Hey everyone, some of you may know me, some may not, but I originally wrote this last year and unfortunately had to delete it, and my other story 'A Tricked Revenge'. I'm putting both back up due to the requests, and the fact that I didn't get to finish them! I still have the files, but as I rewrite them I will be adding and removing things so it won't completely be the same. Anyway, I'm a big Joker fan, trust me when I say I'm not a Mary-Sue, not that it even matters. I hope you enjoy the story; you are warned that there is graphic violence, drugs, strong language, and possibly sexual content. Enjoy!

"Eilish Jordan, age 17, received 1:18 AM, arrested for possession of cocaine, and alcohol…" the officer stated as he read off the report to the woman at the desk of the Major Crimes Unit. The young girl stood next to the tall officer, seeming helpless with her tiny wrists bound against the cold metal of her handcuffs. She let her tired yet restless body slump to the side slightly, letting her long dark brown hair fall to her sides. Although her small athletic figure seemed small next to the rather large officer, she had an average height that stood around 5'6. Her long thin eyebrows complimented her chocolate brown eyes washed over with heavy black eyeliner and mascara.

The woman at the desk started typing things in to the computer in front of her. Eilish's eyes wandered to the woman's fingers that never left the keyboard. What is she writing, a novel?Ignoring the woman, she looked down at herself to see her tight black tank top sticking to her sweaty light tan skin, as well as her light jeans that were now uncomfortably sticking to her legs…not something she would have worn if she knew she was going to be arrested.

(A Few hours later)

"Stacey what the fuck are you doing? My dad will crucify me if he finds that!" Eilish shouted to her friend who was casually drawing out lines with her boyfriend. Stacey whipped her head back and let out a silly laugh as she sat on Eilish's bed.

"Oh chill out Leashy weashy, it won't be here for long." she smiled, looking over at her boyfriend who sat there buzzed out of his mind.

Eilish rolled her eyes annoyed at how ridiculous everyone was being. She closed the door and walked back down the hall, stepping on the trashed floor that must have been mistaken for a garbage bin. She walked back downstairs to where the party she was hosting was. She flashed fake smiles and greetings to some of her friends, and to the people she had never seen in her life. Although it didn't really matter to her, she saw herself as someone who was friends with everyone, no matter what they do, who they are, or even what they look like. In a way, some who didn't know her saw her as a 'popular snob', almost putting a bad reputation under her name.

Eilish was on the varsity soccer team, student council for her Junior class, she had the looks, her brother was an 'infamous' senior and her father worked at the one and only 'Wayne Enterprises'. And to get places in a small suburban area such as the one she lived in, near a huge city like Gotham, she had it all going for her.

She continued to walk around her fairly big house that seemed only bigger with all of the people trashing it.

"Leash!" she heard a familiar voice calling out to her over the loud sound of shouting and music. She turned around to see one of her close friends Kat, holding a red solo cup in her hands.

"Hey I thought you weren't coming?" Eilish asked her, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"My parents went out toAntonio'sin the city…so much for being grounded." she snickered, flipping the strands of blonde hair out of her face. Eilish laughed a little, moving out of the way for people to pass.

"I'm sure most of the parents of the people here don't know they're here either." Kat added, turning to the crowds of people behind her as she spoke.

"Well, you know how the parents around here feel about booze. Thank God for your brother, he's really the only one who knows how to even get any." She said sipping from her drink. Eilish nodded.

"The parents don't even know it's him, and treat him like a king." Eilish said almost in disappointed tone.

Eilish's brother was looked up to as a 'God' in her school,Montgomery High School, everyone adored him, and to Eilish, they were best friends despite the several arguments that seemed to occur everyday.

"Hey did you hear about-." before Kat could finish what she was saying, there was a loud slam and everyone suddenly started to scatter around the house, screaming. Eilish's first reaction was to run, which she did, but not to the right place. She ran up to her room, being shoved out of the way by people who were running down the stairs. Once she reached her bedroom she was shocked to see that Stacey and her boyfriend had already left, leaving a stash of drugs on her bed and counter. She ran over to the small balcony leading out of her room to see officers chasing her friends out of the pool and hopping over the fence of the backyard.

"Shit!" she quickly scurried through one of her drawers where she had kept a pocketknife her father had told her to put there. She found it and took her shoe off, sliding it against the bottom of the shoe and carefully putting it back on. She turned to run out of the room but was stopped when a gun was being pointed at her.

