Chapter 5
Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight and I'm not making any money from this fanfic.
Summary: Once every 10 years a sacrifice must be made to the vampire lord. This time the sacrifice is none other than Zero. Will his life become a complete nightmare or will something unexpected happen?
Warnings: AU, Yaoi (boy x boy)
Pairings: Finally some Zero x Kaname
That night Kaname didn't sleep for fear that Zero might pass away if he was asleep, after all, he didn't know how much blood he had taken while he had been unconscious and he was right to do so because sometime during the night Zero began to have a fever. He didn't know anything about human diseases, however he saw that Zero was shivering so the logical thing to do was to cover him with a blanket but first he moved Zero on a bed that had clean sheets since his were dirtied by his own blood and once Kaname tucked Zero in, he accidently brushed Zero's forehead with his hand and saw that he was burning, so he panicked. He understood that humans got cold easily but he didn't understand how it was possible for one to feel cold while burning at the same time, it defied the laws of nature, right?
Kaname did what anyone would have done in his situation, that is wake up the boy so that he can tell him what to do, after all Zero was human and he most likely knew what was wrong with himself. Kaname called Zero's name five times before he finally managed with great difficulty to open his eyes. Once Zero opened his eyes, he gave a weak smile and said "I'm glad that you're alright I was really afraid that you might die."
Kaname was speechless for a moment, for this time he could clearly see the relief Zero felt now that he was alive and well, he wanted to ask Zero so many things but he knew that there might not have enough time, so instead of asking Zero about emotions concerning himself, he said "You shouldn't have worried about me, instead you should be more worried about yourself, you are trembling from cold yet at the same time you are burning. Is there anything I can do to help? "
Zero could see Kaname's confusion so he chuckled but stopped almost immediately since his head started to hurt even worse than before and said "There is nothing to worry about , is just a minor fever , all you can do is bring me something cold and put it on my forehead. "
"Is that all I can do?"asked Kaname. "Stop worrying about it, I'll be fine in the morning, my brother always gets a fever and he's always fine in the morning." at the mention of his brother, Zero became sad, making him feel tired of speaking, so he simply said "Now I'm going to need some sleep if I am to recover." Kaname had seen that fleeting look of sadness, but he didn't say anything anymore, letting Zero sleep after he brought a wet cloth and put it on his forehead.
When the morning came Zero indeed felt better, however he wasn't completely cured so Kaname didn't allow him to do anything, saying that he needed to get more rest in order to get his strength back. Kaname also brought him his breakfast in bed, which was a rather unusual thing since he had no idea how to prepare human food and he had never bothered to learn before. It didn't have a very good taste but at least it was edible and what was more important was that at least he had tried, which made Zero very happy because it made him feel loved, something he hadn't felt since he had left home. After Zero ate, Kaname made him sleep some more, then he went to his room to get some rest as well.
In the afternoon Kaname went to check on Zero and found him gazing from the scolded Zero like a little child for not being in bed but Zero told him that he was fine and he wasn't sick anymore, after followed that an awkward silence. The first to break the silence was a blushing Zero "Thank you for watching over me last night and for taking care of me this morning even though it was no longer necessary. "
"It was my pleasure and I also want to thank you for healing me last night. If it hadn't been for you it would have taken me all night."
"It was nothing, anyone would have done the same" said Zero, blushing once again since he was unused to being thanked by the beautiful vampire.
"Not anyone would have done that, especially after what I have done to you for so long and I know that for a fact since the last human who had the opportunity to see me like that, stabbed me in the heart and ran away."
"I can't believe that someone would do such a cruel thing and why should I do the same when you have been nothing but kind to me?
"Kind ? When have I been kind? Was I kind when I took you against your will? Was I kind when I confined you within this castle walls? Answer me!" at this Kaname looked like he was about to burst into tears.
