Hey all, thank you for all your constant reviews. They all equal much love. Special mentions go to emzigale07, CuttlefishShiz, spannieren, Foxie Roxie and SmithsonianGirl. Thank you for bearing with me for all this time. This is the final chapter of The Old Religion, and I can tell you that there will be a fourth instalment at some point in the future, but until then I have a few other projects that I wish to work on first. However, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to see you (metaphorically speaking) again sometime soon. This one is for my sister ;)

Lady Ingrid de Ravenscar really did not want to leave Camelot. Really she didn't. So much of her time being locked in her room had been spent trying to work out a way that she could stay, but she knew that nothing short of a miracle would be able to make her brother and father let her remain whilst they went off home. She knew that not one of her reasons was good enough for them and that they would never let her stay in Camelot on her own. If they would only extend their stay a bit longer... a few more years perhaps? It was just that there was so much for her here in Camelot. She had had so much fun too and now that the ban on magic had been lifted.... Well, Merlin wasn't the only one who could now be himself and not have to worry about the executioner's block.

Camelot had so much going for it. There was so much more here than there was at Ravenscar, which really wasn't that hard considering her father's castle was little more than a pile of ancient rocks which had seen better days and situated in the middle of nowhere. All that there was other than the castle was a small hamlet with a few small fields between them. Fair enough, there was the sea view and the cliffs, but there was nothing more to do than sketch or read and there were only so many times you could read the same book or draw the same thing before you got bored. Things here at Camelot were a lot different. There was so much to do here in such a short space of time. The few months that she had stayed at the castle simply weren't enough. For starters there was tormenting servants and winding up kings, and then there were more young people of her age here. Also she could keep up with the latest news and gossip which was more than she could do at home. In fact, there was very little that she could gossip about at home.

There was another reason why she didn't want to leave Camelot. Since her arrival here a few months ago she had found herself developing feelings for one certain person. At first it had only been friendship but now... Well, she wasn't sure any more. All she knew was that she really liked him and that he loved her. His notes had proved that much to her, and the fact that he had barely left her side whilst she was recovering from her battle wound. The only problem was the social divide between them. He was a servant and she was a lady which meant that there was very little which would allow them to stay together. Society would look down on them and though Ingrid never was one to care about what others thought, she knew that her family would, which meant that no matter how much either of them wanted it, it simply was not meant to be.

She had tried everything to stay in Camelot but her words had gone and fallen on deaf ears. She had argued and pleaded, shouted and begged, but her father, and especially her brother, refused to grant her wish. She had to go home with them apparently, and there were to be no objections. When she had asked them why she had found out that it was something to do with her not being able to be left alone without supervision. It wasn't proper for an unmarried woman to be left alone without some sort of male influence. Ingrid hated this, but there was no other choice open to her. She had to leave and so that was why she was doing this now.

Sitting on top of her travelling trunk, she refused to let the young warlock out. She wanted him to come home with her and together they could have so much fun. All that she had to do was get him to Ravenscar without anyone noticing, which was easier said than done considering he would be missed. After all, Merlin was King Arthur's servant and a good friend of the Queen, along with being under the care of the Court Physician. In fact, it probably wasn't going to take long at all for his disappearance to be noticed. All that Ingrid had to do was pray that they would be far enough away for them to stay ahead of the soldiers so that they wouldn't get caught. Other than that, she didn't care what happened. They would be together, regardless of anything that might get in their way.

"Let me out... my lady, please." She heard Merlin say, his voice muffled by the wooden walls of her travelling chest. "My lady?" He pleaded, but Ingrid didn't move. He was going to come with her, whether he liked it or not. "Please my lady, let me out."

"I... I can't."


"No Merlin." The young warlock, who found the trunk empty instead of being filled with clothes, stared at the walls of it and noted that Ingrid was sounding very vulnerable.

"Right." He sighed, sounding resigned to his fate.

"I am sorry to do this to you, really I am." She told him as she fiddled with her new charm bracelet. "It's just... well, it's difficult to explain."

"You wish me to come with you?" he guessed.

"Something like that."

"So you're kidnapping me?"

"Not exactly but... yes. Sorry Merlin." She said, not sounding at least a little apologetic.

