And the very last thing for this story, a little teaser/epilogue. Hope you'll have enjoyed the ride everyone, and please, please review so I can improve.

Check out the sequel, Dance With Me, I am carrying on with it right now :)


The pen slipped through Ms Jones hand as her mouth formed a small 'o'. Both pairs of eyes widened at the answer, though Blunt's less so. A tense silence filled the room. Both adults were too shocked to respond while Jake just lay on the bed, eyes wide in innocence with a small grin playing on his mouth.

Mr. Blunt cleared his throat, breaking the quiet, "R-Rider?"

"It's not possible." Mrs. Jones murmured, her face still a shocked statue.

"Oh, Mrs. Jones, I assure you, it is entirely possible. I'm living proof."

"How?" Mr. Blunt demanded once he regained his composure.

I smiled softly as I climbed back into my hospital bed. Jake was alive. He was alive! Everything was slowly returning to normal. There was only one thing missing. Yassen. He was the last piece of the puzzle to be fitted in then everything would be okay. Lying unnoticed on the table beside me was a small cell phone. Unnoticed until it started ringing. Confused I rolled over and hesitantly answered it.


"Miss Gregorovich. We have someone very close to you."

"What do you mean? Who are you? Who do you have?"

"I have no name but some refer to me as Hasiel and as for your last question; I have your father, Yassen Gregorovich."

The cell phone slipped from my hand, falling softly onto the sheets. My mouth formed an 'o' in a silent gasp. It took me a moment to realize there was still noise coming from the small machine. Scrambling I grabbed it and held it back to my ear.

"If you ever want to see your father again, bring Alex Rider to the club rooms after the Chelsea vs. Arsenal game. If you do not do this, he will die. If you tell anyone about this, he will die. We'll be watching you."

My hand stayed frozen clutching the phone as a hang up tone filled my ear. They, they had Yassen; they had my dad, whoever they was. Slowly my hand dropped, lifelessly crashing onto the bed. I felt like I should cry but I couldn't, instead I just lay back on the bed, a plan already formulating in my mind.

Snake watched through the window silently as she lay back down on the bed, her face still twisted in horror at the mysterious phone call. He'd have to ask about that but for some reason, knew she wouldn't tell. His eyes darted to down the hall, a movement catching his eye.

The fair haired boy came to stand next to him, both their eyes locked back on the still figure as he talked, "She okay?"

"What do you think, Cub?"

"She will be. She's strong."

Snake nodded, he knew it was true but still couldn't help worrying about her. He felt like it was his duty to protect her, after all she came to him when she needed help, and he was the first one to give her a second chance. He wanted to make sure she made it through this.

Yassen slowly opened his eyes, trying to get his bearings. It had been many years since he had been captured and even more since he had felt so disorientated. The room around him was a dull grey, as though it were a 2D painting. He tried moving his wrists; both were cuffed to a post on a grey metal bunk. Looking down he realized his ankles had succumbed to the same fate.

Mentally growling he looked around the room, looking for anything that could help him. There was nothing in sight.

The rusty metal door clanged open. The man stood in the doorway, his silhouetted body showing the toned muscles of a man who kept his fitness up. His olive skinned hand reached up and flicked a switch.

Light flew through the room forcing Yassen to squint until his eyes adjusted. What he saw made him almost wish they hadn't.

The balding dark haired man before him had a sharp face with piercing auburn eyes that sat above a thin nose, grinning lips and angular chin. His tight shirt showed off strong muscles and his jeans were tattered at the bottom where he had walked on them with his Nikes.

Yassen's face contorted with anger before smoothing out again, leaving only a glare in his eyes.

"Hello Yassen."