Zero was shocked and a little afraid for he had never seen so much emotion on Kaname's face, "It may be true that you took away my first time and that I didn't know what you expected from me then, but afterwards I knew and not once have I been unwilling, I have always loved the way you touched me and the way your gentle words made me feel. You say that you are not kind, however I know better. It would have been so easy for you to lock me in a cell and come by only when you wanted my blood and my body, you could have taken your pleasure and let me live with nothing but pain. To tell you the truth when I first arrived here I expected to die and in a painful way too, so when I realized that wasn't going to happen I was relieved because it gave me a chance to go back to the village, so you see what I did to help you was completely normal.
"Does that mean that you don't hate me?" asked Kaname in a weak and hopeful voice.
"Of course I don't!" Zero said while hugging Kaname. For the first time in 100 years Kaname felt truly happy however this happiness didn't last long because he realized that Zero probably still wanted to go home. "Thank you Zero, you truly made me happy so in return I will let you go back to your family, though I don't understand why you would want to go back to them seeing as they had no qualms about letting you get killed." Kaname said while having a pained smile.
"Really?! O thank you so much, thank you, thank you! "Zero said, hugging Kaname once again. Once Zero finished hugging him, he said "This time it was a little bit easier for the villagers. Do you know why? It was because I volunteered, you see me and my brothers don't have parents anymore and in order to survive I offered myself for this, in exchange someone had to take care of my brothers and I'm sure that they are well taken care of even as we speak. As for my brothers, they tried everything they could to make me change my mind. Oh I can't wait to see Ichiru and Yuuki! I'm so excited! Thank you once again Kaname!"
"You're welcome Zero and I'm really glad that at least they didn't force you to become their sacrifice and also that you have such a loving family." While Kaname said that, he wondered how he could have ever separated the sweet and innocent Zero from his family, it was obvious that Zero loved them very much. Now everything made sense for the vampire, Zero's sadness had obviously come from his inability to see his brothers, it was no wonder that Zero couldn't be happy around him since it was his fault in the first place that he couldn't see them at all.
"Kaname … can I… can I still see you, even if I go home?" Zero asked with shyness.
"You still want to?" Asked Kaname surprised and then he quickly responded "Of course, for as long as you want."
That night the two of them slept together in each other's arms and the next day Kaname escorted Zero to the edge of his village. The entire village was overjoyed and wanted to throw a party for his return but Zero wanted nothing more than to be with Yuuki and Ichiru, so the villagers allowed them to spend their entire day alone. He was very happy to see that his brothers have been treated by Kaien as though they were his children and that they were happy. They spent the entire day simply by being together and reminiscing about the past. He told them a lot of stories about how Kaname was a good person who just needed someone to suck blood from, since that was what he ate and that he didn't hurt him when he fed.
He explained to them that it didn't hurt at all when he was bitten and that he was very gentle. Yuuki was so taken in by what she heard about the beautiful vampire that she wanted to meet him at least once but Ichiru wasn't fooled by Zero's words, he knew that there was more to the story then Zero let on, so he waited until Yuuki went to sleep and confronted Zero about his suspicions. Zero should have known better than to believe that he could deceive his twin and once he realized the futility of his actions, he told him the entire story along with the fact that he loved Kaname and also his fears that he wasn't good enough for him.
At first Ichiru was angry that the vampire had dared to take away the innocence of his brother but after thinking for a while he realized that his feelings were hurting Zero and that maybe the vampire wasn't as bad as he first thought since he had let Zero come back home and he had tried to make him happy, though he obviously didn't do such a great job. After some long consideration Ichiru reached the conclusion that maybe Kaname loved Zero in his own way but he wasn't ready to let his brother go back again to the vampire so after he assured Zero that he was good enough for the vampire he told him that he could invite Kaname into the village and introduce him to everyone, that way Zero could still spend time together with him and Yuuki and Zero would still have plenty of time to be with Kaname and see if the guy loved him or not.