"It's alright my lady. Just... don't forget that warlocks need food too."

"As if I could?" she laughed

"So where are all your clothes now?"

"Different case." She told him, part what truthfully. Her clothes were actually in a small box as she had managed to shrink them down in size. "If anyone asks though I'll just claim that I've been doing a lot of shopping." She answered his unasked question.

"What did your brother say to you by the way? After the ball I mean?"

"He gave me a lecture on how a young lady should behave and mentioned something about avoiding young men of lower social rank."

"Oh... and he locked you in your room because...?"

"One, I refused to go home, and two, I was spending a lot of time with King Arthur's servant. In fact, he has forbidden me from seeing you ever again." She said sadly, her shoulders slumping. She really didn't want to go to Ravenscar because here she had something better. Here she had everything that she had ever wanted, and much more besides.

"And if you did?"

"He threatened to kill you."

"It would be worth it." Merlin said, attempting to shrug but failing miserably and all that he achieved were sore shoulders. "Ow!"

"What have you done now?"

"Hit my shoulders." Ingrid got up from the trunk and opened it, just to make sure that he was alright. After all, she didn't want to take back a wounded warlock if she could help it.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concern etched across her features.

"I will be." He smiled but just as she was about to say something, there was a knock on the door. Ingrid, startled, dropped the lid just as Gerard walked straight in. Her brother walked inside as if he had done nothing wrong, giving her another reason to glare at him. He ignored this fact and smiled at her, as if it was the most natural thing for a brother to walk into his sister's room without a care in the world after he had locked her in her room for a few days.

"Packed?" he asked, looking around the empty room.

"Just about."

"I thought I heard voices?" he questioned.

"No..."She said innocently.

"But, I'm sure I did." He said looking very puzzled.

"Oh alright, you did. I was talking to Jinx." She said, pretending to give in.


"My cat." Ingrid admitted.

"You were talking to your...cat?" he asked, his tone questioning her sanity and his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Well... yeah. I had to keep myself sane somehow considering someone..." she looked accusingly at Gerard. "locked me in here."

"It was for your own good... Anyway, I thought you might like to go to the feast?"

"You're letting me out?"

"Well, I can't exactly have you staying in here on your last night now, can I?"

"Well..." she said, regarding him sceptically with one eyebrow raised.

"Come on Ingrid." He said, turning to leave.

Sitting in her usual seat at the feast that evening, Ingrid was very much aware that this could be the last time she was at Camelot. Sighing, she listened to her brother talk to a few of his friends about knight stuff whilst her father talked to a few of the other visiting Lords about taxes and land and other boring things. Just for a moment did she regret locking Merlin up in her trunk as he would have rescued her from her boredom, before she remembered her brother's threat. Maybe the warlock was safer in her room for the time being. She didn't want a dead warlock. For that she would suffer almost anything. She would have said anything, but although Merlin meant a great deal to her, there were some things that she wouldn't suffer- dying being one of them, unless of course he could save her then perhaps...

"My lady Ingrid." Hearing her name, and disrupting her track of thought, Ingrid looked up to find Queen Alethea and the Lady Morgana standing before her. Curious as to why they were there, she greeted them in the only way she knew how to.

"Your highness, my lady." She said, bowing her head to each of them in turn.

"We were wondering if... Well if you would like to join us?" looking to her brother and father who were both deep in conversation, she smiled and got to her feet. They had just rescued her from boredom, and she wasn't going to object.

Sitting together, the three young ladies swapped stories and gossip, laughing quite often, usually at Arthur's expense. Ingrid was more than happy to sit with the two girls and listened to them chat of just ordinary life at Court, though she was jealous of them both. They weren't being forced to leave against their wills. Ingrid had to smile though - Alethea didn't match the stereotype of a Queen whatsoever. She may have been the Queen of Camelot but she didn't hold herself very highly, nor was she in the least bit snobbish. In fact, she was just like any other ordinary young noblewoman and she didn't keep reminding them that she was married to the King. Poor Arthur kept looking over to them whilst they chatted but he got absolutely no sense out of them. In fact, he usually got laughed at and there was nothing he could do about it, especially considering Alethea told him that she would make it up to him later. Then as the feast started to come to an end, Morgana, Alethea and Ingrid swore that they would keep in touch regularly and try and visit each other whenever they could. Ingrid was the furthest apart from them all which would make it harder for visiting, but Alethea promised that she would try and see her soon, and perhaps bring Merlin with her. Ingrid smiled, if only she knew... It was then that Arthur turned away from the conversation he had been having with Sir Oliver.