"Freeze!" the officer shouted at her. She slowly raised her hands, her jaw slowly dropping.This can't be happening.She kept running through her head. She then looked at the drugs on her bed and realized how bad she must have looked just then, as her heart was about to burst through her chest. She then watched as a few more officers entered the room, slowing the pace as they looked over the drugs on her bed.

"You live here, ma'am?" one of the officers asked as he ordered one of the officers to confiscate the drugs on her bed. Eilish nodded her head slowly, watching the looks the officers were giving each other.

"You are under arrest for the possession of three illegal drugs, under aged drinking, destruction of property…" he sighed as one of the officers came over to handcuff her, "looks like you'll be missing out on your Algebra test tomorrow."

She couldn't believe what was happening, she wasn't drinking and the drugs weren't hers, and she didn't want to even think about what he meant by 'destroyed property'. She went to argue with what he was telling her but was stopped once she opened her mouth.

"Anything you do or say will be used against you." He added. She started to panic as she was escorted out of the empty and trashed house, hoping that everything was all a dream.

"Where are your parents?" the officer asked her as he slid into the car, looking into the rearview mirror to meet her eyes.

"Mom's out of the country, dads in the city." She told him softly as she dropped her head down slightly in shame. He started to type a few keys into the computer that was held between the two front passenger seats. She watched the red and blue lights being flashed against her house.

"Where does he work?" he asked.

"Wayne." he chuckled as she answered him.

"Looks like you're going to the MCU kid." he told her, starting up the car. She took a moment to think of what the MCU stood for, knowing she had read it somewhere before, and her dad mentioning it to her as well.Major…something…unit. Agh what is it? Major…unit.Then it hit her.

"Major Crimes Unit? I'm not a criminal!" she shouted at the officer.

"Sorry kid, but with your charges, and the location of your dad's work, I'm under strict order to bring you there." She slumped back into her seat at his words.

"Was she searched?" the woman at the desk asked as her fingers finally left the keyboard.

"Only her pockets, we didn't find anything, c'mon Tiff she's coming from a party what's she gonna carry a sledge hammer?" the officer scoffed. Yeah that's what you think, asshole.



The woman laughed.

"Kid, holding a party like that and not even having a license, just makes ya look even worse to the cops." she chuckled, now writing down on some files held in a folder on her desk. Eilish kept quiet as she waited with the cop who arrested her, watching the woman fill out the rest of her files and handing them to the officer.

"Tonight is your lucky night kid! You're going to meet one of our celebrities." the woman said as the officer escorted her through a door. She was then brought through a few small hallways, and led to a staircase that was accessed by a code punched into the door. As they walked down the scummy stairs, the sound of slamming doors, shouting, and cursing grew louder and louder. They then walked through a door where there was a long hallway leading into a large room where she could partially see a set of bars with men leaning on the inside of them.

As they got closer she began to see nasty looking men, criminals,shouting at each other and the officers, holding threats against one another…particularly someone who was sitting in the front cell by himself. His face looked really familiar…well one that you didn't see everyday. He had dark moss-green sweaty hair, both tangled and wavy, strands of it falling against his ghost white face due to the white cracked face paint. There was black around his eyes, fading up by his temples into a light grey. And then there was his smile…a long red permanentsmile, due to the ugly scars that traveled off the corners of his mouth.

The Joker.

She remembered her father mentioning him a few times in the past few weeks, and there was no doubt that this was him. He sat there pleasantly as if he was in his own little world, ignoring the shouts and threats coming from the men in the cell behind him. Eilish swallowed hard as their eyes met, making her quickly look somewhere else as the officer and her got closer to the long room of cells. The room then echoed with whistles and howl's coming from the cells. Her face turned red at the comments that were made to her.

"I guess I am gonna have some fun tonight!" one of the men shouted. Another officer walked up to her, his nametag reading "Commissioner Gordon".

"All of the holding cells are full…are we putting her in with the animals, or the freak?" the officer next to me asked. The man named Gordon sighed, placing his hands on his hips and looking towards the cells.

"No cells are open in the lower wing either?" he asked, watching as the officer shook his head 'no'.

"They've filled up tonight Jim." the officer told him. Gordon sighed again.

"Well…put her in with the clown."

"Are you sure? I mean-."