The first day for Zero at home had been relatively peaceful, however the next day; well let's just say that he wasn't so lucky anymore because everyone wanted to hear the stories about the terrifying vampire, which resulted in Zero having to retell the story every 10 minutes or so, which annoyed Zero to no end but even so he couldn't suppress the small smile at seeing that everyone was happy to see him. Of course he told everyone the same edited story he had told to his sister but that just made everyone warm up to the vampire, which in turn would make it a lot easier for Zero to invite Kaname to his village.
For the next month Zero didn't go to Kaname because he had to get some sort of order in his life due to the fact that he was afraid that Kaname would deny his request and he would never see the gentle vampire again and also because he still wasn't convinced that he was good enough for him. He moved back to his old house alone due to the fact that he wanted his brothers to still have a family that could provide for them without troubles and secondly because he hopped that Kaname might want to move in with him, that is if he loved him. His days were spent by cleaning his house, working in the fields and playing with Yuuki, Ichiru and the rest of their friends near the lake, however after an entire month Zero couldn't bear the thought of being away any longer from Kaname, his sensuous voice or that gentle touch of his that brought him pleasure unlike anything else.
Zero gathered his courage and went to Yuuki and Ichiru's house to tell them that he was going to see Kaname, after all he didn't want them to worry about him. At this announcement both of them said that they wanted to accompany him though for various reasons. Yuuki wanted to go along with Zero because she wanted to be the first to finally meet the famous vampire and Ichiru because he was afraid that the vampire might not let his brother come back a second time, however Zero managed to convince them to stay home and went to see Kaname.
At the castle Zero didn't get the reception he was expecting, like the first time, in fact it looked as though no one was there. The land as usual was barren and now gave an even more powerful aura of loneliness, even more so then before. Zero didn't understand what could be causing this so he shrugged and moved on, in search of Kaname. He first went to the vampire's room hopping to find him there but when he didn't find him there, he started to get worried.
Zero began searching for Kaname and with each empty room his anxiety was growing until Zero panicked and in a frenzied way he began to look into each room, when he finely reached the basement Zero found what he was looking for in a small room devoid of everything but a bed. In the beginning Zero tried to make as little sound as possible, after all he didn't want to startle the vampire but after he got closer to Kaname he saw that he was a lot more thinner than before and he was so pale that for a moment Zero feared that he might be dead, however he saw that he was still breathing so he calmed himself a bit.
Zero called Kaname's name a few times before he finally woke up and when he did there were so many emotions on his face that Zero couldn't identify them all. The first emotion was confusion due to the fact that he didn't understand who would dare to wake him, the next one was disbelieve because he couldn't believe that Zero was right there next to him, after that happiness was warring with sadness and a thousand more emotions flew across Kaname's face in a split of second.
Zero's eyes were showing nothing else but concern for the vampire and Kaname with his eyes full of unshed tears, hugged the boy tightly and inhaled his scent like it was his last breath, once he was sure that Zero was no apparition. Zero wanted to hug Kaname just as tightly however he was scarred that if he were to do so, Kaname might firm embrace lasted an eternity and yet when Kaname finely let go, Zero felt that it was way too soon.
"What's wrong Kaname, please tell me!" pleaded Zero in a soft voice.
Kaname, without any regards to his dignity, or at least what was left of it said while sobbing: "Zero, please, I beg of you don't leave me alone anymore. I'll die if you go away again. I don't know how I managed to live for so long without you; I love you so much. When I let you go that time I felt as though my soul was ripped apart, never before have I felt such a strong pain. I understand if you still hate me, so if you want to leave me alone once again at least kill me for I cannot bear the thought of losing you again, please Zero, please!"
Apparently during the time that Zero was away trying to make order in his life by dealing with his fears of possible rejection as well as his low self-esteem, Kaname was eagerly awaiting Zero's arrival, but with each passing day he became more and more depressed thinking that maybe Zero had lied when had said that he didn't hate him for what he had done and that the only answer to the fact that he was alive was Zero's gentle nature that didn't allow him to let a wounded person die, even if the said person was a despicable one, so because he had fallen into a depression, stopped eating the blood of the animals that he normally used in emergency cases such as when he remained without a sacrifice. He spent most of his time sleeping, not even bothering to patrol his land for killers and thieves as he usually did, which caused him to fall into an even deeper depression, seeing as he didn't have anything to do that could occupy his mind.
