This is 20 years later. This is my last chapter, I hope you enjoy it! It's from Little Sarah's POV. There's allot of imprinting and kids. Reminder: John, Carter, Aaron, James and Jayzan are the pups. They are all grown up know with the rest of the kids from the pack. I hope you like it! Review please!
"Sary! Go wake up your brother." Suzan, my cousin, yelled from the living room. "Ness is going to pick us up in a half hour!" she was such a crazy person. She was named after our grandma. But she was so fun and outgoing like her father, Uncle Seth.
I walked toward Harry's room. He was sleeping like a bear on winter. "Hey, Big bro, get your lazy ass up. Ness is going to pick us up to go to the bonfire. Dad and mom are already there." I said shaking him. "Lucy is going to be there…" I said. At the mention of her, he was already up and into the bathroom. "You have thirty minutes." Then I walked to my room. I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a red v-neck shirt with some black jeans and sandals. That would knock some sense into Embry when I get there.
"Hey cousin!" Suzan said coming in. "Wow, do you want to stop the traffic on that shirt?" she said laughing.
"No, but I want Embry to look that I am already nineteen and not twelve." I said. "I mean… You have John and you two are perfect for each other although he his eight years older he is so not aging because of the phasing. Harry has that crush Lucy and pretty sure she's dying for him, although I know that Uncle Jared is going to have a heart attack when he sees Harry with Lucy." Lucy and Mary were Uncle Jared and Aunt Kim's daughters and they had Daniel who was still little. "Aaron has Livie and Aunt Claire and Uncle Quil are very ok with them." I said frustrated.
"Even Jayzan and Billy Jr. left to go to college and I'm pretty sure they are together! James has Mary and Ness has Nahuel who came all the way from South America for her!" I said "And let's not talk about Carter and July! Did you saw Uncle Paul?" I asked already trying to change the subject.
"Yes! He was so going to punch him!" Suzy said. "Thank God Aunt Rachel was there to stop him."
I slumped into bed. "I feel so out of the picture! Almost everyone has imprinted or been imprinted on!"
"Sary, don't you think you are scoring to high? I mean, Embry isn't like your father's best friend?"
"I know! But there is something that I feel when I'm close to him..." I got lost in the memory of the feeling. It was weird like I wanted him to with me, to love me more than anybody else. I wanted him to be with me, I needed him.
"Sary, that sounds like imprinting. Trust me, I know the feeling." She said smirking. "Please talk to him, maybe he's already imprinted but doesn't know how to tell you…"
"I'll talk to him today." I said. "When I get the chance I'll pull him aside and ask." With that she left the room to go to her beloved imprint.
God, I wish imprinting had never happen… but in a life full of werewolves and vampires you can't expect too much. Not all of my friends had imprinted and not all of my cousins. Some like Uncle Seth and James. "Ness is here!" John yelled from downstairs. I met Harry at the hall and we walked downstairs together. Harry hasn't imprinted either, but he loves Lucy, I'm sure of it.
Dad and mom didn't imprint. Dad even fought the imprint and won. It was possible that I could get Embry to be with me without an imprint. I mean I had phased and I didn't feel anything change when I saw him after that, so that meant I wouldn't imprint on him.
"Sary, c'mon! Aunt Leah called, she said it was about to start!" Ness yelled from her pink Cadillac. I can't believe she drives that thing around the town. I got in and she started driving towards the beach. Let see what I can get out of Embry today…
Leah's POV
Jake had his arms around me and we were sitting on the sand looking at the fire. "This is relaxing." He said. The kids were nineteen and were already thinking of going to college. Since there was not much vampire alerts we had decided that it was ok for them to come and go, but to stay close. Jayzan and Billy Jr. had already gone and they were studying in a University in Seattle. They said it was great.
"Yes it is." I said kissing him.
"Jacob, Leah please…" said Seth sitting by us. Seth had shop at Port Angeles that Victoria, his wife, helped him with.
"Where's Vicky?" I asked.
"She's helping Em. That women brought food alright." He said.
"I should go and help." I said and gave Jacob a quick kiss. I kept walking and saw Embry. "Hey Embry, how is it going?" I said giving him a hug. Embry and Sarah had been good friends since she was born but I saw that she was looking at him differently and he didn't saw it. It was hilarious, everyone knew except him.
"Great, Sary texted me saying they were just pulling up."
"Ok, perfect. I'm going to help Em." I said walking towards Sam's car.
I could see the kids leaving Nessie's Cadillac. "Hey kids, come and help!" I said. Em gave me some stuff and I walked towards the table to set it up and so did the kids.
Soon the rest got here and then Billy, Mom and Old Quil started telling the stories. All the kids know them by heart, all of them had phased, even Dan, Jared's little boy. He was fifteen, which was when Seth phased.
