn't any way of the people inside to hear me. But what about Jack? I promised him I'd survive. But I wasn't surviving with him.

Off the board I went, back into the icy water. It was just as cold as I remembered it. Jack's hand was basically glued to mine, trying to drag me down. Why hadn't he gotten a lifejacket? I pulled him back afloat, kicking my way toward the whistle. It was our only hope. How had it come to this?

My lips were so cold. Unbelievably, unmistakably ice cold. The whistle wouldn't register at first. I had to try several times to get it to really give a noise.

"Come about!" a voice yelled. The light swept back in my direction. I only hoped they could see me bobbing, the whistle between my lips as I had Jack's motionless body clinging to my backside. They were by our side in minutes. The man inside, obviously cold, but no where as cold as I was looked between us. "That man is dead, Miss."

Stubbornly, I replied, "No. He's not. Take him."


"Take him!" I cried, my voice cracking, throat sore. "Please."

The two men on the boat exchanged a look and then pulled Jack's frozen body inside the boat, where several other people were huddled under blankets. Then, they reached in and pulled me in, shivering at my touch. Only second later, Jack and I were beneath the blankets, my body shivering still. Jack hadn't moved. I didn't what to believe what the men were saying was true. Jack wasn't going to die. He was a survivor. He said it himself. I pulled him closer. We had a future. Even in the face of sorrow, I still believed that.

Another boring Author's Note: Okay, so that's the first chapter. I know a lot of stories start out like this, but please, do continue reading. Also, the next few chapters will revolve around what happens on the Carpathia. And I'm not sure, but I may be switching through POV's in here. Maybe from Rose's, to third, but I'll alert you beforehand. We'll see. Please review! :)