"oh god, Kaname, I love you so much, you have no idea how much I love you, I spent my entire time worrying that you're going to reject me that I didn't even bother to see how you're doing. I really am the worst, aren't I?"
"You really love me? You're not just saying that because you pity me, right?" Kaname asked in a quivering voice.
"Of course I love you, is just that I don't understand how a beautiful person such as yourself could possibly want someone as unworthy as me! " said Zero in a voice that was full of hope and yet blended with fear of rejection.
"Unworthy? Whatever made you feel this way?" Asked Kaname, surprised that Zero would feel this way.
"Well…, is just that you never kissed me so I just assumed…" Zero said in a low voice and Kaname could see that he was about to cry.
Kaname was dumbfounded, he hadn't expected this answer so it took a minute before what Zero said sank in, he realized that Zero must have felt like a plaything all this time and while that had been his intention when he first saw him, during the year they spent together he had tried to make Zero feel that he cared about him. If Zero had felt like a plaything the entire year than was it any wonder that he had such a low self-esteem?
"No Zero, I thought that all this time I was taking you against your will so I just wanted you to at least have one thing to share with the one you love, I just never expected to fall in love with you!! I'm sorry, Zero, I never wanted you to feel like this. You're most definitely not unworthy, you're beautiful with your silver hair, lavender eyes and pale skin but most of all it was your kindness that attracted me to you." And then Kaname did something that both of them need to, in order to heal their souls, he kissed Zero on the mouth.
At first it was an innocent kiss but then Kaname began to deepen it. He silently begged for entrance which Zero granted without a second thought. They spent like that a couple of minutes, just kissing and staying in each other embrace, but then Zero's hand started to wonder up and down on Kaname's body in a feather's touch, which prompted Kaname to do the same.
Kaname allowed Zero to control the pace because he wanted to assure his lover but also because he wanted to find out what it was like with Zero on top of him. Just the mere thought of it made him feel warmth down there.
Zero pushed Kaname on his back and settled between his legs, grinding against one other. Zero's hands started unbuttoning his shirt and once he completed this task he started playing with Kaname's nipples. The left pink nipple got the attention of a sweet, little tongue that first circled it, then gave it a lick and finely started sucking on it. Zero thought it would be a shame to leave the other nipple unattended just because he was playing with the left one, so Zero's hand did the same to it as the tongue, while pinching it from time to time.
The response he got from Kaname was indeed a reward for Zero's ears. Kaname made some wonderful sounds that succeeded in making Zero even more aroused than before. Without even realizing Zero had taken up the role of the seme, it was a hidden desire he had ever since he was first taken because he wanted to show to his adorable vampire how sweet it could be to find yourself on the receiving end.
Zero continued his administration and soon both of them were shedding their cloths because they needed to touch everything, they wanted to see each other in their full splendor. The fire has now become unbearable, they needed to be one soon or else they just might get destroyed by this intense fire, however before they continued Zero asked Kaname if he was sure that he wanted to continue This way and Kaname begged for Zero not to wait anymore, for he wanted to be taken by Zero now.
Zero knew that he had to prepare Kaname before entering him and since there was nothing around that he could work with, he did something that connected them even more, he used his tongue in order make Kaname loosen up and at the same time he made Kaname suck three of his fingers.
When Zero stopped for a second in order to start making Kaname loosen up even more, he saw the way Kaname's face glittered with perspiration and thought that his pretty vampire was an angel in disguise, also the way Kaname sucked those fingers of his made Zero imagine what else that pretty mouth could do, but then he decided that now it was not the time for that, maybe later and so Zero started fingering him.
