Chp 1

I unfortunately don't own any of the characters of Twilight.


Ha ha I had the lion cornered it was just disappointing how easy it was, the predator within me was not satisfied. Just as I was about to close my mouth over its neck and pierce it with my razor sharp teeth I heard the screeching of tires off in the distance followed by a huge explosion. Not only had i been startled but the distraction had allowed my meal to escape "Great".

"Might as well go check it out," I said to myself. Whilst running in the direction of the explosion I began hearing the thoughts of the rest of my family who where hunting nearby to.

Emmet- "What the fuck was that". Matching my thoughts exactly.

Rose- "God it's been 40 years since I got blood on myself during a hunt, and one wee crash goes and wrecks that along with by new Prada top someone will pay". Of course Rose would be thinking of herself as usual.

Alice- "Why didn't I see this? Edward if you can hear me I don't know what we're running into too". By this time I could see her in the distance and sped up.

"Alice where's Jasper I can't hear him". Just after I had finished my sentence Alice went into vision mode and we stopped running.

Jasper at the site of the crash with 5 cars all crushed into one another and flames everywhere... jasper running around checking if there was anyone he could help whilst holding his breath due to the blood in the air. It was too late no one could have survived and only one car wasn't on fire but from where he stood he could see that the occupants were dead. Just as he turned to leave he heard it. Crying, but where. He ran to the car that was just starting to set fire and there in the back seat under bags was a little girl crying and covered in blood from a cut on her head. Jaspers eye went as black as night as he reached in and grabbed the girl.

The vision ended here and we set of faster than ever to the scene, "what happened next Alice? What does Jasper do? We both saw his eyes and he hasn't got good control, what happens next?"

"Shut the fuck up Edward I don't know ok, all I'm worried about is getting to jasper on time and making sure he is ok".

I couldn't fault her Jasper was her mate and her main priority of course was making sure he was fine as he was surrounded by flames in the vision; one of the few things that can actually kill us.

2 seconds later Emmett and Rose joined us and we were getting closer.

"Do you know what happened," asked Emmett with Rose listening for a response.

"Alice gotta vision showing 5 cars crushed together in flames with jasper at the scene". "What, whys he there, there's bound to be blood everywhere and if there up in flames there is no way anyone could have survived," Rose shouted.

"There is so hold your breath everyone. There is someone there to that has survived... so far." I stopped talking there not wishing to speak of the fate that could occur to the little girl.

"What do you mean so far Edward," said Rose.

Dammit I didn't want to say... fuck. "Ok in the vision he finds a little girl whose still alive but covered in her blood from a nasty cut to the head... when he finds the little girl," I hesitated not wanting to say but knowing that I had to, "his eyes are pitch black with hunger. The vision ends there and we don't know what happens next that's why we have to hurry.

This conversation occurred in 20 seconds and in a further ten we reached the crash site where we saw Jasper looking over a little girl....