A/N: This story! It started off as a completely Stuart/OC fic with no hint of Robbie/Jackie but then Robbie found himself getting invited and then Jackie weaved her way in and...OMR I'm officially going crazy! Why must they take over every fic I write?! And the whole point of Greg being incredibly handsome was to try to find myself someone more attractive than John Michie but no such luck for me!

Disclaimer: Own the fit, Australian OC called Greg but that's all in this fic! Blame Simon Baker for Greg being Australian, he made me like Aussie's more!

Detective Constable Stuart Fraser woke up at his usual time of 6 o'clock with a smile on his face. He was remembering the previous night in which he had had a romantic meal with his new boyfriend Greg. They hadn't spent the night together but they were already starting to miss the other person. Stuart truly couldn't believe his luck, he had met Greg two weeks previous at the pub after Jackie had left him alone at the bar. They clicked instantly and when they found out the other was gay, they knew they were destined to meet that night. Since then, they had spent a few nights either going out for dinner or hanging out at one of their flats.

Greg was a year younger than Stuart. He was originally from Australia but moved after finishing studying art at college, he still had a little of his Aussie accent left if people listened closely enough. He had dark brown hair and his body was to die for. Stuart knew that if Greg had been straight, he could have given Robbie a run for his money with the women.


He arrived at work at about quarter past seven but still hadn't managed to be earlier than Jackie. He found her sitting in the kitchen area of the office, staring at the clock like she did every morning until Stuart or Matt arrived to keep her company.

"Hi Jackie."

"Hi Stuarty." Normally she would cheer up when someone appeared but today she still sounded upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. The usual, spent yet another night alone, thinking about him, wondering why I can't stop thinking about him." Jackie didn't even dare to say his name because it would make her situation even more real than it was already. She also didn't need to say his name because she had told Stuart every detail of every dream, wish or occasional lust-filled thought that she had about this one man. The dreams had started four months ago and that was when she had drunkenly blurted out, in private, to Stuart how much she loved this one guy. Robbie.

"Why don't you tell him you love him? Everyone knows he's just as crazy about you."

"Because it would cause too many problems."

"Do you realise that if you don't make a move soon he'll find someone else to share his life with?"

"Hey, I've got myself into this mess so if that situation arises then I'll find a way to get over it, please just don't say things like that to me though. Anyway enough of my forbidden love, how's it going with Greg?" Jackie had begun to make coffee for herself and Stuart. She had an extra cup made for when Robbie chose to appear. She didn't care much if it went cold, it would be his own fault. She had went through too much because of him to care about a cup of tea.

"Really good, we're actually going out tonight if you want to come and meet him."

"I think I'll pass and have an early night instead." She knew that the 'early night' would only consist of her having a shower then trying to get to sleep, all the while thinking of Robbie, but she couldn't risk spoiling her best friend's night by tagging along.

"Okay. Robbie, you want to come?" Jackie looked up sharply, she hadn't noticed him drifting into the room and picking up the warm coffee cup.


"To the pub with Greg and I."

"Yeah as long as it's not to a gay bar. I do want to find a girl to take home." After he said that he immediately avoided Jackie's eyes, which wasn't hard because Jackie had lowered her eyes to look at the pattern of the carpet; she already knew how many holes there were in the ceiling and how many dots were on the wallpaper because she had avoided his eyes so many times before. Stuart hated when this happened and it had been becoming more common in the past few months. He wished they would just admit to each other how they felt, but these were two of the most stubborn people when it came to admitting their feelings. These days they couldn't even get through a small conversation without one of them blushing. Then they would go into this sort of situation in which they would ignore each other for an hour or so then act as though nothing had happened.


Later that night the three men were in a club that Robbie hadn't been in before. They were each drinking an odd blue drink that had some seriously strong vodka in it. Robbie was beginning to wonder why he was even there; Stuart and Greg were too busy talking about their previous meetings; Robbie was giving a lot of women the smile that usually worked, but they turned away and looked at him as though he was some sort of creepy old guy. He interrupted Stuart and Greg's conversation, not caring if what they were discussing was important or not,

"Not one girl has even looked at me since we got in here. I...I think I might be getting too old for them." He was close to crying. Out of all the things he had prayed not to happen, loosing his appeal to women was extremely close to the top.