Kaname began getting impatient, so in a sultry voice he begged Zero to take him, for he could not take it anymore. Once he deemed it safe, Zero began to slowly enter Kaname. It took but a moment for Kaname to adjust and then began a dance as old as the world.
Kaname loved the way Zero felt inside him, he was making him feel so complete that he had to wonder how he could have lived for so long without his beautiful human, but then all thought ceased to exist when Zero hit a spot inside him that made him feel nothing else but Zero and a happiness that he hadn't been aware that existed.
Zero moved in and out of Kaname and when he felt that Kaname was starting to reach his climax he started pumping him in time with his thrusts. Both Kaname and Zero spilt their seed at the same time with a wordless cry. In the afterglow Kaname felt so wonderful even with the cum dripping from his insides, because it all belonged to his beloved Zero, at the same time Zero believed that he had died and went to heaven because being inside his angel was like nothing else he had felt before, this was an experience they both wanted to repeat.
They spent an entire hour just lying in the bed and talking about various things. Now that Zero knew that Kaname loved him, he asked his vampire "Kaname would you like to move in with me? I know that you're lonely here and I can't be away from my family, I would miss them too much. So what do you say?"
"Oh Zero I would like to spend every second of the rest of my life with you, but are you sure that you want me to move in with you, after all the villagers hate me and that might create you or your family some troubles, since I doubt that they take kindly to vampire lovers. " Kaname said with a frown on his face.
Zero smiled at his lover's concern for him and his family and so in order to dispel his worry he said "To tell you the truth everyone wants to meet their savior. They know how hard it is for the other villages with the murders and the robberies, that they have to deal everyday and they are thankful for your kindness and protection. It's true that in the beginning they were afraid of you but after I told them that you were kind to me and did everything in your power to make me feel comfortable, well let's just say that you got yourself more than a few fans." At this Zero chuckled a bit, thinking about how the faces of his friends looked like when he told them about his vampire, especially his best friends Aido and Ruka, they had looked as though they had seen a miracle, which wasn't that far from the truth.
Whatever Kaname may have thought, this definitely wasn't it. He had expected to be hated and feared by the people, but he hadn't expected to be viewed like a savior. Ever since Zero had entered in his life, his world had been turned upside down, but that was a good thing because he finally felt happy.
Now that they decided it was time for Kaname to move in with Zero, they got dressed and headed off to the village. There Kaname was received with whispers of awe, making him feel embarrassed. The only ones who didn't treat him as though he was a god on earth was the village chief Kaien, a man that was a bit too friendly for his tastes and seemed a little bit insane, Ichiru that was Zero's twin, well that had been a real shock, for a second he had thought that maybe Kaien's insanity had rubbed off on him but then he had felt the different smell and realized that he was a twin and not a hallucination and finally Yuuki, a sweet little girl that Kaname wanted for a sister.
Kaname managed to fit in with the rest of the villagers quite quickly. Once everyone had seen how beautiful the vampire was, Kaname had gotten more admirers then he wanted to but after he announced that he was Zero's lover they backed away a bit, though not very much.
3 Years later:
"Zero, I'm sure that you know that I can't get older then I already am, so I was wondering if you would like to be my consort and become a vampire so that you can live by my side forever?"
"Is it really possible for me to become a vampire?"
"Yes, but only if that's what you wish."
"There's nothing more I want than to live my life my life by your side, but is there anything specific that I have to do?"
"Not really. Just enjoy."
That night Kaname offered to Zero for the first time his sacred blood, the one that permitted him to become a vampire during their coupling and allowed him eternal life. Who knows maybe they are still alive and happy somewhere even now after more than a 1000 years.
I hope that you enjoyed this story of mine! :D This is my longest and final chapter so please let me some reviews and tell me what you think.
I'm sorry that I made you wait for so long to read this but I finally met the famous writer's block. There were days when I couldn't write a sentence to save my life but I finally made it and it's all thanks to the song "Seether – Rise above this" because it made me feel that I must rise above this dreadful writer's block. HaHa :D
Hope that you enjoyed and see you next time!! :D