"Have any of you seen Merlin recently?"

"Not since this morning now you come to mention it. How about you, Alethea?"

"Nope, afraid not. Ingrid?" Alethea asked, only to find that the seat beside her was now empty. Looking around for the Lady de Ravenscar, they found her running from the hall which only made the two ladies laugh.

"What is it with that girl?" Arthur asked, still completely puzzled as to why she always excused herself or ran away whenever he was around.

"Maybe it was something you said" Alethea teased "Or perhaps she just doesn't like you."

When Ingrid eventually returned to her room, she found that all was quiet. Merlin wasn't knocking on the wood anymore but she realised that he must have just given up considering he wouldn't have gotten any answer. Smiling, she put the food that she had smuggled from the feast down on the table before going over to her travelling case. Turning the key in the lock, she heard Merlin start to knock again and laughed as she opened the lid. Letting his eyes adjust to the light, Merlin looked up at her questioningly. Why was she letting him out?

"See, I didn't forget." She said, pointing over to the table where the food was laid out. Climbing out of the trunk, Merlin flashed her a quick grin before pulling up a seat and starting to tuck in.

"Thank you." He smiled as he tore off a piece of bread. "You know, if you want me to come with you, you need only have asked." He said conversationally.

"You would have said no." She told him, looking away.

"Actually, I would have said yes... Though I doubt Arthur would like it." He laughed as he took a sip of water, imagining the look on the King's face when he was told that his servant had left him.

"I'm sure he would object. So you will come with me to Ravenscar?" she asked hopefully.

"If I can." He said, meaning it. Finishing off the food that Ingrid had brought him, he then moved back over to the trunk. "Well, I presume I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I suppose you will do." Smiling, Merlin climbed back inside and closed the lid behind him.

Falling asleep that evening, Ingrid de Ravenscar was completely oblivious as to what Merlin was up to. Deep in the land of dreams where everything was much easier and life was perfect, she didn't hear the young warlock trying to pick the lock of the trunk from the inside. He had managed to procure himself a hairpin which Ingrid had left lying around on her table and so was using this to try and open his temporary cage. He had long since decided against magic as all the spells he knew for opening locks weren't useful in this situation. All of the spells he knew for situations like these had rather loud sound effects and he really didn't want to be responsible for waking up Ingrid and half the castle. He knew that he shouldn't be trying to get out of the trunk considering he did actually want to go to Ravenscar with Ingrid, but then again he didn't really want to go by trunk. Let's face it, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable mode of transport. Besides, he had to stay in Camelot as it was his destiny and someone had to keep Arthur out of trouble. As the lock gave way, Merlin carefully pushed the lid open before climbing out as quietly as he could. Stretching his legs, he was glad to be out of such a confined space.

"Merlin..." Ingrid moaned softly, stopping the warlock in his tracks. Eying the sleeping girl warily, he made certain that she was fast asleep before walking a bit more. He found himself pausing at the foot of her bed though, watching as she turned over in her sleep. "Merlin, come back." He did have to wonder if she knew that she talked in her sleep, but he also knew that this was his only chance of escape. "Please..." Reaching the door, Merlin left.

Ingrid woke the next morning with a heavy heart, for today she was going home. The journey would be a long one, but her family seemed to think that it would be worth it. Getting dressed into her travelling gear, she flattened out the creases and looked at herself in the mirror. Sorting out her hair, she then made sure that she had everything packed, all the while talking to her trunk. Locking her raven and her cat in their respective cages, Ingrid couldn't help but get a little annoyed when she received no answer whatsoever to her questions.

