"it is you that i adore
you will always be my whore."

- smashing pumpkins, ava adore.

They walked down the hall, like a couple of teenagers. Their ages seeming to revert whenever they got close to one another. He bumps the petite little blonde, making her sunder off kilter when his own lanky frame comes crashing against her. He's always careful not to harm the blonde doctor.

Only she is allowed to escort him back to his cell of steel and stone. The guards have stopped watching the two and it drives another patient madder then he already is. Piercing blue drill into the part and he hates her. He's interested in the man though. That haunting face pushed against the bars as Harleen swipes her keycard to open the cell. He notes the heart broken look on her face as she feeds the man into the cell.

"Har-leey." He coos her, as much as one man with jagged sinks on his once handsome visage could.

She musters a brave smile, she knows that he doesn't want to see her upset. He brings his head closer to the bars, beckoning her to him and she follows his orders. But she can't bring herself to make contact and Joker quickly understands why.

Those blue eyes he covets are now unlocked from his brown ones and they're dodging glances from his neighbor. Crane, that nosey bastard. He allows Harley to leave from his personal space, a dark stare now in Crane's direction. He watches the exchange of words between the doctor and the former.

"Doctor Quinzel.", he's searching hoping to get her attention and he has it ---

"Mr. Crane." She hits him were it hurts, she reminds him that his world is gone now, no longer a doctor. He sneers at her as she walks away, and now Joker is snickering, giddy.

"She's a whore."

Joker stops, scars still giving him a grin, but he doesn't see the humor in this. He seems angry, he comes closer to Crane's bars. "Ex-plain yourself Ichabod."

"You don't know, she's nothing but a whore. Her grades weren't given to her because she's book smart, it was because she excelled on her back. She has your case and my office because she was willing to spread those legs for Arkham."

Joker's very presence seems to bring him closer to the bars, its a battle of the super villains. Joker could be considered superior in almost every way. Faster, stronger and maybe even smarter then the Scarecrow.

He proves he's faster and grabs Crane's frail arm, threading it though the bars - he proves he's stronger as the limb is threatening to separate it from its socket.

"Johnny, you think I don't know that?"

He gives him a look and Crane knows now that indeed the Joker might be smarter. "I know she's my doctor because she says she'll spread those sweet little thighs for Arkham."

Crane can smell Joker now, he smells like gunpowder, rot and filth but mixed into that is Dr. Quinzel. He smells her perfume, her shampoo, but most of all he smells her sex on Joker. He knows now, that those "sessions" are nothing but foreplay.

"She might be a whore." Joker grins, a line of yellow teeth coming forth as his scars warp and make him appear older then he really is. "But she's my whore."

a/n; originally I was going to do this challenge - twenty drabbles. Well here's the thing, um, there was a word limit and I hate word limits. I'm wordy, so I plan on stealing the prompt table and still doing the drabbles.