I loved these bonfires. You could see the three generations and how the resolved.
Mom had Charlie by her side and Billy and Old Quil always had stories to tell. Sam and Emily were still living at their same house with John, Carter, Aaron and James, Jayzan their only daughter had gone to study. Jared and Kim had three kids Lucy, Mary and Daniel. Paul and Rachel had July and Billy Jr., who had gone to study, has well. Quil and Claire had Livie. Seth and Victoria had Suzzan and Seth Jr. All of the kids had phased at the age of seventeen and didn't age anymore, except for Daniel and Seth Jr. who were fifteen.
The Cullens had moved to Alaska with the Denali Coven. People were getting suspicious and they had to leave but Nessie comes to almost every bonfire. She loves to hang around with the kids; at least that is what we call them. They aren't so little anymore.
Almost all of them had imprinted or fallen in love. They were the pack now. My generation had almost all stopped phasing and started to age, except for Collin, Brady and Embry that were under the command of Harry, their new Alpha. My daughter, who was unaware of Embry's imprint, had a list she made for all the imprints and couples of her age. It went something like this…
John imprinted on Suzzan. Carter imprinted on July. Aaron imprinted on Livie. James imprinted on Mary. Nessie had fallen in love with Nahuel, when he came back from South America. Jayzan and Billy Jr. had a crush on each other. Daniel and Seth Jr. were too little to think about love so they didn't count.
I laughed when I saw that note on her desk that day. I almost added Embry imprinted on Sarah, but that wasn't up to me.
"Well, kids time to eat." Em said. I went with the rest of the mothers to help with the food and I saw how every couple found themselves, some sitting by the fire, some walking in the shore, some talking. They looked so cute. One by one came to pick their dinner. I catch a glimpse of Jacob talking to Embry. I'm sure he was telling him about Sarah's change of emotion. Because Embry's face looked lost and confused.
"Just go with her!" Jacob half yelled. This is so funny. Embry smiled and walked towards Sarah asking if he could talk to her and they walked into the woods.
Jacob came by my side and took some food. We sit by the fire where the rest of the couples from my generation were. "They grew up." I said. All of them looked at me and then at their kids, laughing and happy with their couples.
"I hope they have the happiness we have." Rachel said kissing Paul.
"Yes, it's their time." Sam said. "It's their time to raise families and have problems." At that everyone laughed. Then we heard a screamed from the woods. All of the ex-werewolves stood up but then Sarah came out.
"I'm sorry! False alarm, I got carried away." She said half laughing and dragging a smiling Embry in her hand. "I just found out that you are all lying bastards that left me suffer for two years waiting for this guy to tell me that he had imprinted on me!" she said laughing and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Was it worth it?" he whispered smiling and rounding her waist with his arms.
"Let me see…" she said and she connected their lips together. "Definitely worth it." She whispered back. Everyone was so caught up in their little moment that we all started cheering. But then we gave them their privacy. Mom and Charlie said their goodbyes. They were strong for their age and so were Billy and Old Quil. Billy was living with Rachel and Paul and Old Quil with Quil and Claire. Mom and Charlie refused to come and live with us but we came to help them every day and so did the kids.
I looked around as Jayzan and Billy Jr. walked from their car hand in hand. "We are so sorry we are so late! We had some things to finish on campus." They said their hellos and walked to the crowd of the young ones.
"I say we out did ourselves with these kids. I mean, look at them. All have their loves and plans to go to college, what to study. I didn't even know what I was going to study at that age." Jacob said. He and the guys opened the garage and all of them were working in. It had become pretty popular around here. Kim opened her store of Quileute stuff, she had books and bracelets and every little thing about our ancestors. Rachel had opened her office as a marriage council. Emily opened her restaurant with Claire and I am working as a teacher in the school where the kids grew up.
"Yes, I'm sure that our ancestors are happy to have a pure, good and happy family like this." Sam said.
There was a conformable silence.
"Wait until the weddings start! " Rachel said. Everyone looked at her even the kids. "Oh c'mon! Haven't you guys thought about that! When these kids start becoming families there's going to be so many weddings! We are going to need Alice back!" she said. Nessie and Nahuel laughed at that and we joined.
Actually, she was right. We had our chance and now it's there's. This land is our legacy and so is the pack.
I looked at the kids happy faces and how the hugged each other. How Sarah had her arms wrapped around Embry and how Harry was looking at Lucy, it made me smile. Jacob kissed my lips.
"I love you." He said with that beautiful smile that still made my heart jump a beat.
"I love you too." I said. That was the biggest legacy that this generation gave to the kids, the example of how to love and how be happy. And for what I see, they learned it well.
The end
This was my last chapter. Maybe it was short I don't know… Thank you to all the readers and for all the reviews you left. I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for the support. With love!