"Aren't you awake yet Merlin?" she sighed, giving her trunk a nudge. Getting no answer, she lifted the lid to find that the warlock was not there. Sighing, she wondered just why he had escaped if he had wanted desperately to go with her. Grabbing her cloak, she allowed the servants to take her luggage down to the courtyard whilst she herself went to see if she could find Merlin. Alright, so he may have escaped her but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to leave without seeing him one last time, and especially without saying goodbye.

"Going to find your servant boy?" she heard Gerard's dulcet tones as she started walking down the corridor.

"Can I not say goodbye?" she asked her brother with puppy dog eyes, knowing that there was absolutely no way that he would be able to refuse her.

"Oh... Go on then, but don't be too long. You know what father's like." Smiling, Ingrid headed straight to the physician's chambers and soon was knocking on the door. Finding the warlock eating breakfast, she was only a little bit annoyed at him for escaping her. The realisation that this might be the last time she saw him meant that she could forgive him just this once.

"My lady Ingrid." He greeted.


"I'm afraid I can't come with you." He told her sadly.

"It's alright, I understand."

"I mean, as much as I would absolutely love to come with you to Ravenscar, it isn't my destiny to be with you. I have to look after Arthur." Her smile fell from her lips at the mention of the King. Merlin was, in effect, leaving her for the King.

"Then you will just have to rescue me at some point."

"I promise I will do. Just send me the word and I will be there as fast as I can be." Smiling, they were silent for a few moments, the only sound being that of the birds chirping outside.

"Anyway, will you at least see me off?"

"Of course my lady." Merlin smiled before the two of them headed to the courtyard where they found everything ready. Finding her brother and father saying goodbye to the King and Queen, Ingrid smiled at Alethea. As a look of understanding passed between them, Alethea kept the men distracted, giving Ingrid a few precious moments to say goodbye to Merlin.

"Well, this is it." Merlin said, unhelpfully reminding her that she was leaving.

"I suppose it is ."

"Goodbye My Lady"

"Goodbye My Merlin. I'll see you soon?"

"I'll try." The warlock smiled sadly. "Safe journey."

"Until we meet again." Holding out his hand for a handshake, Ingrid took it and pulled Merlin into a hug.

"I'll never forget you . I love you Merlin, with all my heart " Ingrid tearfully whispered into his ear.

He didn't want her to let go. He wanted to stay like this forever and he just wished that he could go with her. Ingrid eventually freed him from her embrace.

Not knowing what else to say he just whispered "Stay safe my lady."

"Likewise Merlin." She said with a sorrowful expression on her face .

Stepping back, Merlin joined Arthur and Alethea whilst Sir Gerard and Lord Edgar mounted up. Their servants travelling with the cart which held the luggage, Ingrid joined them and the de Ravenscar's started their long journey home...

She looked back at him before she left the courtyard, her eyes still pleading with him to rescue her. Merlin just met her gaze, his eyes saying all that he hadn't had chance to tell her. Smiling slightly, he gave her a little wave before she disappeared from view, possibly for the last time.

"You can watch them from the balcony you know." Alethea whispered. He didn't need telling twice. Sprinting to the top, leaping over servants who were polishing floors and narrowly avoiding collisions with others, Merlin reached the balcony just in time to see them leave the town boundaries and enter the forest.

Standing there until long after they had disappeared from view, Merlin felt a small part of him die inside. His heart was breaking with every inch that separated them and yet still he stood there, watching his raven haired beauty leave him. He knew that it hadn't been her choice, but still he wished that she could be stood there with him, watching just her father and brother go. All he could do now was pray that she would return soon, and that when she did, she would not have forgotten him.

"Come on Merlin, back to work." Turning around at the voice, the young heartbroken warlock found Arthur standing in the doorway. Smiling slightly, Merlin wiped away the tears that had formed in his eyes before following his master and friend. "I need you to polish my boots, wash my tunics, change my bed, muck out my stables, tidy my room..." It seemed that life went on as normal, "oh, and to cheer up. I can't have you moping around all day."

"But..." he objected.

"She'll be back soon Merlin. I can guarantee it." Seeing the look in his master's eyes, Merlin knew that he had something planned. Merlin could only hope that the sooner he did his jobs the sooner his raven haired beauty would return and so, with a heavy heart, he started the long list of tasks that he'd been given. Alright, so he had just had his heart broken but life went on, and today was no different...