"She'd be eaten alive by the men in the other cells." Gordon stated, making Eilish swallow hard at the thought. The officer then nodded, grabbing Eilish's hands to release the handcuffs. She soon felt relieved as the cuffs slid off her wrists. She began to rub her wrists gently, but stopped as the officer grabbed her arm and led her over to the cell.

"Don't touch her!" She saw Gordon shout and point to the Joker. Her eyes glanced at the Joker who snickered and looked away. She began to shake a little as she was put into the cell, flinching as she heard the cell door slam shut.

Eilish walked over slowly to the run-down bench the Joker was sitting on, going all the way to the corner, as far away as she could get from him.

"Hey baby, think you can suck me off through these bars?" one of the men asked through the cell behind her. Her face burned with embarrassment that she was being treated this way by a bunch of criminals. She crossed her arms, gently stroking them with her hands to comfort herself. She then slowly turned her head to get one more glimpse of the famous 'Joker', not expecting him to be staring right at her, his eyes giving off the feeling that he was reading her every thought. Her eyes widened a little with shock as she quickly looked away from him, her heart about to burst out of her chest.

"Leash?" she heard a voice call out to her. She looked up to see her father in his business suit storming into the room. She shot up and walked over to the bars to meet him.

"Dad! I'm so sorry I-, this isn't my fault I-." she couldn't decide which words she really needed to get out.

"Relax sweetie, I'm going to get you out of here." he told her, stroking her hair through the bars.

"I have to talk to the Commissioner first, just…stay calm." he said with concern in his eyes. She nodded at him and watched him walk over to Gordon who entered his office. She looked around to see the few officers that were around focusing on everything but the prisoners.

"Come on baby, its' just you, us, and clown boy ovah here. I'm sure ya daddy wouldn't mind." she heard one of them say. She looked over her shoulder at the Joker again who was looking up at the ceiling, tapping his foot. I don't get it; he doesn't seem dangerous at all.

And that was her first mistake.

"Hey freak you know any magic tricks? Huh?"

"Yeah come on Bozo!" She then watched as the men began to shout insults at the Joker who sat there calmly.

She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, especially as he said nothing back. She bit the side of her lower lip and crouched down to untie her shoe. She lifted her heel up and carefully grabbed the small knife from under her foot, hiding it against the inside of her wrist. She stood back up; still biting her lip, unsure of what she was about to do was a smart idea. All she could think of was how pissed off she was at the men in the other cells. Taking a deep breath, she slowly walked over to the Joker, sitting next to him on the bench. She watched as he grinned, but didn't look at her.

"I'm not supposed to uh touchyou, remember?" he asked. The sound of his voice made her heart pound.

"I-I know-." he cut her off.

"You know?Quite the uh, rebel aren't you then hmm?" His eyes then met hers, his eyebrow cocked at the question. He smiled almost adoringly. " Ilikerebels." she shivered at his words watching him flick his tongue at his bottom lip. She swallowed hard, unsure of what to say. Instead she just held out her hand, which had the knife in it.

One of the men must have been watching.

"Hey, hey, hey girlie! Are you insane? That ain't such a good idea!" she heard the man warn her. Before she could think twice, the Joker chuckled, slowly taking it from her hand.

"They're right you know…I'm a bad boy." He then began to laugh more, suddenly lashing out at her grabbing her throat and pushing her against the bars. She grunted as her head smacked against them. The sound caught the officer's attention and everyone else's. She heard guns cock as more officers raced into the room, the tension making everyone silent as he held the sharp blade against her throat. She watched as he licked his lips, his cold rough hands squeezing tightly against her delicate jaw. His head then moved closer to hers, his lips moving passed her cheek and next to her ear.

"You're a pretty little thing…" she heard him whisper, feeling him shifting his feet as he turned the blade over. " But looks can be deceiving."

There was then a loud explosion.

Bricks began to fly everywhere; screams of agony and shouts filled the air. He cocked his head to the side.

"That's my cue." he sang. He smiled widely then tilted his head back and let out a dark cackle. He let her go and started to back away from her.

"Seeya 'round" he winked at her, only to disappear into the smoke that was quickly building up in the room.

"Leash!" her father shouted, running towards her. She buried her head into his chest.

"It's alright…everything's alright."

Reviews are appreciated! Sorry about the lack of Joker in the first chapter, but there will be tons of him later on.