Kitty: Ohayou minna-san, did you miss me? I sure did, I'm sorry for the long delay and I hope you're all being patient. I don't know how many chapters I'm going to put in this story since my mind is going somewhere and new ideas for some other stories keep popping out randomly.

Sasuke: And here I thought the dobe has a short attention span.

Kitty: (begins to twitch before knocking him unconscious with a mallet) oh shut up you and stop insulting your future bride.

Naruto: so said anything about me marrying that teme and I am not going to be the uke

Kitty: too bad, I'm the author and I get to do whatever the hell I want so there.

(Naruto begins to pout)

Kakashi: Not that I don't enjoy that banter, but who's doing the disclaimer?

Kitty: You are, since you came on time…finally

Kakashi: what?

Kitty: You heard me, now do the disclaimer and get this show on the road already.

Kakashi: alright, alright Kitty Uzumaki does not-

Kitty: before I forget, I change my mind again…I'm staying with Izaya and Shizuo, so no Shugo Chara character are going to appear, I might put some YYH characters since I'm obsess with them…go on Kakashi.

Kakashi: *sweat drops* okay, Kitty Uzumaki does not own Naruto, Durarara and Yu yu Hakusho, they belong to their rightful owners. But she does own some Ocs that will appear on the story.

Kitty: Thank you Kakashi, now on with the story.

Chapter fourteen

Previously on Arrangement With The Enemy

"The queen decided to make an experiment on one of the Uzumaki siblings…that person being Naruto, the queen gave a pill to Naruto and that pill resulted being a pregnancy pill" explained Sakura.

"Hn, as soon as they received that information the Uzumaki siblings are beginning to wreak havoc once again" Itachi said.

"So when Sasuke here marries Naruto, he'll have to knock him up" Kakashi said, amusement hinted in his tone of voice.

"Hn" was the only reply the younger Uchiha could give as he smirked.


Then there was sounds of something break after Iruka said that.

"KITTY…PUT THAT PAINTING DOWN" they heard Kymmie shout.

"Should we go and try to help them?" Sakura asked.

"I suggest we leave the Uchihas here, no doubt once we get there the Uzumakis will destroy more items if they see their fiancés there" Kakashi said.

"What more can they destroy?" Sasori asked.

"Good question" Kakashi said before the three ran out of the room to help the others calm the Uzumakis down leaving the Uchihas alone.

Just then they saw a figure and Itachi began to smirk as soon as he saw him.

"What brings you here?" he asked.

"What else, but to see what the commotion was about, plus I heard about the arrangement" said the male.


"Hn." Itachi said as he stare at another raven haired male with some white stardust in the middle of his spiky hair, crimson eyes and he did look somewhat amused.

"I heard about the 'experiment' your queen made on one of the Uzumakis." said the male.

"Nothing fazes you, huh Hiei." Itachi said.

"Hn." Hiei said.

Just then they heard something break.


"Hn, they're not taking this well." Hiei said.

"What do you think?" Sasuke said.

"So what really brings you here, surely it's not to see what the commotion is about." Itachi said.

"Izaya said that you both refuse help to win them over." Hiei said.

"And?" asked the Uchihas.

"So my offer still stands." Izaya said as he came walking into the room, "I can help you conquer them."

"Izaya, the only reason you want to help them is to annoy that onna you seem so fond of." Hiei said.

Izaya shrug his shoulders, "Guilty as charge, my goal is to annoy Kymmie Hyuuga."

Hiei rolled his eyes as did the Uchihas.

"So are you two in or not?" asked Izaya.

"We're in." said the Uchihas.

Izaya smirked before he walked away, "When you have time, come find me."

The Uchihas look at him walk away before turning to see Hiei, only to realize that he too disappeared.

Just then Kakashi returned to the room, looking disheveled. Which confused the Uchiha brothers as they saw their advisor like that and before they can ask him, he answered them.

"They're calmed down, for now anyway." replied Kakashi.

"How many did they break?" asked Itachi.

"About 200 items if I'm not mistaken, 60 vases, 40 statues and 100 antiques." Kakashi said.

Itachi and Sasuke began to sweat drop at the number of items their fiancées has broken.

"And they burned about 20 paintings, so they destroyed 200 items." Kakashi said.

The Uchihas look at him and sweat dropped some more.

Then Orochimaru and Jiraiya returned to the room, looking like Kakashi as they began to pant.

"220, they destroyed 220 things that's more than what they destroyed the last two months." Jiraiya said.

"Horseback riding has been canceled for tomorrow, we're going to move every breakable things in another room and put them there…away from the Uzumakis." Orochimaru said, "You have three months to woo them." Glaring at the Uchihas before he and Jiraiya walked away.

"You heard them, good luck." Kakashi said before he too walked away, not doubt to look for Iruka and 'comfort' him.

After Kakashi, Orochimaru and Jiraiya left, the Uchihas decided to look for Izaya and get some help on how to woo their future wives.

With Sakura and Hinata

Sakura was waiting outside as Hinata came out of the room where Naruto is, looking quite tired before she look at the pinkette.

"He's been sedated as is Kitty." Hinata said, giving her a weak smile.

"You look tired." Sakura said.

Hinata nods her head, not trying to deny it, "Hai, but it's my job as their nurse and friend."

"You're an incredible woman Hinata Hyuuga." Sakura said.

Hinata began to blush at the pinkette's comment, making Sakura smile as she saw that blush on the indigo haired female.

"D…d…d…don't say t…t…th…things like that." stuttered Hinata before cursing herself for stuttering again.

"I'm only saying the truth." Sakura said.

Hinata's blush increased, "Arigato."

"Would you like to go to the garden with me?" asked Sakura, hoping that she will say yes.

Hinata shook her head, "Iie, I must go to my room and get some rest."

Sakura, a little disappointed at the rejection before masking it, "Do you want me to accompany you to your room…so that you would fall in the hall." was her excuse and hope that Hinata accepts.

"Well, okay." Hinata said.

Sakura smiled before she and Hinata began to walk around the hall, talking.

The pinkette was actually glad that Hinata is finally warming up to her and is finally letting her walk her to her room.

'I swear that I'm going to win your heart Hinata' thought the pinkette, smiling at Hinata as she makes of vow to win the heart of the lovely indigo haired maiden.

Kitty: well that's chapter fourteen, what do you think so far? And again, I'm really sorry about the very long hiatus like I said before I have random ideas for other stories that keeps popping in my head, I hope you all can understand. I don't know when I'm going to update another chapter for this.

Naruto: I barely got any screen time.

Kitty: you will get some screen time, just be patient.

Naruto: when?

Kitty: I don't know when, now stop whining or I'm getting Sasuke back here to tie you up and have his way with you again.

(Naruto keeps quiet)

Kitty: that's a good boy, anyway I hope I can get some feedbacks from you. I'll try…really try to update this story and finish it so please give me some time.