Disclaimer : I do not own Bleach nor do I own the characters


Cotton Candy

How did I even get myself in this situation in the first place? Oh yea, I was the one who succumbed to her pleas to bring her to the theme park. And there she is, twirling around in her cyan coloured sundress. Glaring at me. Wait, glaring?

Kurosaki Ichigo woke up from his thoughts as he felt the glare of the petite shinigami in front of him, her fist inches away from his face.

"Idiot! What are you spacing around for? Let's go! "The small ball of her fist hit him straight in the face. Other than pain, those were the other words that he heard.

He sighed as he followed behind her, his large hand covering his red cheek with embarrassment.

"What are you doing?"

"This….is…so…cool!" The violet orbs of the dark haired shinigami's eyes grew wider with amazement as her eyes followed with the movements of this new, pink and fluffy object spinning in front of her very eyes.

"What's this fluffy stuff?" She tugged the sleeves of his blue shirt, looking up at him with her wide, violet eyes, waiting anxiously with a grin formed on her face.

He laughed at her innocence, her curiosity, that cuteness of hers.

"It's cotton candy. You've never tried one before huh…"

"Ooh…It's pink and fluffy! So cute! What do you do with it?" Her eyes were still fixed on the spinning of the cotton candy, amazement still were in her eyes, nonetheless.

"Quit with the cutesy talk already, I'll get you one." He could get the hint well enough, her puppy dog eyes were too cute for him to resist.

"Hmm…" Her eyes were squinting at the cone of fluff in her hand, which ended up getting close to that orange hair of Ichigo. Lucky for him, he dodged swiftly away from the pink "fluff", grabbed her small wrist and pinched some of her proclaimed pink 'fluff'.

"You eat it, dope."

"You…eat…cotton..?" Her violet eyes stared into his, filled with shock as she wondered, how weird can he get?

He sighed, "Its cotton CANDY. Try it."

Her slim fingers caressed over the large surface of the pink fluff, pinched a suitable amount and popped it into her mouth gracefully.

"It… vanished! It was in my mouth and then, it vanished!"

She began to reach for more, the depth of her eyes were overflowing with happiness, with a wide grin formed across her face with each bite.

His amber eyes were fixed on her as she ate the whole time. A smile started to form slowly under his gaze, unknown to him.

His heart melted at her actions, just like how the cotton candy melted in his mouth.


Pink, fluffy and cute cotton candy~ ^^"

Please tell me what you think!


By the way, anyone noticed Ichigo and Rukia were wearing matching colours? Hee.