Here's part 2 for Strange Happenings. Hope you like it. And I know it been like months but I'm sorry had a total mental block.

Disclaimer: I 'sniff' unfortunately 'sob' don't own any of these awesome characters. 'Cry' But hey I can screw with their minds 'evil laugh'

Chapter 5 – Strange Happenings – Part 2


Here we go again. Alice has called a family meeting to tell us something important. I bet you it was about a major fashion show in Paris or something. Seriously that girl's mind revolves around clothes.

I slowly walked downstairs, taking my time. I really didn't see the point this so called "family meeting". I rolled my eyes. I could practically hear the quotation marks around the words. (Quick Note: In this story Rosalie's doesn't really believe they can be a true family as they are vampires . . . sorry keep reading)

I walked in to the lounge room and sat down on one of the corner chairs. I quietly waited for everyone else to come in.

First came in Alice practically bursting with all the exciting she was holding in her, with Jasper straight behind her. Then walked in my yummy husband Emmett, who as usual walked straight over to me and gave me a very sexy kiss.

"Hey handsome," I purred. He grinned his sexy grin and sat down and pulled me on his lap.

Then walked in Esme and Carlisle, hand in hand, as usual. They were such a cute couple even after a hundred or so years. The came in the Mr. Grumpy himself, Edward. I mean what is his problem always moody and sullen. Come on get a life, you've got Bella now.

As we all sat down leaving Alice alone in the middle of the room literally bouncing. I could get dizzy watching her. She needs a chill pill, I thought. Edward looked over at me and almost grinned. Oh My God a grin, wow Edwards turning into Mr. Happy. That comment quickly made him stop grinning.

"Okay, okay, okay are you guys ready to hear some fabulous news?" Alice chirped.

"Yes Alice, that's why we're all here," Esme said kindly. Esme is so lucky, not a mean bone in her body.

"Okay, okay, okay here goes. So you all know, well duh you all know but I'll say it anyway, the relationship triangle with Bella, Edward and the mutt, right?" She exclaimed quickly.

Wow, that was a strange turn of events. This could actually be a good meeting after all. I grinned, waiting to see what would come out of this.

"Yes, of course. Go on," Carlisle queried.

"Well I've decided to put together a little competition to which out of Edward or the mutt deserve Bella more. It'll be great; I mean we can finally figure out what is going on in her head." Alice looked around and beamed.

I thought over all that quickly. I felt like laughing. What a stupid idea. It wouldn't work as the mutts and us hate each other and Bella is so dumb she wouldn't even know how to choose after the comp.

"Wait a second," Emmett exploded, "What about Bella. How is she going to feel about this?"

A guilty look spread across Alice's face. Ha they haven't told her have they? This is turning out better than I expected. I grinned happily, waiting for the fireworks.

"Well, you see if we did tell her she would run off and never want to see any of us again," she rolled her eyes, "and I know what you're going to say next, then why have the competition at all, well cause she will never make up her mind because she can't. I've seen in the future so far ahead but it the same. She can't make up her mind."

"Wow what a surprise," I mumbled then laughed. The others just stared at me.

"What? Oh never mind," I mumbled. Edward was still throwing murderous glares at me.

"Continue Alice," Esme prompted.

Alice looked at me quickly before continuing. "Anyway, as I was saying, the competition. Well I've decided that this competition will have three rounds, maybe more if needed, and each round will be either on how much they know Bella and care for her. There will be four judges, two vampires and two werewolves."

"Should we have a human on the board? To make it fair because Bella is a human." Carlisle pondered.

"I don't know but I suppose so," Alice answered.

She now had everyone's attention, even mine surprisingly.

She continued, "So I've written down the rules for the competition and even contacted the wolves for us so it's all set to go. We'll have a group decision with them to decide the judges. Okay?"

We all sat quietly thinking this all through.

I asked slowly, "Well what does the winner get? I mean what's going to happen at the end of this competition?"

"Well," Alice started, "here's the catch. The winner gets to keep Bella forever and the loser," she starts to mumble her words, "has to leave here forever and never bother Bella again. Or if it's the wolves we have to leave with Bella and never come back." She smiled timidly.

There was a shocked silence.

"WHAT?!?!?" You forgot to mention that part Alice!" Edward literally exploded. "You could have mentioned all of this before consulting the bloody wolves!"

"Yes well it was the only way to get them to agree. So listen up, it isn't my fault that you bloody left Bella and left her with Jacob, so she fell in love with him," Wow Alice was cranky. She barely ever yells at Edward.

Edward looked shattered, remembering that terrible time.

Alice continued softly, "Look it's the only way we all no who is the one for Bella. And you will know Edward as well."

Edward still looked downcast, "Okay, I agree to the terms of this. Well when do we start?"

Alice looked grimly, "Well that's what we're organizing with the wolves, aren't we."

Did you like it? I really hope you did . . . oh and thanks for all the constructive reviews of gotten lately. :) they help a lot.