A/N: Here's the last chapter of this, and if I promised to have more of Stuart/Greg alone in this then I'm sorry but it didn't happen they are in this a bit though! Ending could have been better but I don't mind it too much.

Disclaimer: Greg is mine, that's all!

Stuart and Greg were lying in bed with their hands entwined and their eyes locked on each other. They slowly melted into their first kiss of the morning and soon got carried away with them, just like the previous couple of nights.

After it was over, they lay on their backs looking up at the ceiling. Stuart broke the comfortable silence that had started between them, "Do you want to go and meet Jackie today, since we have nothing planned?"

"Yes, she sounds, how can I put it... interesting." He had been intrigued by the only woman in Stuart's life, ever since Stuart first mentioned her name.


Jackie woke up and felt Robbie drawing the shape of a heart on the back of her shoulder with his finger, over and over again. She turned around and moved closer to Robbie as he kissed her anywhere he could reach without moving the rest of his body. Jackie looked over his shoulder to see what time it was,

"How come we've been asleep for so long?"

"Maybe because of what we got up to last night took all our energy out of us?"

"Do you want some kind of drink Robs?"

"Yeah but that would mean one of us getting out of this divinely comfortable bed."

"Robbie, you are something truly unbelievable."

"That's why you love me."

"I guess so." Jackie made sure she knew where her underwear was, before getting out off the bed, but that was all she put on; she couldn't be bothered putting more on when she knew they weren't going to be going anywhere outside of the flat. She couldn't stop smiling when she heard Robbie shouting after her,

"I love you too Jackie."

She came back into the bedroom and crawled over the bed, managing to not spill any of the glasses of the orange juice on the duvet. As she went back under the sheets he gently ran his hand over her stomach, making her shiver a little. His hand was travelling up towards her bra when they heard soft tapping on the door, they groaned at the unwelcomed interruption and Jackie peeked through her curtains,

"Shit. It's Stuart and some gorgeous bloke."

"That will be Greg."

"You didn't tell me Greg is gorgeous."

"Yeah well I wanted to prove how fit I was before you laid your eyes on him."

"Robbie darling, you certainly are fit and anyway I wouldn't have a chance with Greg because he's gay, he's with Stuart, and he's far too young for me."

"You could get any guy you want Jackie."

"I only want you Robbie."

As they were having this conversation she grabbed a blouse from her floor and put that on with a pair of jeans; Robbie quickly got his jeans and shirt on. They knew that the other couple would still notice but at least they weren't only in their underwear any more.

"Hi Stuart."

"Hi Jackie, thought you might like to be introduced to Greg."

Robbie came out of the kitchen, "Hello Stuart, Greg."

Stuart mouthed, "What's Robbie still doing here?" while Jackie was closing the door behind them.

"He asked if he could come back last night and he stayed over again."

He looked at their crushed outfits, "Did you do something productive?"


"I'll take that as a yes then." She pushed him up the stairs, making him nearly fall over.

When they got up to the living room Jackie looked around at the mess on the floor and then realised she wasn't wearing her usual jewellery, "Robbie, do you know where my necklace is?"

"On the table beside mine."


She remembered the game of poker and tried to hide a smile. As she was picking her necklace up she pulled the table back to its original place and tried to clear up the mess that they had made the night before. Stuart and Greg didn't pay much attention to what she was doing and sat down on the sofa. Then they looked back at each other, trying to decipher the reason that Jackie was biting her lip to stop herself grinning. Stuart and Greg were sitting on one sofa while Jackie and Robbie took the other. Stuart noticed the deck of cards lying open on the table and had an idea,

"Anyone fancy a game of poker?"

That was it for Robbie and Jackie. They had been avoiding each others' eyes since Stuart arrived but Jackie couldn't resist looking over at him, they burst out laughing and couldn't stop. Jackie ended up with her head on Robbie's shoulder as they both tried to control themselves.

"What's wrong with poker?" That just made the two even more hysterical.

"You know it's really obvious that you two were having rampant sex with each other last night so could you please act normally!"

That made Jackie instantly stop laughing, "Is it really that noticeable?"

"Not really but you guys are my best friends. I can see it. So what happened?"

Jackie muttered, "Robbie and his stupid plan to play strip poker is what happened."

"It wasn't stupid darling, and did I not make it up to you last night?"

"Of course you did Robbie, but still: strip poker, wasn't there another option?"

"Probably but it was a sudden urge that I had." He turned his head round and kissed her, Jackie was aware that there were other people in the room, so tried to break it off, which only made Robbie pull her closer. When they finally needed air they saw that the other couple were chatting happily to each other, not caring about the two who had their tongues down each others' throats.

A few moments later, Stuart finally built up the courage to tell Robbie and Jackie that he loved Greg. Surprisingly Robbie didn't make any snide comments but then Stuart noticed that Robbie was paying more attention to slyly feeling up Jackie than to the current conversation. Jackie was trying her hardest to ignore Robbie's actions and was desperately searching for the right words to respond to her best friend and his lover but kept losing concentration. She finally gave up and hit Robbie's hand away. Robbie started to pout a little and she couldn't resist rolling her eyes,

"See, you guys are lucky, you don't have a bloody two year old as the guy that you're in love with." That made them all laugh and Stuart realised that she was finally admitting to being in love with him out loud.

"Well this has been a thoroughly romantic weekend."

"For you maybe; I've had to control my feelings when the guy I'm in love with stays over, then play strip poker with said man and ended up in tears when he said he loved me. And anyway, you told Robbie about the dreams!"

"Oh. You found out about that. He forced me to." Jackie glared at Robbie, knowing that he must have said something cruel to make Stuart tell him all her secrets. Robbie tried his hardest not to giggle because to him Jackie looked incredibly cute when she was angry.

Robbie managed to change the direction of the conversation,"I've just realised that that's now three out of four of the team with people they love, I wonder who Matt will find."

Jackie got closer to Robbie as he wrapped his arms around her body. Stuart and Greg got closer on the seat as well. All four people were lost in their own thoughts, although Jackie's were quickly gone when Robbie started with his non-spoken flirting.

The End.