Ah, I think this is my fav chapter.

It's not in a rush like the last one, very sorry about that by the way.

Bakura/ Frekking hell, Rya. Seriously, you're always sorry.

Me/ Am not!

Marik/ I have to agree, you're always apologizing for something.

Me/ Marik! I am not sorry all the time!

Bakura/ *Rolls eyes* Yeah, we totally believe you.

Me/ And this is why I don't date you, bunny ears.

Marik/ I just remembered, weren't you going to thank someone or something?

Me/ *Smiles at Marik* And that's why I date you, Marik. But I won't thank anyone until the ending.

Marik/ Oh.....Do I still get a kiss?

Me/ *Giggles and hugs Marik* Of course!

Bakura/ I should just give up. And why do I have to say this all the time, I'm a damn charator in this! She doesn't own Yugioh, that's the last damn time I say that for her!

Enjoy the last chapter.


Chapter thriteen.

Marik had lost the Duel and been freed, but Morila was gone.

Her soul had returned to her body, but she wasn't waking up. She lay in hers and Marik's room in the blimp.

Everyone waiting for her to wake, even Oidion and Ishizu waited, but nothing.

Yugi and the others had forgiven Marik and Morila, and now hoped she'd be alright.

Marik sat there next to the bed, his forarms rested next to Morila's. He did nothing but watch her sleep, although she was probably in the shadow realm, she was still beautiful in sleep. Come on, wake up. he grabbed her hand.

Then, Seto walked in. "We're having blimp trouble, the engins won't start and the tower is going to explode." He didn't even sound worried.

"You never have a good thing to say to ya, richboy?" Joey asked mockingly.

"You're one to talk, you never have anything smart to say, mutt. Unless you count your smartmouth."

"Watch it, richboy!" Joey waved his fist at Seto. "Or I'all mess up dhat ugly face of yours!"

"Oh, shut up!" Tea said in annoyence. "There's a big problem and you morons are argueing."

"Shows how smart the mutt is." Seto said.

Yugi sighed and walked to Marik while Tea tried to shut up the two morons. "We'll be back, Marik." He said.

He nodded, not wanting to say anything but 'Mora wake up'.

Yugi and the others all left the room to deal with the problem, Marik didn't rally care about that at the moment.

Marik and Morila were alone, Marik's head rested next to her. Tears welled in his eyes, he squeezed her hand. "Come on, Mora. I didn't get to tell you that I love you back.....You've always been there with me, probably have even given me signs that you loved me. But this stupid plain was in the way the whole time, and in the end I realized it was all a waist. I could've been with you......but I was stupid and payed more atention to the plain. You didn't deserve that......" Tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mora. Just wake up....I won't leave you ever again......I'll never ignore you....Just wake up." He closed his eyes. "I love you so much, don't leave me now...."

She slowly opened her eyes and looked to Marik, who now had his head resting on her stomach. "M-Marik?" She asked confusedly.

He looked up and hugged her tightly, relief finally finding him. "Mora, just listen to me. I do love you, and always will! I'm sorry for all the times I ignored you, I'm sorry I left you to deal with my darker half! I'm sorry for using you! I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about my passed and the reason I hated the Pharaoh! I'm sorry I never listened to you when you told me not to do something! I'm sorry for everything!"

"Marik....You're wrong, you shouldn't be apologizing for something you had to do." She wrapped her arms around him.

"But it was all a waist of my time," he cupped her head with his hands. "I could've been doing other things, but I was letting my hatred guild me. Not myself. I'm so sorry Mora"

"I know, Marik. Don't be sorry, please."

"But the worst thing I did was let you get in the middle of it all, I'm sorry." He rested his head on her chest, hearing her heart beat. He was laying on top of her, and neither of them realized it until now.

But neither cared really, they were just happy the other was safe.

"Forgive me....."

"There's nothing to forgive, Marik. I get it, you're upset about everything. But you can't change the passed." She actually grinned. "And besides; If it hadn't been for all this happening, we would've probably never told each other our true feelings."

He grinned and played with a strain of her brown hair. "That's true...." He looked up at her, then kissed her.

Morila was so happy, for so many reasons she didn't even know all of them. Because she melted into his kiss again! When they broke apart, Morila whispered. "You're kisses always make me melt for some reason....."

He merely grinned and kissed her again. "Then I guess you'll be nothing but goop when we get back to Egypt."

She laughed, and he did to. "You're real funny, Marik. What's going to happen now?"

He rose on his elbows and kissed her neck, earning a small moan from her. "Well......We're probably going to go home, start a new and normal life." He kept trailing gentle kisses on her neck. Earning another soft moan from her.

"And us? What's going to happen with us?"

He kissed her lips before answering. "I can't see the future like you can, but I do see us being together for a long, long time."

She grinned. "Now that, I know, is true...."

Marik was about to kiss her again but everyone walked in!

"Ra damnit all!" Marik whispered, both teens blushing to the deepest crimson red.

"Why does this always happen to us?" An embarrassed Morila asked tiredly.

Oidion sighed. "Ra, this is like the third, fourth time I've seen them kissing."

"Yeah, now dhis is gonna haunt my nightmares...." Joey stated.

"We're in the air," Yugi stated. "and on our way to Domino City."

Two years later. Big time skip!

Marik's POV.

Wow, I can't believe me and Mora have been together all this time. It's been two years since Battle city and now we're on our way to the Pharaohs Tomb in our jeep.

Now that the Pharaoh can finally pass on, me and Mora can have our own life together.

I'm always with her, I've kept my promise. And she's still the same beautiful and smart Morila I grew up with.

I've also promised her that we'd get married when we were old enough, I've already picked out the ring.

We're living with Ishizu and Oidion in Egypt, not that they mind Mora living with us. Although I think Oidion's getting tired of always walking in when we're making out. Mora thinks it's a little funny.

We haven't spoken to Yugi or the others since Battly City, and Mora was glad when she heard we'd see them all again. Her, Tea, Mai and Serenity even went to the mall I think.

After we arrived in Egypt two years ago, we all went to Mora's fathers grave and she cried for about a month. I still feel so guilty about that, she really didn't deserve to be kept from her father. I'm always apologizing for it, but she keeps telling me it wasn't my fault.

She also told me everything.....How she helped Tea and Mokuba escape, how that jackass thief Bakura kissed her and lied about it. I have to admit, I was very pissed about the last one.

But anyway, me and Mora are finally together. I regret not telling her I loved her sooner, I've always loved her. At least, I have her now. And I'm never letting her go again.

Morila's POV.

Well, this is it. The Pharaoh will pass on. It feels like forever since I last saw everyone. Me, Tea, Mai and Serenity even went to the mall once. It was so fun.

Me and Marik are still together, he even promises to marry me when we get old enough. I have to say, I'm really happy. I'm finally with him, nothing in the way anymore. just me and him.

We do live with Oidion and Ishizu, and the funniest thing is; Everytime me and Marik start to make out or anything, Oidion walks in! It's sooo funny, and I have no idea why!

Even though it's been two years, I'm still a bit shakey from that whole Marik's dark half thing. It still hurts my heart that Marik wasn't there.......But he is now.

And even though I don't have my powers anymore, I can still say this.......We'll always be together.



Waow, that was fun to write!

I can't tell you how much fun I've had making this!

Oh, and I'd like to thank you all for reading this!

And thank you FrozenNote, you wrote my very first review!

I know this is pretty weird, but thank you anyway!

Yugioh forever! And fanfiction forever!!