Disclaimer: I only own the plot, please don't sue, I live off of Cheerios! I have no money.

Chapter 2: Running

"Besides maybe this time it's different

I mean I really think you'll like me…"


Aerrow could only watch amusedly as Finn and Junko, well into their seventh drink, raucously belted out bar songs, with a few of the locals joining in. The bar was bigger than he had expected, and pretty crowded, but it turned out there wasn't much else to do in this terra.

As Finn jumped up onto the bar, Aerrow decided that maybe it was time to call Piper and have her help him drag Finn and Junko back to the Condor. He pushed away the drink he'd been nursing and started to make his way through the crowd, which surprisingly didn't smell too unpleasant, to grab the communicator he'd left on his skimmer.

As he finally neared the door, where the crowd finally stopped, he got a strange feeling that he was being watched. As he turned around to check if anybody was behind him, he was suddenly grabbed and pushed up against the wall of a dark, narrow hallway that seemed to lead to storage rooms.

He gasped, looking up into deep ruby eyes, realizing just who it was that had pinned him. Dark Ace.

"What do you-" Before Aerrow could finish his question, Ace pressed a finger to his lips, leaning forward, so their cheeks touched, before whispering in the Sky Knight's ear,

"I can't stop thinking about you…" He slowly licked up the crest of Aerrow's ear, causing a sharp intake of breath from the Storm Hawk.

"I don't know what you've done to me…" The Cyclonian continued, intertwining his fingers with Aerrows, whose hands he had been pinning above him. Dark Ace slowly trailed kisses down Aerrows jaw line, enjoying his shivers and the way his breathing sped up considerably.

"You don't know what you do to me." The older man finished, pressing his lips to the other's for a chaste kiss, surprised but ecstatic as the other lips moved against his.

Aerrow couldn't help it. The man was driving him wild, and with every sentence that spilled from his lips, Aerrow's heart seemed to skip a beat and his stomach fluttered. He slowly lowered their intertwined hands, both of them opting to instead touch more, feel more.

As their kissing got hungrier and passionate, Aerrow raked his fingers through Dark Ace's silky hair, and Ace stroked the young boy's sides, before resting his hands on his chest, feeling the frantic rhythm of Aerro's heart.

Aerrow slowly sucked on Ace's lower lip, before finally pulling away so they could both breath, their foreheads touching.

" I don't know what's going on," Aerrow started, still slowly stroking Dark Ace's hair, " but I can't do this. I'm sorry, but chances are, this random change of feelings from you is just another sick plot…" the Storm Hawk leader slowly let go of Ace, who grabbed him before he could leave,

"Aerrow please.. I never wanted to fight you. The only thing I'm sorry for is that we're on opposite sides of a war, and I'm definitely not sorry for how I feel about you, how I've felt about you since I first-"

"Please stop!" Aerrow hissed, tearing himself free of the other's hold. "Stop this!" Aerrow then, as he would later admit to himself, ran away. His heart felt heavy and his head so clouded. He hopped on to his skimmer and rode like the devil was on his heel, but he knew he was actually someplace much worse- his heart.


When Aerrow finally reached the Condor, he quickly dismounted his skimmer, leaning against the landing dock's wall before sliding down, sitting and laying his head on his knees.

What happened back there? He asked himself. Well he obviously knew what happened, but he just couldn't grasp how it's all happened. So fast. And his heart was doing a mile a minute while his brains spun in circles around his sensibility.

Dark Ace can't stop thinking about me? Aerrow was sympathetic, as he couldn't stop think about the Dark Ace. His lips, his eyes, how it felt just so right when their bodies were pressed together.

"Aerrow? Are you alright?" Aerrow quickly looked up, to meet the concerned eyes of Piper. He didn't want to worry her, so he gave he managed a smile.

"I'm alright, just tired, had a drink at the bar with Finn and Junko. We should go pick them up by the way, before they leave us and start a drunken singing duet." Piper managed a small chuckle.

"So they drank more than their share again? Well me and Stork can take care of that, you should just go to bed, you look pretty worn out." Aerrow knew not to argue with Piper, and for once he didn't even want to. He was completely out of it, and would be of no use if he didn't have some alone time to think things through.


Dark Ace felt like he was hurting. He knew it wasn't from any fight. The pain was like a energy sword had been plunged into his chest, and hadn't been removed. The Cyclonian had never felt like this before in his life. It was a first. Many firsts had happened to him since he met the young red-headed Sky Knight.

First time he'd fled a fight. First time he hesitated in a fight. First time he let someone live. First time he let his heart reign over his mind. The Dark Ace found himself wanting something. He wanted this one thing more than he had ever wanted anything else in his life. And he always got what he wanted. He wanted Aerrow's heart, and he would have it. No matter what.


"This is the first day of my life,

Glad I didn't die before I met you

But now I don't care I could go anywhere with you

And I'd probably be happy."


AN: So here's the second chapter, I just wrote it right now. I don't know where I'm going with this. Once again, this is my first attempt at writing so I could really use some critique! Please, any form of help will be appreciated. I also need a beta, or someone to just proofread my stories and make sure they don't sound too ridiculous. Thanks for reading!