Troubled Love

Chapter one

It was 2023 and I was sitting in the room that my husband, Edward, and I share in our house in Alaska.

I was waiting for Edward to bring Nessie hoem from her first driving test.

When I heard the buzz of Edward's car pulling into the driveway, I ran downstairs to greet them and to see how Nessie did on her test.

The front door opened and Edward and Nessie stepped inside.

"Momma! Momma! I did it! I passed!" she exclaimed, running to me.

I pulled her into a tight hug and said "oh, congratulations sweetheart! What would you like to do to celebrate?"

She smiled, raised her hand, and pressed it to my cheek. A image of people dancing, drinking, and music was booming from the oversized speakers.

The image dissapeared and I glarred at her and growled "anything but that. You're not going clubbing, your not even seventeen years old!"

She sighed and put her hand to my cheek again. This time an image of her, Jacob, and I hunting flashed through my mind.

"Of course we can go hunting honey, but does Jacob have to come?" I asked.

"yes, mom, he does"

"oh fine, go call him and tell him what we are doing today"

Edward cleared his throat and said "well, Carlisle needs my help on some testing, so I have to go now"

He left the house and as Nessie went upstairs, I heard his car speed back down the street toward the Cullen's house.

That was strange, he never leaves the house without kissing me goodbye. But I was pulled out of my wondering by the doorbell ringing.

Nessie dashed down the stairs and pulled the door open. Jacob was standing there and then he pulled her into a kiss, not letting her go.

I growled and they pulled apart, looking at me.

"that's my daughter you are kissing" I growled at Jacob.

Nessie groaned and said "mom! I'm sixteen!"

"sixteen or not, you are still my daughter and I feel the need to protect you from dogs. C'mon, lets go"

I walked out the door and they followed behind me. We sat down in my Lamborghini and I sped out of the drivway and down the road, reaching 200 mph in less then four seconds.

I parked outside the local woods and we got out of the car. Jacob ran behind a tree and came back out in his wolf form, his clothes tied to his back leg.

I heard several deer about seven hundred yards away. A grin spread across my face, I looked at Nessie and said "race ya to the deer!"

I sped off toward the deer, Nessie and Jacob right on my heels.

we attacked the deer pack at the same time, each of us grabbing our own deer, even jacob.

We finished off the rest of the deer pack, our thirst fufilled. For the walk back, we walked at human speed, watching Jacob chase small animals for our entertainment.

As we got back into the Lamborghini, Nessie leaned between the front seats to look at me. "hey mom, I want my i-pod, but I left it in Aunt Alice's room at the Cullen's house. Can we go get it, please?"

"sure" I smiled, driving to the Cullen house. I pulled into the driveway at the Cullen's house and got out of the car, running up to Alice and Jasper's room.

But I stopped, frozen by whaty I saw.

Alice was kissing my Edward.