A/N: A huge thank you to Sara for her critique of this chapter.
Disclaimer: No ownership is meant or implied by writing this story. Neither CSI nor its characters belong to me.
"Hey, honey. Got a second?"
The voice comes from directly behind her, and it's masculine, deep, and wonderfully familiar.
She turns immediately and smiles, rushing into his open arms. She hugs him tight; he's taller and easily lifts her, her feet suspended precariously in the air as he twirls her around in a circle, twice. Laughing and incredibly happy in the moment, she brushes a soft kiss to his cheek before demanding he put her down.
Just as she regains her footing, she hears the sound of someone clearing his throat and lifts her gaze to see Grissom standing two feet away. Her smile drops a fraction as she lets go of her visitor's arms, stepping to his side.
"Grissom." Her eyes shift back toward her friend, then to him again. His blue eyes, several degrees cooler and questioning, level with hers.
An awkward, heavy silence fills the invisible, expansive always-there space between them.
Until he steps forward, takes charge, and extends his hand. "Hi, I'm Drew." He shakes Grissom's hand before moving back next to Sara again. "And you must be Sara's boss. I'm sorry if I'm causing any problems showing up unannounced—"
"You aren't," Sara interrupts, finding her voice again. "Grissom just lost his manners for a second…" She breaks off, shifts, turning her body toward Drew, and away from Grissom. "I've got some time before my work night starts why don't we—"
"Sara, hey," Warrick greets her, as he and Nick join the three of them in the middle of the Lab's hallway. Nick adds, "Who's your friend?"
She tries not to be frustrated by all the interruptions, since this is work, but what she really wants is to grab Drew's hand, pulling him into some corner so that they can…
Instead, she makes introductions.
"Guys, this is Andrew Howard," she gestures to him first, and looking at Drew, she adds, "Drew, this is Nick and Warrick. My coworkers."
After the nice to meet you's are said and hands are shook, Nick looks at Drew, sizing him up. "So, how do you know our Sara?"
She rolls her eyes at Nick's use of the possessive in front of her name and Drew speaks. "We've known each other since our days at Berkeley, and no matter how much time passes or distance is between us, she's still my best girl."
"I didn't realize you cared so much," she teases him, even as his words serve to both charm and embarrass her.
"Uh-huh," he says. "You know it's true."
She says nothing, just smiles because it is.
"So does this mean you can give us some dirt on Sara?" Warrick asks, sidling up closer to Drew, as if they were best buds.
Sara flushes, Drew laughs.
"Yeah, I can," he promises. "I've got some really great stories."
"Thanks for selling me up the river so fast," Sara says, smacking him lightly on his arm.
Nick and Warrick stare on amused while Grissom stands to the side, his back against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest, taking in the exchange.
"You got to tell me now though," Nick asks, lowering his voice and speaking in a staged whisper, "was she a party animal?"
Oh, good God, she thinks, what is this, twenty questions?
Drew grins wickedly. "Yeah, like you wouldn't even believe it."
"Drew," she says sweetly, honey coating his name. He turns his head, looks at her. "You remember the story of Pinocchio, don't you? And what happens to him every time he lies…"
"I know it," he says, nodding solemnly, then flashes his teeth again, "but if the stories are true, I've got nothing to worry about."
The boys laugh, and she just shakes her head. He was impossible.
From the corner of her eyes, she sees Grissom walk away. Don't-don't worry about it. It's not your problem. It's his. She glances down to check her watch, to mask the hurt she knows will be reflected in her eyes, and realizes that it's already time for work.
"Hey, shift's starting now, so uh," she stops, glances at Nick and Warrick's interested faces, then pulls Drew a couple feet away to finish the conversation and say goodbye.
As Drew walks away, Catherine passes him and stops in front of Sara and the boys. "Who was that?"
"Sara's friend," Nick answers.
Catherine glances back at the man turning the corner and lets out a low, appreciative whistle. "Sara Sidle! Where have you been hiding that gorgeous, gorgeous man? You've been holding out on us…"