"Or maybe you're just looking at the wrong women." Even Greg knew that he was talking about Jackie. They watched as Robbie downed the rest of his drink in one go, wincing in pain as the liquid burnt his throat, and grabbed his jacket.

"Right I'll see you at work on Monday Stuart, and Greg I hope to see you again sometime."

"Where are you going Robbie?"

"I was planning to see if Jackie was awake and if she would give me some free drink."

"She'll kill you if she gets woken up!"

"It will be worth it just to see the look on her face." Stuart shook his head as Robbie walked away,

"That couple will be the death of me!" Greg found and held Stuart's hand on the top of the table. Disregarding the fact that he hadn't even met Jackie, Greg made a prediction,

"I bet that Jackie doesn't kill him. I think that he'll say something sweet and they will spend the weekend wrapped up together in her bed."

"Just like what we're going to do in my bed?"

"Yeah exactly." Stuart leaned across the table and kissed Greg fully on the lips. They were looking forward to the weekend ahead, unlike Jackie who was being woken up by loud banging on her front door.


Jackie opened her door, her hair was all tangled and she had only had enough time to put on her black robe, not enough time to tie it though. So she was standing in front of Robbie with messed up hair and an open robe which was showing her sleep wear; a white strappy vest and very short shorts with red dots on them. Not the best things to wear in front of her colleague and self confessed woman addict.

It took Robbie a few minutes to find his voice because of what she looked like, "Hi."

"Robbie it is twelve o'clock at night. What the hell do you want?!"

"A bottle of whisky if you have one."


"Depressed. You just have to leave me in your kitchen with a bottle and then you can go back to bed."

"We both have to work in the morning so there is no chance I'll let you get drunk tonight. Come in and I'll make you a coffee." Jackie had volunteered herself and Robbie to work all of Saturday so Stuart would get some more time with Greg. Robbie had almost hit her when he found out but quickly regretted it when he saw that Jackie was scared of him when he was in this mood. He couldn't believe what had happened and proceeded to apologise for hours, wishing that he could go back in time and never see the look of fear and horror in her eyes again. It was also the fact that he had nearly lashed out at the woman he loved even though he had nothing planned for the Saturday in the first place.

"So are you going to tell me why you look like you've been hit by a bus? I thought you were spending the night with Stuart and Greg anyway."

"Yeah I was but after a while no woman had even looked at me. Don't you get it? I've lost my sex god status!"

"Robbie it was only one club, you might have better luck somewhere else." Like here, her thoughts were leading her down a path which wasn't entirely appropriate. Before she let those thoughts be said out loud, she told Robbie that she was away to bed and that he wasn't to touch any of the alcohol in her house. She dropped a gentle kiss on to his forehead and turned away.

It was during the one second of this kiss that Robbie realised that the feisty, yet funny woman who had quite warm and soft lips, was his idea of perfection. Seeing her in the strappy vest and shorts earlier had thrown him off course a little. Her figure had always been hidden beneath layers of clothes so the opportunity to see every little curve of her body was wonderful. She still hadn't left the kitchen yet and when he looked at her, she turned her head and looked into his eyes, both trying to read what the other was thinking. Jackie was the first to break the eye contact and hastily left the room. She hadn't intended to kiss him; it was one of those things she had vowed not to do four months previous for fear of getting carried away.

Both of them spent the rest of the night thinking of the other, Robbie found that Jackie had left a spare duvet on the couch for him, it was little things like this that made him fall deeper for her. He didn't dare open any more drink because he had made Jackie a promise not to and he couldn't bear to see her angry over a simple thing like this. Meanwhile no matter how hard she tried, Jackie wasn't able to fall asleep, every minute of the past half hour or so was replaying in her mind, while the romantic inside her was trying to disect every word and look he had gave her.

To Be Continued. I know I could have maybe left it here but I've wrote a bit for the next part and it's cute and pointless: just what I'm good at so I can't leave it!